I am so deeply grateful for each one of these amazing sites that helped launch The Food Babe Way. I hope you take the time to check them out and I hope you’ll find some new ones to follow. It took an incredible amount of effort from so many thoughtful individuals, bloggers, organizations and influencers to hit the #1 spot on the best sellers list. This is no easy feat for a first time author like me, but it just goes to show you what the power of our real food movement can do when we come together.
I sincerely thank all of these incredible platforms for bringing awareness to what’s happening within the food industry and how we can take back control. You rock!
- ABC Carpet & Home
- Adventures of an Allergic Foodie
- Amanda Wilson Wellness
- At Home With Jen
- Baby Steps in High Heels
- Bex Life
- Biz Women Rock
- Blawnde
- Blondes Eat Clean
- Blue Ridge Babe
- Breana Gilcher
- Building the Broken
- Business Women Experts
- Clear Sunshine
- Coffee Wine & Yoga
- Colors of Gratitude
- Cooking with Crystal
- Cornucopia Institute
- Daily Burn
- Daisies & Thyme
- Don’t Stop Eating
- Dr. Alvin
- Dr. Frank Lipman
- Dr. Jill
- Dr. Joel Kahn, M.D.
- Dr. Josh Axe
- Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.
- Dr. Mercola
- Eat 2 Save Your Life
- Eat Local Grown
- EcoWatch with Dr. Mark Hyman
- eHealth Sage
- Embracing Imperfect
- Environmental Working Group
- Fat To Fit My Quest
- Feingold Association
- FITness MOMents
- Flour Sack Mama
- Food Integrity Now
- Frugal Foodie Frank
- Gabrielle Bernstein
- Get Green Be Well
- GiGi Eats Celebrities
- GMO Free News
- GMO Inside
- Greed For Ilm
- Green Cleaning Coach
- Growing Healthy For Life
- Haley Anne’s
- Health Conspiracy Radio
- Healthy Heart Healthy Home
- Healthy Holistic Living
- Hello Amanda
- Hilliard Studio Method
- Jennifer Ganey, CHHC
- Joy in Jackson’s Journey
- Juicing Kids
- Kacey’s Health & Happiness Show
- Keepin It Real with Jeff Richardson
- Kirstin Sweeting Morelli
- Kris Carr
- Lamb In God’s Pasture
- Lavishly Natural
- Lessons Learned From The Flock
- Lewis Howes
- Living Clean And Dirty
- Living Maxwell
- Lora Krulak
- Love Is My Why
- Macaroni Kid
- Malay Mail Online
- Mama Dot’s
- Mama Natural
- Mamavation
- MetaEnergetix
- Mixergy
- Modern Health Monk
- Mom Zinga
- Moody Foodie
- Mrs. Green’s World
- Much More Than Food
- My Heart Beets
- My Plant Based Quest
- My Quest To Become Plant Strong
- My Whole-istic Detox
- My Wise Mom
- Natural News
- Natural Well Nest
- Naturally Lindsey
- Naturally Savvy
- Off Of The Couch
- 100 Days of Real Food
- Olivia Ruth
- On Air With Ella
- Organic Fibro Mommies
- Organic Bunny
- Our Wellness Revolution
- Palacinka Beauty Blog
- Passionate Wellness by Abby
- Peaceful Foodie
- PharmerSarah
- Philadelphia Nutrition Examiner
- Piloncillo & Vainilla
- Pinstripes & Palmettos
- Purify Your Body
- QC SuperMom
- Quantum Techniques
- Real Fit Real Food Mom
- Realfoodology
- Reboot With Joe
- Red Velvet Media Blogtalk Radio with Holly Stephey
- Rich Roll
- Self Declared Foodie
- Shelby Dill-icious
- Simple Green Smoothies
- Superhero You
- Tacoma Working Mom
- Take Back Your Health
- Tavola For Two
- Teeny Tiny Foodie
- Thank Your Body
- The Balanced Blonde
- The Body Book
- The Chalk Board Mag
- The Colorful Kitchen
- The Empower Hour with Kyle Brown
- The Manic Organic Girl
- The Mig Mag Blog
- The Mirror Inside
- The Owner’s Mind
- The Preppy Vegan
- The Rogue Vegan
- The Skinny Confidential
- The Ultimate Health Podcast
- The Urban Naturopath
- The Whole Journey with Christa Orecchio
- To Your Good Health Radio with Dr. David Friedman
- Train With Bain
- Tuja Wellness
- Underground Wellness
- VerMints
- Yogabody Naturals
- Your Best Life
(If I inadvertently didn’t include your site, please let me know in the comments, and I’ll add you asap)
I continue to be astonished by all your support and generous love. I am humbled and forever grateful for every single person that is reading this book, leaving their reviews, spreading the word and getting this message out.
Because of these amazing people and you dear readers, the truth about what we put into our bodies is finally getting out to the masses in a big bold way! I know we can change our health, the food system and the world together by spreading the information and research in this book. We are winning. Companies are dropping artificial additives left and right. McDonalds, Starbucks, Campbell’s, Hershey’s, and Nestle, and so many more are responding each day… This is only the beginning!
