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Is Organic Food A Scam?

I choose to eat organic food whenever possible because I believe it’s better for my health, the environment, and the farmers who grow our food. But not everyone agrees with me. There are a lot of people who think organic food is too expensive, a waste of money, and a scam. Do you feel that way?

It’s no wonder people feel this way, with headlines like these…

“Buying organic veggies at the supermarket is a waste of money” – Quartz

“The USDA ‘Organic’ Label Misleads And Rips Off Consumers” – Forbes

“Organic Foods Are Just A ‘Marketing Label” – Business Insider

“Don’t Believe the (Organic) Hype” – NPR

“Is organic food worth the higher price? Experts say no” – Portland Tribune

One of the biggest perpetrators of these beliefs is Monsanto (and other big biotech companies like Syngenta and Bayer). Think about it: their best-selling products like Roundup and GMO seeds are banned on organic farms. If all farms were organic their biggest products would bite the dust! Any messaging that organic food is better than conventionally grown food is harmful to their business and they have deep pockets to fight against this type of information.

Just like the millions of dollars that big food and agrochemical companies spent to fight GMO labels, it’s easy for them to put big money into advertising and ag front groups to spin the message that organic food is a scam. They don’t want Americans to question how our food is produced in large industrial operations. And, they don’t want to spend more money buying and growing organic ingredients, because that cuts into their bottom line. 

I’m going to present the case here for organic food, so you can decide what is best for yourself and your family. 

You owe it to yourself to take a hard look at what you choose to eat every day and how it can affect your health. Do the research it takes so you can make an informed decision about whether organic food is worth it to you, and don’t just blindly believe what anyone (including me) tells you. I want you to feel informed and empowered! 

One of the most fascinating reports about organic food comes from a large project recently commissioned by the European Parliament. Experts from throughout the world were asked to study whether organic food and farming is healthier for us – and their conclusions counter everything that you may have heard about organic food. The researchers concluded (quoting Harvard):

  • In conventional food, there are pesticide residues that remain in the food even after it’s washed. Organic foods are produced virtually without pesticides.
  • Three long-term birth cohort studies in the U.S. suggest that pesticides are harming children’s brains.
  • Women’s exposure to pesticides during pregnancy, measured through urine samples, was associated with negative impacts on their children’s IQ and neurobehavioral development, as well as with ADHD.
  • The gray matter was thinner in children the higher their mothers’ exposure to organophosphates, which are used widely in pesticides.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women, and women planning to become pregnant, may wish to eat organic foods as a precautionary measure because of the significant and possibly irreversible consequences for children’s health.

An important takeaway: When you choose organic, you’re eating food with less (or without) pesticides.

The whole basis of organic farming is to produce food without the need to use toxic pesticides. Crops are managed in a way that prevents the need to use chemicals. When produce from farms has been tested, organic has far less pesticide residue compared with conventional (non-organic). By eating organic you can significantly decrease your exposure to pesticides! 

“Organic is a strictly regulated term, so you can trust that you’re getting produce grown with minimal if any synthetic pesticides.” Consumer Reports: Pesticides In Produce, 2015

There are MAJOR health consequences to eating pesticides. It’s no joke!

Many of the pesticides used on conventional farms are hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, or reproductive toxins which are strongly linked to many diseases and health issues:

Pesticides are even MORE damaging to children because their metabolism is different than adults and toxins remain longer in their body. The damage starts in the womb!

“Epidemiologic evidence demonstrates associations between early life exposure to pesticides and pediatric cancers, decreased cognitive function, and behavioral problems… Recognizing and reducing problematic exposures will require attention to current inadequacies in medical training, public health tracking, and regulatory action on pesticides.” – American Academy of Pediatrics

Let’s not forget about the impact on farmers…

Tens of thousands of farm workers are poisoned by pesticides each year in the U.S. according to EPA reports – and there are likely many incidents that go unreported. The effects on farmers and nearby communities are devastating! If this is what happens on the farm, what are these chemicals doing to our bodies when we eat them in small amounts day after day?

Critics say the amount of pesticides on food is too small to do any damage – but that isn’t the case when talking about endocrine-disruptors!

