I am so deeply grateful for each one of these amazing sites that helped launch The Food Babe Way. I hope you take the time to check them out and I hope you’ll find some new ones to follow. It took an incredible amount of effort from so many thoughtful individuals, bloggers, organizations and influencers to hit the #1 spot on the best sellers list. This is no easy feat for a first time author like me, but it just goes to show you what the power of our real food movement can do when we come together.
I sincerely thank all of these incredible platforms for bringing awareness to what’s happening within the food industry and how we can take back control. You rock!
- ABC Carpet & Home
- Adventures of an Allergic Foodie
- Amanda Wilson Wellness
- At Home With Jen
- Baby Steps in High Heels
- Bex Life
- Biz Women Rock
- Blawnde
- Blondes Eat Clean
- Blue Ridge Babe
- Breana Gilcher
- Building the Broken
- Business Women Experts
- Clear Sunshine
- Coffee Wine & Yoga
- Colors of Gratitude
- Cooking with Crystal
- Cornucopia Institute
- Daily Burn
- Daisies & Thyme
- Don’t Stop Eating
- Dr. Alvin
- Dr. Frank Lipman
- Dr. Jill
- Dr. Joel Kahn, M.D.
- Dr. Josh Axe
- Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.
- Dr. Mercola
- Eat 2 Save Your Life
- Eat Local Grown
- EcoWatch with Dr. Mark Hyman
- eHealth Sage
- Embracing Imperfect
- Environmental Working Group
- Fat To Fit My Quest
- Feingold Association
- FITness MOMents
- Flour Sack Mama
- Food Integrity Now
- Frugal Foodie Frank
- Gabrielle Bernstein
- Get Green Be Well
- GiGi Eats Celebrities
- GMO Free News
- GMO Inside
- Greed For Ilm
- Green Cleaning Coach
- Growing Healthy For Life
- Haley Anne’s
- Health Conspiracy Radio
- Healthy Heart Healthy Home
- Healthy Holistic Living
- Hello Amanda
- Hilliard Studio Method
- Jennifer Ganey, CHHC
- Joy in Jackson’s Journey
- Juicing Kids
- Kacey’s Health & Happiness Show
- Keepin It Real with Jeff Richardson
- Kirstin Sweeting Morelli
- Kris Carr
- Lamb In God’s Pasture
- Lavishly Natural
- Lessons Learned From The Flock
- Lewis Howes
- Living Clean And Dirty
- Living Maxwell
- Lora Krulak
- Love Is My Why
- Macaroni Kid
- Malay Mail Online
- Mama Dot’s
- Mama Natural
- Mamavation
- MetaEnergetix
- Mixergy
- Modern Health Monk
- Mom Zinga
- Moody Foodie
- Mrs. Green’s World
- Much More Than Food
- My Heart Beets
- My Plant Based Quest
- My Quest To Become Plant Strong
- My Whole-istic Detox
- My Wise Mom
- Natural News
- Natural Well Nest
- Naturally Lindsey
- Naturally Savvy
- Off Of The Couch
- 100 Days of Real Food
- Olivia Ruth
- On Air With Ella
- Organic Fibro Mommies
- Organic Bunny
- Our Wellness Revolution
- Palacinka Beauty Blog
- Passionate Wellness by Abby
- Peaceful Foodie
- PharmerSarah
- Philadelphia Nutrition Examiner
- Piloncillo & Vainilla
- Pinstripes & Palmettos
- Purify Your Body
- QC SuperMom
- Quantum Techniques
- Real Fit Real Food Mom
- Realfoodology
- Reboot With Joe
- Red Velvet Media Blogtalk Radio with Holly Stephey
- Rich Roll
- Self Declared Foodie
- Shelby Dill-icious
- Simple Green Smoothies
- Superhero You
- Tacoma Working Mom
- Take Back Your Health
- Tavola For Two
- Teeny Tiny Foodie
- Thank Your Body
- The Balanced Blonde
- The Body Book
- The Chalk Board Mag
- The Colorful Kitchen
- The Empower Hour with Kyle Brown
- The Manic Organic Girl
- The Mig Mag Blog
- The Mirror Inside
- The Owner’s Mind
- The Preppy Vegan
- The Rogue Vegan
- The Skinny Confidential
- The Ultimate Health Podcast
- The Urban Naturopath
- The Whole Journey with Christa Orecchio
- To Your Good Health Radio with Dr. David Friedman
- Train With Bain
- Tuja Wellness
- Underground Wellness
- VerMints
- Yogabody Naturals
- Your Best Life
(If I inadvertently didn’t include your site, please let me know in the comments, and I’ll add you asap)
I continue to be astonished by all your support and generous love. I am humbled and forever grateful for every single person that is reading this book, leaving their reviews, spreading the word and getting this message out.
Because of these amazing people and you dear readers, the truth about what we put into our bodies is finally getting out to the masses in a big bold way! I know we can change our health, the food system and the world together by spreading the information and research in this book. We are winning. Companies are dropping artificial additives left and right. McDonalds, Starbucks, Campbell’s, Hershey’s, and Nestle, and so many more are responding each day… This is only the beginning!
P.S. We also made the NY Times Best Sellers List for the “Health” category and “Food & Fitness” category two months in a row too. Thank you for being part of this celebration with me – I couldn’t have done it without you!
If you haven’t already, you can get your copy of The Food Babe Way right now using any of the links below:
Vani, appreciate so much what you are doing! I have a suggestion for another investigation that I believe needs to be done: Pork products, including sausage, bacon, ham, etc. My family has been eating a certain brand (local to NC, SC and VA) that is family owned. Since my wife and I are on a quest to only eat organic, I called their office, the person that answered said she could not answer my question (whether their hogs were fed GMO products) and that she would have one of the owners to return my call. He did return my call within 2-3 min. And when I asked if their hogs were fed any GMO products, his reply was: what are GMO’S. I told him what they were and he said his son was a member of the NC Pork Council and was at a meeting right now and he would ask him. He did say that they purchased eastern NC hogs and he knew they were fed corn and soybeans that came in by trainload from the Midwest. We currently try to limit our bacon purchases to Pederson’s or something purchased from Whole Foods but looks like we need to stop purchasing ………….. Sausage. Not trying to hurt a small(er) family owned business because that represents my roots, but believe this would be helpful for people to know. I did tell him it was my opinion they should be aware of this and try to stay away from GMO fed hogs. Like you, I believe changes need to be made by our food producers!
Vani. There is my website too. 🙂 It is called Thrivingwell4life, but this is my temp site until I move to a new hosting soon.