P.S. We also made the NY Times Best Sellers List for the “Health” category and “Food & Fitness” category two months in a row too. Thank you for being part of this celebration with me – I couldn’t have done it without you!
If you haven’t already, you can get your copy of The Food Babe Way right now using any of the links below:
Hi Vani,
Thank you so much for the list. There are a few there that I recognize but most are new to me. I also have a site that I would be interested in seeing on your list. It is fairly new so there is not a lot of content yet but I am adding new posts a few times each week. You can find it at http://www.healthbenefitsof.org and each post talks about the health benefits of specific things.
I recognize quite a few of the blogs/websites on this list but surprisingly am new to food babe! The more I read about food, the more I think happy ignorance ain’t that bad. Just kidding! We do need to know, now that I have 2 small kids, I just firmly believe that I NEED to know what I’m feeding them. No hugs, swedish fish or microwave popcorn at my house.
Your articles are damaging. Please find a new profession.
Yes, very damaging to massive food manufactures feeding this country absolute garbage!
VERY damaging to the companies producing chemical warfare and packaging it as food 😀
Chemical warfare? Could you be more dramatic? Jesus.
This woman has done NOTHING but reveal what is in the food YOU and those who you care about, eat.
Vani, we applaud what you have done. It takes courage and boldness to accomplish what you have. Just as amazing are all those who support your efforts and have taken up that cause to bring about the changes we are seeing. Why anyone would be resentful of what you have done is astounding. Either they work for those companies or they are plain ignorant.
For a country that is a “leader” in the world, it is astounding to think we are one of the last to recognize and do anything about the damaging, toxic effects of our food and its additives. Continue to fight the good fight. I pray that you will continue to have success in all your efforts. You are doing great! Best wishes and God bless.
If you are really saying that agent orange is in our food supply and people are collapsing in the street from deadly neurotoxin, please supply a citation of that study please. I’m very supportive of healthy eating and making better choices, but I don’t respect someone who uses their influence to discourage pregnant women to forgo diabetes testing, telling people that sunscreen causes cancer and convince them to not get the flu shot. I would have much more respect for her if she was using her influence to bring an end to world hunger or supporting outreach to those living in poverty to bring them access to fresh and healthy food. I don’t agree with whipping people into a frenzy and preying on their anxieties over an artifical color in their mac and cheese. If her army and she would put an ounce of energy they spend fighting Subway and Starbucks into coming up with reasonable, meaningful change, I would lead the charge. All I see is someone profiting off the fears of genuinely concerned individuals. If you truly thinks she cares about you, you are as deluded as she is.
Lolawolf – Maybe you should read what I said about the glucose test before jumping to conclusions. In no way am I saying not to take the test, rather, to discuss an alternate way to do it with your doctor considering the ingredients – many of them banned in other countries because of safety reasons. https://foodbabe.com/2014/05/13/shocking-why-are-doctors-recommending-this-toxic-drink/
Here’s what I said about sunscreen (no – not all sunscreens cause a cancer risk): https://foodbabe.com/2013/05/05/what-you-need-to-know-before-you-ever-buy-sunscreen-again/
Whoop you tell em!!
How is telling someone to eat clean food and take their health in their own hands damaging?
I Think it’s an absolute crime in this country that we as consumers have to pay double, triple and sometimes Even more for Organic food with No GMO’s !! What is wrong with this reality ?? The food manufacturers have been manipulating our entire food supply for decades……No wonder disease in this country is so rampant !!
I could not agree more, Wes. Some of her “advice” is outright deadly. She has no conscious.
No one is being dramatic here.
The same company spraying our food with harmful, cancerous pesticides is the same company that created the wonderful weapon used in the Vietnam war called Agent Orange…ever heard of it? The company also states that it will never take responsibility for what was done overseas. In my opinion, not taking responsibility (for fatal injuries, the deformities of innocent children, and melting of human bodies) is psychopathic.
To say that Vani’s research involving the removal of GMO’s and processed foods from our diets is damaging is nonsensical. Also, if you find yourself working in an environment that promotes the use of deadly chemicals on FOOD and PEOPLE maybe you should rethink your career. Or make a change for the better and stop profiting from making the world sick.
KEEP GOING, VANI! You’re making positive changes and I stand by you and your research.
Monsanto made AGENT ORANGE. They are now feeding you their chemicals in pretty packages. Chemical warfare is accurate.
Stay in the dark and don’t procreate ….
@Lolaswolf The word is Conscience; which is a Noun It is an awareness of morality in regard to one’s behavior; a sense of right and wrong that urges one to act morally. Let your conscience be your guide. It is also a source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncement. Such as a document that serves as the nation’s conscience.
Vani is obviously more conscious than you are, and is more educated than you will ever be. Go troll somewhere else, you are an Epic Fail here.