“The entire U.S. population is exposed on a daily basis to numerous agricultural chemicals… Many of these chemicals have known or suspected carcinogenic or endocrine-disrupting properties. President’s Cancer Panel 

When it comes to endocrine disruptors, chronic small exposures are the MOST damaging – “the dose makes the poison” mantra does not apply! 

What about just peeling and washing the pesticides off?

It’s not that easy. Many of the chemicals used on conventional food are systemic – meaning they’re absorbed into the food and you can’t simply just wash it off. When it comes to non-organic packaged food, almost all of it is filled with GMOs that absorb and contain glyphosate weedkiller strongly linked to cancer and numerous diseases. This weedkiller is used on non-GMO crops too – but banned on organic!

There are often MULTIPLE pesticides in each fruit or vegetable – and residue rates are rising.

Several pesticide residues are usually found and there’s no legal limit on the number of different pesticides allowed on food. And, the problem is getting worse:

“One sample of strawberries contained residues of 20 pesticides, according to the “Pesticide Data Program” (PDP) report issued this month by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service… Notably, the agency said only 15 percent of the 10,187 samples tested were free from any detectable pesticide residues. That’s a marked difference from 2014, when the USDA found that over 41 percent of samples were “clean” or showed no detectable pesticide residues.” ~ Carey Gillam, U.S. Right To Know, November 2016.

Pesticides are destroying the environment and not helping to “feed the world”…

Experts at the U.N. recently warned that pesticides end up in our water systems, damage our ecological system, contaminate soils, are responsible for bee deaths, and are a huge environmental threat to the future of food production. The issue of world hunger is due to poverty, inequality and distribution – not lack of food. 

“It is time to overturn the myth that pesticides are necessary to feed the world and create a global process to transition toward safer and healthier food and agricultural production.” U.N. Special Rapporteurs on Toxics and the Right to Food, March 2017

Are pesticides used to grow organic food?

It’s true that organic food is not always pesticide free – but that doesn’t mean you should throw the baby out with the bathwater. The best way to keep toxic chemicals out of your food is to choose organic.

  • Organic-approved pesticides are only allowed to be used as a “last resort” on organic crops, when these other methods fail – and farmers have to demonstrate the need to their organic certifier. In general, organic farmers are reluctant to use pesticides. When pesticides are used, organic farmers generally use natural and non-toxic substances derived from plants or bacteria.
  • Before a pesticide can be approved for organics, it goes through many hoops and is more rigorously reviewed than other pesticides. That’s why there are only about 25 synthetic products permitted on organic farms, while non-organic farms have upwards of 900 agrochemicals to use at their disposal!
  • Just because some pesticides are permitted on organic food, doesn’t mean that farmers are using them. There is a difference between something being permitted and something actually being used. For example – the FDA allows all kinds of nasty food additives, but that doesn’t mean that every food producer is guilty of using them.
  • Tested organic produce contains much lower pesticide residues than non-organic. This is further evidence that organic farmers aren’t using pesticides just because they are permitted.

No, toxic rotenone isn’t being sprayed all over organic food either…

Critics argue that “horribly toxic pesticides” are used on organic crops, and that they’re used in much greater amounts. One of the pesticides they routinely bring up is rotenone – but this pesticide isn’t even being used! It was once approved for organic crops, but the EPA has banned it from U.S. cropsSome other countries still use rotenone, but the National Organic Standards Board has passed a recommendation to prohibit it outright.

Another one that gets brought up is copper sulfate. This can be used by both organic and conventional fruit farmers as a fungicide – but conventional farmers reportedly use more of it and their versions contain riskier “non-active” ingredients. Organic farmers are required to monitor copper sulfate use and aren’t permitted to continue if it accumulates in high levels in the soil.

Choosing organic goes beyond just avoiding toxic pesticides…

By choosing certified organic food you’ll automatically avoid many dangerous food additives – like TBHQ, BHT, artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) and artificial food dyes (yellow #5, etc) which are all banned from certified organic products. Carrageenan is on the organic chopping block as well. Although you ALWAYS need to read the ingredient list – even on organic products – it’s easier to find products without a crazy long list of additives and that actually contain real food!

