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Boost your Bite during your Hike!

We are gearing up to go to Asheville this weekend for our friend’s Rachel & David’s wedding.  We are pumped about a 3 mile hike that Rachel has recommended for us. We’ll be getting up early on Saturday morning before the wedding to enjoy the Blue Ridge Parkway’s changing colors and glorious hiking. It’s going … Read More

Climbing to the Top – Hill Sprints Workout

This workout is inspired by the “least effective dose” that Tim Ferris discusses in his book 4 Hour Body, the philosophy of high intensity training that Jillian Michaels preaches about in Making the Cut, and the interval training experienced in the Insanity workouts. Combining all three philosophies yields dramatic results, and this hill sprint workout does just that. When you train at an incline and add sprints you are able to experience the cardio, strength training and fat burning benefits of exercise all at once.

Thank You Yoga!

WOW – My booty is still burning from today’s hot yoga class at Yoga One. I am inspired by every yoga class I take at Yoga One, but today’s class was special. Johnna was mind blowing. Any teacher that can make you laugh and cry in the same breath and make class go by in seconds is the

You are so vain…. The last 5 – 10 pounds

You probably think this post is about you! Well it is! It’s about you tapping into the power of vanity! When you spell check my name in google or any word processor, it tries to auto correct my name to “Vain.” Some people who know me probably think it’s a technical freudian slip of some sort….. If you consider and look at the definition of the word closely – “Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth.”

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