Lola’s, I’m curious, is working for the gov’t as a salaried / hourly employee as a “discreditor” have any actual redeeming values other than the compensation?. Be candid for a change..:-)
So glad you are here really! I may not like your comments and I’m not here to ‘defend’ FoodBabe, I will say I used to think a lot of info on foods were “quack” but personally I went through a food overhaul for the past 4 years, and my family is the healthiest ever. It was avoiding many ingredients and chemicals that Ms FoodBabe talks about (before I ever came across her because many other Certified and degree holding professionals say the same things as FoodBabe because they care about facts and health of mankind). So, I hope in a year or two, or sooner really, that you will realize much of the information here is good consumer advice. She in NO WAY is diagnosing or treating people from her site. It’s like anything, you have a choice…
You have a CHOICE to listen or not!
You have a CHOICE to eat/drink what you want!
America is a great country that you can give your opinion and so can FoodBabe.
Yay for free speech! I’ll be holding out hope that you will soon realize truths I once failed to know too!
Only the people who have not done the research make ridiculous claims like yourself.
OMG!!!! Watch out!!!! The “Deadly Food Babe” is coming to attack me with a “Kale Salad”!!! That evil woman with no conscious wants me to eat more greens to improve my health!!!! Someone please SAVE ME!!!!!
Please, the only deadly things she advises people about are the DEADLY things in our food/personal/household products.
Thanks Food Babe! Remember to ignore these comments. “People who speak the truth are shunned and shamed by those who fear it”
OMG!!!! Watch out!!!
The “Deadly Food Babe” coming to attack me with her most evil weapon of all, a “Kale Salad”. Someone please save me!!!! She wants to improve my health with those healthily evil greens!!!! Please will someone SAVE ME!!! This woman has no conscious!!!!!
Come on, the only “deadly advice” she gives its telling the public about the deadly ingredients that are in our food/personal/household products.
Don’t let these comments hurt you. “Those who speak the truth are shunned and shammed by those who fear it”
First they make fun, then they ridicule, then they listen.
And if they don’t listen, the ridiculers that is, then they’ll be dead before us anyway, or suffering from some dreaded disease caused by the GMA, MonSATAN, DOW and, well, you just can’t leave out the Koch bro. and the Big Pharma!
Check out how many chemicals that have been banned by the EPA (the environmental pollution agency) that they once APPROVED AS SAFE!!!! Farmers in India are drinking the Monsatan’s pesticide to commit suicide when Monsatans GMO Cotton crops FAIL and they can’t afford to buy new seeds every year!!! Check that one out on your local PBS Channel!!!
Vani has done the public a great service in showing us what the greed of the large companies has done to our food supply. The GMO’s and pesticides and non-food substances in food has been hidden for a long time. End the greed and sell real and pure foods. Thank you Vani.
Damaging? Maybe damaging to the purveyors of poisons in our pantries. Damaging to the massive industrial-food complex that is in the business of making money while cutting corners to increase THEIR bottom line at the expense of our health. maybe damaging to the creators of Frankenfoods that raise our blood pressure, our BMI, our adult onset diabetes, the overuse of antibiotics, steroids, hormones and artificial growth enhancers like Ractopamine, Paylean and Optaflexx. Yeah Vani’s articles are damaging to the greedy billionaires who want more green paper in their pockets, who do not care a whit for the consumer, whom they treat as more cattle and chattel than as the humans that we are. Damaging to Eli Lilly, and Monsanto who are force feeding Americans their poisoned and poisonous fruits, vegetables and meats, while Europeans and Asians have been able to effectively BAN GMO’s in some 25 countries, and have severe restrictions in some 60 other nations. Vani is fighting for all of US, for which I am grateful. With her expose’s on various unneeded and artificial ingredients in our food, she has been successful in reducing my weight by over 40 pounds, reducing my blood pressure, and helping me to go from a size 44″ pant to a 38″ pant. I now weigh just 6 pounds more than when I met my wife 17 years ago, at the age of 38. Keep on keeping on Vani. Keep the pressure on the conglomerates and the factory farmers. We need to DEMAND that ALL GMO products sold to us here in the USA be labeled as such, so we know to avoid them like the PLAGUE that they are!
here is a letter to the editor of our local paper. It was published this year: Regarding the editorial about GMO food, the THN “Our Opinion” stated that 88 percent of scientists polled by Pew said GMO food is generally safe to eat. I’m curious how many of those scientists are involved in the production of GMO products. Eighty eight percent is an awfully high number, especially since there’s never been a long-term study to test for any possible deleterious effects such so-called foods have on the human body. Why is it that we here in the USA, are the ones who’ve been inundated with these genetically modified materials, while they’re banned in at least 26 nations, including Switzerland, Australia, Austria, China, India, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Mexico and Russia. Significant restrictions on GMOs exist in about sixty other countries.
I believe the survey done by Pew wasn’t fully forthcoming and the findings have been manipulated by the producers of such products to soothe the anxious minds of consumers. Our food here in the USA was just fine before Monsanto and other corporations started to manufacture their Frankenfoods for our consumption. There’s a major difference between cross breeding certain crops to come up with a better crop versus going into the genetic structure of a seed and implanting its DNA with Glyphosate, a poisonous toxin, which has been proven to drive breast cancer proliferation.