If you eat meat or dairy, choosing organic is even MORE important…

Conventional meat, eggs, and dairy can be contaminated with even more synthetic pesticides than plant-based foods. Pesticides used on feed accumulate in animal tissues over time – and pesticide residues have been found in conventional beef, eggmilk, pork, and poultry samples. Using only certified organic feed is required when raising organic animals.

Most conventional animals are also raised on growth-promoting steroids, antibiotics, and other drugs – and these residues have been found in meat too. The overuse of growth-promoting antibiotics is creating superbugs that contaminate the meat, putting us at greater risk of antibiotic-resistant infections. These drugs are prohibited in the raising of organic animals!

Safeguarding organic regulations already on the books and strengthening them is very important to protecting our food.

With bigger food companies moving into organics, they are surely trying to water down the system. There are some bad guys out there not following the rules and some organic food is contaminated, but we all have to eat and organic food remains the lowest risk. Ultimately, it’s best to buy organic food grown on small local farms where you can shake the farmer’s hand and ask questions. Your local farmers market is perfect for this and you can also check the Local Harvest website for local growers. 

Organic can be more expensive, but it’s worth it.

I believe that buying quality organic food and eating the most nutritious foods on the planet will save you big bucks down the road in medical costs, prescription drugs and doctor visits – It’s totally up to us to make it a priority. I’ve got over 75 organic budgeting tips here to help.

When I switched to eating primarily organic whole foods, everything changed in my life. I went from someone overweight and sick to a new being of vibrant health. I want everyone to feel this way! 

Next time you hear that organic food is a scam, who are you going to believe?

I’ve learned to be careful about who I trust for health information and seek out experts who don’t use Monsanto’s talking points and aren’t muddled with industry ties. Ultimately, the only person you can trust is yourself. Make the switch to organic food and see how you feel. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised! 

Share this post with anyone who tells you organic is not worth the money and is a scam. We need to keep spreading the truth. 



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91 responses to “Is Organic Food A Scam?

  1. I would NEVER take food/nutrition advise from Forbes or the Business Insider or any business-oriented publication!

    1. If you think FoodBabe is not a business oriented publication, then I have some advice to sell you too.

      1. You are funny Emma, if you know anything about who I am or my story, you’d know that I started this blog for my family and friends to get healthier. And now after several years and after quitting my corporate banking job – I do make a living off getting people healthier and changing food companies for the better! But make no mistake, I don’t do what I do for the “business”, it’s my passion – I’d continue doing exactly what I am doing today even if I won the lottery.

      2. I love how people knock down those that get paid for their passion. Just because you’re programmed to go to school get a job that you hate doesn’t make getting paid to do something you love like helping people wrong! Everyone has the right to make a living!! I’d rather give her my money then Big Pharma. Wake up!!

  2. Hi!

    I’d love for you to research Green Tea HP (you know the little packets they sell in the mall?) It said it’s sweetened with xylitol and sucralose but that there’s only like .00007 amount of sucralose in it… Just bought some and don’t know if I dare drink them now! Would you drink them? Thank you!!!

  3. How can you post such lies. “Organic foods are produced virtually without pesticides”. Maybe in your virtual reality but not in the real world. Yes pesticides are used in organic farming and are just as toxic if not more than those used in conventional farming yet you never mention them. Stop misleading your readers just to make a buck!

      1. It also says this
        Authorities in both the European Union and the United States insist that current limits on the amount of pesticides in conventional produce are adequate to ensure that it’s perfectly safe.

      2. Marie, you are strip quoting the article. The statement about authorities saying conventional crops are safe is the point AGAINST WHICH the author is arguing. Chan says that the studies these authorities are doing are incomplete.

      3. I totally have to agree with Marie. Some organic pesticide are far worse for not only individual consumption but also the environment than their synthetic counter parts. Take for instance your bee argument Vani. Pyrethrin is a legal widely used organic pesticide. It is known that organic pyrethroids are extremely detrimental to all Hymenoptera species, including bees. It’s EIQ (Environmental Impact Quotient) is well above 30. Suggested healthy farming practices recommend an EIQ below 20 preferably below 10. That in itself discredits your claim that the environment and bee populations are better off in an organic system. I am not saying industrial farms are innocent and they too use synthetic pyrethroids, and are just as culpable.

