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Cheetos at Check-In?

When I arrived at my hotel in Canton, Mississippi about 10 miles south of Pickens, I was handed a bag of Cheetos at check-in…a gesture I had never experienced before in all my travels. Was this truly hospitality? Or just the food culture in Mississippi?

To get a glimpse on how the rest of my trip went helping one of the most obese counties in America – please check out my interview with Take Part (the company behind Food Inc.)

You can view the full article here.


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Stay tuned – I have a lot more to share…

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12 responses to “Cheetos at Check-In?

  1. I discovered this blog earlier this year, and since then I’ve been trying to maintain some healthier habits. I do agree however that Mississippi is of sorts a food desert. I’ve lived in Mississippi all of my life, and it’s hard to find organic foods in most of the local grocery stores. On the other hand, during the summer there is a bounty of fresh produce. I think, in Mississippi, our people need education on how to maintain healthier habits, and we need to learn how to develop a wider palate. I think educating the people on a variety of flavorful healthy recipes would go a long way. People need help realizing that food can be delicious and nutritious at the same time. In the South, I think some people have the mindset that if the food is healthy it will not taste good. Education is the key. Thanks for coming to help our state!!

  2. What a wonderful article. Your visit to Pickens, Mississippi is amazing..Your observations such a part of the culture of our rural south. I live 100 miles further south, in Bogalusa, Louisiana, and the similarities all too familiar. It is difficult to purchase fresh organic food without traveling at least 30+ miles to a Farmer’s Mkt, where it is too expensive for most. The closest Whole Foods is over an hour away. Raising awareness also difficult. Many locals (including some of my own family members) have no concept of organic gardening, gmo’s or the peril of our food supply. As a cancer patient, I find this to be very disheartening, but continue to raise awareness as best as possible, and grow what I can at home with no chemicals. It’s people like you who keep me encouraged..Thank you for your inspiration!!

  3. Great article! Being from the South myself (TN) I grew up on a “Meat & 3” diet. I was never overweight but when I look back everything was fresh. We did not go to McDonald’s or have frozen dinners or processed foods. I think we have become a nation of convenience. I will also say lower income levels contribute. A few years ago my husband had lost his job, I could go buy a frozen pizza or hamburger helper a tenth of what healthier choices were. Keep up the good work!!!

  4. You are an inspiration Food Babe! Good on you for taking your own time to help other people. I live in regional Australia and I don’t have access to an organic food store within 200 km (120 miles), so I just started growing my own. That’s the cheaper way of doing it anyway. Its hard to tell people that they not only need to learn a new way of eating, but also learn to garden and keep chickens! Then you start to find people locally that want to buy organic too, and we formed a buying group and put in a big order 4 times a year, again this is expensive because you have to have the money up-front, but if you can plan for it, at least you can get grains and legumes that are difficult to grow.

    1. Thank you Liz – what you are doing is so inspiring too! I can’t wait to visit your farm one day and I’m totally serious 🙂 Maybe next year?

  5. I agree with much of what you are advocating. However, not once did you mention that most of the people you highlighted are on Food Stamps/EBT. The attitude of apathy that comes from relying on the Government is the real problem. NO ONE is forcing the people of Pickens and Mississippi to eat crap. It is their choice! I grew up in Mississippi and know of what I speak.
    It is an attitude that needs to be corrected and no truckload of organic cereal is going to fix the problem.
    And speaking of organic, while I do see the benefits of organic and clean eating, preaching “only eat organic” is off putting. It might be better to start small, for instance, don’t eat fast food. Then add, don’t eat processed food. Then add, eat more vegetables and fruit. Then try adding your organic twist on food consumption.
    I do not find this inspiring in the least. It was all handled very badly as far as I’m concerned.

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