Here’s the story about why so many of AALS scientists polled by Pew hold those ridiculous blanket safety beliefs, Kate. Great reading if you want to be truly scared and learn how genetically engineered (GM is a euphemisom by GE proponents to make GE sound like it is as safe as conventional breeding). http://www.amazon.com/Altered-Genes-Twisted-Truth-Systematically/dp/0985616903
[finishing sentence] have probably already killed thousands. Remember the tryptophan supplements? Genetically engineered microorganisms put unintended toxins in them.
You’re a really nice person. If they’re so damaging, don’t read them 🙂
If you don’t like the articles, don’t read them. 🙂 You’re negativity is getting in the way of the words i am actually interested in.
Wes, damaging to who? Thank you Kate, for your reply. Of course, you know that what you are saying about the Pew pole is just the tip of the iceberg. The laboratory studies on rats and livestock confirm that GMO’s are dangerous and chemical companies like Monsanto could care less. Media outlets love the profits they make from chemical company advertising so they are willing participants in the lies being told to the public. If they are so certain about the safety of genetically modified food, why the strong opposition to labeling them as GMO.
Right now, the GMO labeling initiatives are all on the state level with the exception of one on the national level working through Congress now. Would it be better if there was one labeling law or 50 different ones? In Europe there is GMO labeling. Environmental activists, who hate GMOs for some reason, were successful in convincing the public there that if a product is labeled GMO then it is dangerous to eat. There is really no objective proof of that. That’s not really fair to any food company. You people who want labeling should assume that any food that is not labeled “non-GMO” probably has a GMO product in it. In my opinion the foods you want to eat are already labeled in big letters. “NON-GMO” What more do you need? Objective laboratory studies have not at all come to the conclusion that GMOs are dangerous to eat. Those studies paid for by those with an anti-GMO agenda are the ones you choose to believe.
To :Wes Gilbreath
Q: What positive contributions have YOU made to the world & to those you love?
Please let us know!
…and you as well.
We each contribute the best we can and have our own stories.
In response to your question, I am a career instructor/counselor, national best selling author, employer, wife, and mother. I also rescue abused animals, providing a loving home.
There are many more honorable people, like the Food Babe, who go above and beyond to help others. Let’s hope we all can find inspiration from her, staff, and the Food Babe Army.
I agree- she is a charleton with a degree in computer science. Vani know NOTHING about nutrition. Sad that so many ignorant people follow her blindly.
Many congrats from Real Food Rookie and the Gallagher Family!!
Cannot believe negative comments! How can promoting real healthy food be “damaging”! Kudos to you, Vani, for stepping up to the plate to fight for what is right and for bringing others to awareness. Thank you!
Promoting healthy food is not damaging if one is telling the whole truth. The problem is that much of the food babe’s information is not accurate. I farm for a living and the perceptions she gives people about the nation’s food supply does have a damaging impact on what I do for a living. If she was accurate in what actually does go on on this country’s farms and the products we use to produce crops then shame on me. Since most of the information I read coming from her about America’s conventional farms is not the truth, shame on her. The damage is done to my checkbook and your confidence in what you are eating. If she presented her opinions as just her opinions that would be fine. She is far to arrogant to say that though.
If you the farmer are farming organically Kudos! But, most of the farmers are using GMO seed OR using harsh pesticides [that do not wash off foods] or weed killers [near our growing food]. For the reason that I only want organic: I grow my own food OR buy it at a farmers market AFTER I get to know the farmer and see his farm. I am NOT out to poison my family. My great-great grandmother would not recognize most of the stuff for sale at the grocery stores as food — that being said I won’t eat it either.
Thank you Vani for exposing the greedy who are tainting our food and harming the public.
Hall, could you elaborate on what is not truth? Thanks, Marcie
She has said, in no particular order and off the top of my head….
GMO’s are responsible for honeybee decline. I have been to many meeting where honeybee decline has been discussed and GMO exposure is not listed as even a remote cause.
GMO’s caused weed resistance. Weed resistance was the reason GMO’s came about.
Farmers spray wheat with glyphosate (Roundup) just prior to harvest. Maybe a few do but that is not at all a standard practice.
Cottonseed oil is not regulated. I grow cotton. That is absolutely false.
Potato farmers grow a personal crop for themselves and another that they sell to the public, insinuating that they know they are growing a dangerous product. I know a lot of potato farmers who would be very unhappy with that statement. Potato farmers I know are proud of their product and feed it to friends and family.
GMO’s have lead to a huge increase in the amount of pesticides used. In my years of experience growing these crops, this isn’t true. I use less overall pesticides and less toxic pesticides.
There are many more but I just got in from planting crops.
Another one….conventional farmers use sewage sludge for fertilizer but organic farmers can’t by law use it. I know of no one who uses sewage sludge for fertilizer. It is used in China a lot but not much here. The animal manure used by conventional and organic farmers is a key problem with water quality in the Chesapeake Bay area.
Promoting healthy eating is great. Fear-mongering is quite another. Spreading misinformation that can be harmful if not deadly under the guise of caring is sociopathic.
Monsanto execs and politicians are sociopathic. Vani is a nice lady. I’ve met her:)
And if the Food Babe’s articles are hurting farmers’ bottom lines, they’re doing the wrong kind of farming.
