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Happy Thanksgiving!

This blog would be nothing without you.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?…I’d love to know. Leave me a comment here or visit my Facebook Fan Page.

Gobble Gobble,
Food Babe

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7 responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Aww, I loved it. Thank you for being so inspirational! Love you and miss you lots! When are we going to see each other again?

  2. Thank you for taking a stand on what you really believe in! It is hard to change old habits, but one step at a time, we can all be more conscious of what we eat!

    Lot of love

  3. Classy. Wouldn’t expect any less from you Babe. It’s always a pleasure to read your blog, your recipes, and your helpful tips. It helps so much to have your smiling face and supportive motivation as a reminder to treat my body like a temple. But I have to admit it’s most fun to learn about the totally vegan and organic lifestyle you live, and live it with you everyday. You are such an inspriration and you make it seem possible that anyone can cleanse and purify their body. I am so thankful to have you as my lovely cousin and I am so proud that you put your heart into your blog for others to learn and be successful through your choices also. It’s a wonderful thing.

  4. I’m thankful for all of you guys, too! As we become more conscious of what we put into our bodies and minds and REFUSE to settle for less, we are putting up the most important fight there is – the fight for the well-being of ourselves, our families, our planet, and every being that shares it with us. Every word, every action, and every purchase you make is changing our future. Remember to be a peaceful, grateful, and beautiful warrior, and always greet those on the other side with a smile. Don’t be too self-righteous or you’ll push them away. We’re all in this together and I am so grateful for all of you out there who are making the small decisions that make BIG differences. Bigger than we can ever imagine. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

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