I’m going to check some of these websites out!!!! I love you Vani!!! I drink my lemon water every morning and juice my kale. I eat organic, whole foods. I’ve never felt better in my life:)
Please add http://www.EatUnprocessed.com. Thank you,
Thank you Carol!!! 🙂
Thank you so much for what you do. I know there are naysayers on here, but I suspect they are paid shills. You have made a difference in my life and health.
Keep digging…and keep your head down.
Thank you so much for having me in your list of web sites as a supporter. I have healthy tips in my blog and healthy product tips as well as offer complimentary medicine treatments. I am so delighted to promote your book as a breath of fresh air — clean fresh air, loaded with good information. I posted supportive information in my blogsite and on all the social media that I am a member. After reading my copy of your book, my daughter is making more healthy food choices and feeling good.
Thanks again Vani,
Dr Jill
Could you add my friend Shari’s website two mom’s in the raw? Thanks! Marcie
Yep! Thank you!
Most of the sites are ok. Mercola’s is excellent. But, come on Hari! Natural News¡? Mike Adams is a cult like leader that attacks whoever doesn’t think like him and his egomanic ideas like the Super Food Lab.
He is just a conspiracy theory creator.
Maybe you don’t like Natural News.com, Mike Adames, but I sure do. He tells it like it is and I have learned a lot from his Website. If you don’t like him then don’t read it! I also like his Foodlab. I also like to buy his Vitamins because I trust him. Just don’t read it, take that stress out of your life.
Fitlife.tv is a great website.
I think you are wonderful!I did not see Paul Connett on your list but I sure liked the ones you have onAlso I love Erin Brockevich with EWG.Keep up the good work FOOD BABE
@Lolaswolf & Wes Gilbreath You are both probably paid SHILLS for Big Farma, or any of the subdivisions of Monsanto and their cronies. Your vapid and ignorant comments are not wanted here, nor needed, as they bring nothing to the table but the specious poisoned fruits of your ignorance.
if you choose to essentially anonymously insult people over the internet the same thing can be said of you
@asdf jkl #1 You have no room to talk. #2 I am a German citizen. I live in Germany. I have a German name? Sind Sie Deutsch? Dumm Sau!
I think what you’re doing is just a positive action in general. If people don’t believe it or think it’s bologna, then whatever, that’s their opinion. They can join the fox news article saying that microwaves and pasteurized milk are COMPLETELY healthy for you….
Vani, you are fabulous! Your strength and courage to power through regardless of the resistance is truly inspiring. I also want to thank you for not giving attention to the nay-sayers. Whatever we put our energy towards grows stronger. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for being an ever-expanding beacon of light. xx
Vani’s messaging is sensationalist and much if not most of it is unsupported by any rigorous studies or peer reviewed science. For one, if I were to devote myself to a cause like this, I’d at least like to take an organic chemistry course or three, maybe even get a degree in the same before I professed such expertise. Yet this blog is devoid of any credentials or ACCURATE and responsible citations.
Of course I want food to be healthful and would support any and all such efforts, but this type of blog is damaging to the researchers and scientists who actually put in the real work and effort to identify exactly what is and what is not harmful. Akin to the boy who cried wolf. Vani is charlatan. She dilutes future receptivity to certain chemicals and foods that truly are problematic.
Just the name of the blog alone, “FoodBABE” proves the point. Why does it she have to incorporate her image into her messaging? At every turn, her picture? In my view, Vani is in this for herself as much or more than any purported good she hopes to bring about– she’s the David Miscavige of the Good Food movement. Is everyone that reads this blog using magnet therapy and power crystals too?
Science and the scientific process is important. We can’t just assume certain ingredients are toxins simply because a pretty girl calls herself a babe and publishes little 250 word blurbs of sensationalist racket nicely tucked between links to her books and other products which are paying her.
Grow up people.
Credentialed people with letters by their name are great, but often overrated. TOO OFTEN overrated in fact. Common sense rules, and too often the people with the letters by their name are simply puppets on a large bankroll saying what they’re told to say. “Grow up people?” Sounds like the average Joe comment of the uneducated who simply follows the masses.
Think about how many chemicals, food additives, artificial colors, man made crap (not to mention pharmaceuticals) and other food-like products that have made it onto the market thanks to “extensive studies” by :peer reviewed” studies only to be pulled off the shelves years later due to their cancer causing properties. Smoking was once supported by the medical profession…even though it took 50 years and lots of studies to finally be proven to be unhealthy…what about simple common sense here…ludicrous.
Finally…what about your use of the word “sensationalist”. Defined as “a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are over-hyped to increase viewership or readership numbers. ” Call it what you want, but following that definition, it sounds like American media, American politics, American Business etc etc, at it’s finest..
Wes: you are living proof why Mom’s and Dad’s need NetNanny software on their PC’s when they leave 13yr olds like you at home alone, without any adult supervision. YOU are the one who needs to grow up, kid.
Vani, you absolutely ROCK! and, please do not let the little voices of indifference ever sway you from your path. We all greatly appreciate what you do and, you do it very professionally.
People who bring out the truth are always attacked by the ones who are perpetrating the lie, when the information starts to make a difference.
Proof that Vani is making a difference. I don’t mind seeing her smiling face
on her blog. It makes me smile, too.
Boy I wished you were in politics! You would set things straight when there are claims that green is the way to go and then having a large city dumping their waste into the sea……well because it is too expensive to fix the problem. Hello, we have to have septic systems in place in rural areas at a price of @ 16,000. Then there is the wasteful spending of tax payers money to build very elaborate ( got to show the world how rich we are) buildings, instead of something generic and useful and enviro friendly, and cost effective. So our enviro concerns also play a big part on our health and well being…….like our food and lifestyle.
I think Wellness Mama should be on the list!
Vani, Thank you so much for all of the research & petitions that you have done and continue to do to open-the-eyes of manufacturers and restaurants, etc. to what they are doing to us and the fact that the majority of us are tired of buying food that is no longer ‘food’ with little or no nutrition.
As for me, I have searched GMO products for a few years and over 20 years ago I did a great deal of research about Soy – few believed me then and those same probably still don’t – but that is their problem. And it was my searching for gluten-free recipes (no wheat, white flour – just nut or coconut or amaranth, etc. flours) – when I found your website.
I am excited to find verification of so much plus finding totally new things which have helped me a great deal in my ‘trying’ to eat correctly.
thank you Vani. Know that you are greatly appreciated.
Hello!! I will like to know if organic soy bean oil is bad for me like the regulor soy bean oil. Can u please answer this question! Thank you!!
I started eating organic and synthetic free about three months ago and it has changed my health greatly. So far, I have lost 37 pounds, no longer suffer from hypothyroidism, no more IBS, and my skin and hair are healthier than ever. I am a breast cancer survivor and I want to do everything I can to remain a survivor. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and helping to educate the public.
You go girl.
Thank you, Renee!!
Thank you so much for this! There are a few there that I recognize but many are new to me. I have a site that I would be interested in seeing on your list which has tremendously helped me on my wellness journey. http://www.gerson.org
My personal website is pretty new so there is not a lot of content yet but I am adding new posts. Organic wellness, natural beauty and modest fashion blog. http://www.carmillafash.blogspot.com
I aplaude you and I am eternally grateful for your efforts. You are amazing! I dont even think you even comprehend the gravity of the depth of the information that you provide. Let me explain how pervasive this issue is. When a person eats the nutrition or lack there of dictates every aspect of their experience. Unnatural chemicals hinder their ability to think correctly, cope with challenges, and comprehend the world around them. Thus the emergence of depression, ADD, dementia, diabetes, heart desease, violence, and a host of other horrors that plague our society. When you couple the devastating chemicals that our food manufactures are providing us and the harmful medications that are prescribed by our medical industry many become like living zombies that are ruled by stress, fear, and anger because they lack the natural coping mechanisms to rise about negative thoughts and feelings because their true self is being suppressed by these deadly chemicals. Thousands of people die because they don’t read they don’t read your literature they don’t even read the ingredients on their food. Many don’t read because they are lazy, many are lazy because they eat chemicals that cause their laziness, and the cycle continues. Thank you for standing up to Goliath and educating people on their rights not to be pushed around and robbed of the money as well as the ability to have a happy healthy life. You were born for this mission that is why you’re so great at it and it gives you so much pleasure. You re another example of the power of purpose as you have made your personal challenges a stepping stone to success and a vehicle for well being for all who have the pleasure of experiencing your love and passion.
Vani, thanks for this, and you are also being promoted on my blog site. Your book is forefront. http://peacefulfoodie.com/what-is-in-your-food/
Hi, Vani. I think you’re one of the best, strongest, and most inspiring people ever. I’ve already told you this several times, but I think it should be said again in this forum amist all the negativity. That said, I thought my friend Rose from What Rose Knows gave you a good review. Maybe you could please check that out. Thank you.
Hi Vani,
Please add my site. I gave you a great review! http://www.offofthecouch.wordpress.com.
I guess I should get a shorter name 🙂 Thank you! I am @offofthecouch on twitter.
You are the Jenny McCarthy of modern food science… Please stop before someone gets hurt.
LOL – who is going to get hurt by cutting processed foods out of their diet? Take a look around you – is “modern food science” really doing us any favors? Instead of attacking Vani’s approach (which has helped so many people on the path to better health), why don’t you consider how modern food science is hurting us by contributing towards our epidemics of food-related chronic disease? MORE processed junk food for kids, more pesticides, more chemical additives, more pharmaceuticals to hide the symptoms.
It’s disturbing that you people feel a need to criticize and discourage those who are pursuing health for their families through organic, unprocessed foods and toxin-free products. We have a right to choose what foods we eat – why do you care so much if our choice is different from yours?
“Please stop before someone gets hurt” – You should be sending that comment to McDonald’s, Burger King, etc and Monsanto instead of to a woman who is simply trying to get people to eat healthier. Fast food joints don’t care about your health or if you suffer a heart attack from the excessive consumption of their garbage. Monsanto also does not give a damn about you, only about their profits.
Hate to break it to you, but the people who are living to 80+ years old today did not grow up on a diet of trans fats and high fructose syrup and had much less exposure to environmental toxins than we do today. Here is a report from the National Institute of Health (you trust them, right?) that predicts life expectancy will drop due to the obesity epidemic alone by 2 to 5 or more years. http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/mar2005/nia-16.htm
Also, U.S. is 40th in the world currently for life expectancy rate – really don’t think that’s something to brag about.
People who are 80 years or older have been exposed to far more toxic pesticides and toxic substances than you will ever be. Pesticides today are much safer than those from the 40’s to the early 90’s.
Hi Vani,
I promoted you on my blog site too. It is http://www.offofthecouch.wordpress.com.
The book is awesome. Thank you so much for your hard work and spreading the word on how to eat for health.
After reading “The Foodbabe Way” and other books similar to it, I have a hard time trusting that the FDA is looking out for the health and well being of the US population. After reading some of the comments here, it is clear to me that some people find it easier to just hide their heads in the sand than to put forth the effort to avoid ingesting chemicals that other countries have actually banned! Thank you, Vani and everyone else on this list for standing up to the big food giants! You are doing the right thing and have encouraged me to spread the truth, too! I am truly grateful for all of your hard work!
Love what you are doing to make us all healthier. Have used many of your recipes. You might want to include http://www.marisawiewall.com which is another blog I follow. Excellent cleanses.
Thank you for making us all more aware of what we can do to be healthier. Have used many of your recipes. Also follow http://www.marisawiewall.com. Love her cleanses.
You appear to be unqualified to be speaking about anything related to science and food. You have done zero study in either field so you are not an expert. Please stop as you seem to notice to know when you are spreading untruths.
BTW if it isn’t a chemical then it is either antimatter or dark matter and synthetic chemicals can be safer than their natural counterparts in some cases.
Readers listen to those who have properly educated themselves in these fields and leave the for-profit-proselytizers like this blog alone.
If you want to improve your blog please link to the tudies you refer to and not articles or blogposts about the subject you speak. It would be a great way to increase your credibility.
AL: look up Ractopamine, Paylean and Optaflexx It is in your turkey, chicken, pork and beef. Drink dark colored soda? look up 4-mei. Do you like Hexane with your fried chicken? Better stop using canola oil. You are grown up enough (I hope) to do the rest of the research on your own.
You are sadly misinformed. While Food Babe may not be qualified I can point you to many medical journals that will prove you wrong in most cases. You “cuz science” people really know absolutely nothing and you are just as bad as the “this is merica” rednecks.
Please do so then. I would love to see a peer reviewed article from a reputable journal on toxins in my food or how all chemicals are harmful.
The big issue I have here and likely with people like you is that so much of what is laughably wrong in her posts comes from not understanding what the words she is using actually mean. The repeated misuse of “Chemicals” instead of additives is a great example of this. There is a ton of nuance in science and if you have no background in science you should leve the expert statements to those that do.
Sure Al – let’s listen to the real experts who will continue to lead us down our path of obesity, diabetes, and cancer while maintaining that these additives are “safe”. Why don’t you go tell the 1/3 of American children who are now obese or overweight how safe their food is.
1/3?? Where did that come from? Go to any school anywhere and you’ll see nowhere near 33% of the kids are obese. Most kids that are obese consume too many calories (even non GMO and organic) and are not active enough. It’s comments like this that detract from FoodBabe’s passion for healthy eating.
Jeff, you can find the 1 in 3 statistic using a simple Google search:
“In 2012, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.”
And sure, the cause for this is “not exercising enough” and too many “non-GMO organic” calories. It has nothing to do with the highly processed and nutrient poor junk food that is so heavily marketed towards kids.
And we should trust the food scientists? The ones who made margarine and other foods with trans fats in them which caused so many people to have heart attacks? Then just said “whoops, sorry about that folks”. Yea, right! They’re all such “experts”.
Actually, what you’re referring to are engineers, not scientists. Scientists experiment, document, test and publish. Food engineers actually create the stuff.
After five years of unexplained infertility I finally got answers! I eliminated processed foods from my diet and it’s been life changing. Through my new blog I hope to empower and encourage others to take control of their health!
My mother and I have a plant-based food blog, Forkful of Love (www.forkfuloflove.com). It would be a honor to be added to your list. I am a graduate of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies plant-based certificate program in conjunction with Cornell University. We write about how food choice maters and encourage families to join together to find accurate health information which is best for health and longevity, and reject the status quo where other interests are at play. Thank you for your on-going vigilance around food safety. Your website and book are wonderful resources!
Just clicked over to your blog! Love it and especially love the mother and daughter aspect!
Thank you for visiting!!
I think http://www.greensmoothiegirl.com should be on this list! She has been helping a huge amount of people switch to whole foods and even has organic, non-gmo, raw, vegan and some sprouted products as well as educational books/programs to support that goal. Her work, as well as Vani’s, has helped me a great deal.
Congratulations! You’ve got the corporate trolls on the attack. That means you are hurting their efforts to destroy our world and everyone in it. Good for you AND Good for us!
I love what you are doing by waking America up to what is going on in the food industry!
I have a website as well and we teach people about real food and how to take baby steps to get the crap out of the kitchen and bring the good stuff in. We’d love to be added to your list 🙂
Foodbabe…can u tell me what’s going on with Silk coconut milk…and what’s your recommendation for the best one to use?
I also read where sbux coconut milk is not really coconut milk at all but basically sugar water…true?
Another site for great information is http://www.NutritionFacts.org by Dr. Michael Greger which provides balanced views.
Keep up the good work, Vani.
Thanks Vani for including my blog in this list. I was happy to do the review because your book is fabulous! Keep up the great work and next time you are in Los Angeles we should totally meet up! Rock on!
Congratulations on #1! Well deserved! Love everything you do Vani, you have put heahy food on the map and unhealthy crap in the toilet where it belongs.. no let me correct that unhealthy food should be shot into outerspace so it doesn’t contaminate us further!
I notice GMOFREEUSA is not in the list, one of my favorites! Hope it can be added 🙂
Vani-congrats! So proud of you & all your hard work! I’ve been following you & Lisa Leake for about 3 years as my children & I changed the way we eat. I live in small town TX, so access to clean food & misunderstanding/opposition are always a struggle. Thank you for putting yourself out there so unselfishly to help your fellow man and country. You are a true blessing. I heard an amazing song on the radio, and it made me think of you. Fight Song by Rachel Platten-download it and play it before meeting with Big Food companies to help keep your fight alive! God bless!
Thank you for this list! We applaud you and everyone else that promotes a healthy lifestyle. We all need healthy reminders to keep us in check! Thank you for your hard work,
A friend of mine gave me your book and I have to thank you for opening my eyes! I live on SSI so my income is very limited. My grocery money didn’t buy very much at the organic store. Only 2 bunches of organic kale, 1 bag of organic beans, 3 organic apples, and 6 free range organic eggs. Will this be enough food for the week? I’m concerned but decided it is more important to eat organic and healthy and free of all those dirty chemicals. Surely that should be my priority. I have my Shungite and Turquoise necklace that will help protect me from poisons. Do you have any other suggestions for me? I am disabled from Bipolar disease and Lupus. Is there anything I can do to cure these? I tried the electricshock like Dr Qz said but it didn’t help. I don’t want to take these nasty medications anymore. You are so smart and know so much about nutrients! What can help me?
Unfortunately, nutritious food cannot cure bipolar illness or lupus. I think the only cure so far for lupus lies in stem cell research. As for bipolar illness, research is ongoing on omega-3 fatty acids for a possible treatment. The only diseases that food has cured, that I am aware of are heart disease and type 2 diabetes (low fat diets). It is way better to eat a large amount of fruits and vegetables that are conventionally grown if that’s what you can afford rather than only a small amount of organic ones! As for kale, just cook it – pesticides levels typically diminish when food is cooked.
If you check out the EWG website, one that the food babe loves, they say that it is much better to eat conventionally produced fruits and vegetables than do without if you either can’t afford organic or don’t have access. The fact that you say, according to the food babe, you should only eat and use organic products among other things is the reason why her advice is so damaging. It just isn’t completely true yet you are afraid and feel victimized because you don’t have much money. God bless you!
Foods are often only organic up to a point. Organic covers the part where the apple is grown but does not necessarily cover post-production. For instance, apples in the store are typically coated with diphenylamine. It gives then a shiny appearance and extends shelf life. If the apple was grown organically, it can still be sold as organic even if was coated “after the fact”.
A similar situation exists with eggs. The USDA requires that all eggs sold in the US be washed. Washing the eggs removes the natural “bloom” that coats the egg and keeps bacteria out. In the UK, it’s illegal to wash eggs. If you’ve traveled a lot, you know that in many parts of the world eggs are not refrigerated and they’re sold at room temp, out in the open air. That’s because they still have the bloom. They were not washed. In the UK, the incidence of people getting salmonella poisoning from eggs is lower than in the US.
Many different things (chemicals) can be used to wash and disinfect/sanitize the eggs. The USDA has a list. Most big egg operations coat their eggs with mineral oil to extend shelf life. Mineral oil is actually not on the approved list but the USDA seems to have given tacit approval to mineral oil as its use is widespread. I’ve heard of sailors actually coating eggs with petroleum jelly to extend the life of an unrefrigerated egg to perhaps over a year. My point is, the egg could have been produced organically but other things can happen “post production” and the egg can still be sold as organic.
The Food Babe hates poor people and disabled people. I never said anything bad about her, all I did was ask how I could eat better on my very small budget and she not only won’t answer, she keeps deleting my questions. And no one in the UK gets Salmonella from eggs because the chickens are vaccinated against Salmonella!
You forgot mine! :/
You forget mine as well 🙂
This is an awesome list here 🙂 Thanks for sharing. I definitely want to check most of them.
We’re missing on your list — http://www.silvanapure.com/blog
Thank you so much 🙂