        Another instance you raise is the use of copper sulfate. You argue that industrial farmers use more copper sulfate if they use it. However, there are far more environmental and cost effective synthetic alternatives to copper sulfate that an industrial farmer has, that an organic farmer does not. Copper sulfate is extremely hazardous to the environment ( this time with and EIQ well over 60). Noticing above that anything over 20 is considered harmful to the environment, this makes copper sulfate terrible to use which is still used in organic farms although credit to you not as prevalent as in the past. Now take the industrial farmer who wants the same effectiveness as the harmful copper sulfate used by the organic farmer, that individual has access to a far greater range of copper sulfate like pesticides for instance mancozeb, which accomplishes the same exact goal with an EIQ less than half of the organic.

        Arguing that organic pesticides are better for the environment and human consumption with glaring holes in the evidence you present is doing a disservice to all the readers. I will say some of the evidence you present is thought out and verified.

        Charles McNamara
        (I also have a PhD in plant biology and pathology, and work in academia not big business agriculture, I have my own gripes to pick with Monsanto)

    1. I’m an organic dairy farmer with my husband. Our farm has been organic for 16 years We use absolutely no pesticides on our dairy farm.

    2. Marie,

      I was an organic farmer for about 19 years. Organic pesticides have a very short life and degrade quickly or a harmless to other life forms. I used only OMRI approved materials.

      We share a significant level of our DNA with other life forms so if we poison them we also poison ourselves.

      When there are articles praising chemical farming you should be able to guess that they are written on behalf of Monsanto. Think for yourself.

      Organic food may be more expensive but it is a damn site cheaper than cancer treatment or, for children, a lifetime of limited capabilities.

  4. What about all the imported organic fruits and vegetables? Most of the time they are fumigated upon entry by customs to avoid the entry of pests that could be damaging to our agriculture. Isn’t it a scam that super markets are still allowed to market them as organic? I try to always buy organic and local but companies are allowed to put product of USA labels on their produce even when the majority or their produce is imported. Thank you for everything you do. I wish we didn’t have to fight so hard to feed our children healthy food

  5. How can I get a printed version of this article? I teach people to adopt healthy lifestyles and I would just love to be able to give some of them a copy of this article!

      1. I only read the title and the first few paragraphs. I grew up on so called organic food my parents didn’t call it organic food it was food. That we harvested from the land. The woods. The prairies sometimes from the neighbors farm and from our own Garden. The near by rivers and the streams and lakes. If it grows wild I’ve probably eaten it. I know one thing for a fact GMO foods weren’t around when our ancestors were finding and cultivating their own food. It took nature thousands of years to perfect the foods that our ancestors are. And from my experience everything man tries to perfect leads to disaster. Take that with a grain of salt not everything man has come up with is terrible vaccines are wonderful for example. Being able to find your own food and make your own food without the assistance of some multi billion dollar organization is what our ancestors hoped for the future of thier children and I hope for the future of my children. My four-year-old son is able to pick out edible food in the woods. Have a nice had a catch and clean his room have a nice had a catch and clean his room to clean his own th clean his own fish. There’s some food for thought you’re supersmart adults out there

  6. What is disturbing to me is local newscasters who know nothing about healthy living interviewing Doctors who push eating “healthy cereals”. Then they disparage giving vitamins to children as a waste of money because they get what they need from food and what is added by food companies in these cereals. The interviewer said adding supplements made expensive urine and the Dr agreed. All these TV interviews are along the same line. They should be forced to read, Wheat Belly and Grain Brain before pushing wheat food products.
    Love your blogs.

  7. No one has mentioned the nutritional value of traditional farming versus organic farming.
    In my research I read that traditional farmers only put 3 to 4 nutrients into today’s nutrient depleted soil. The only reason that they are added to the soil is because the crops would not grow without them. Vegetables can only absorb what is in the soil. The only thing that traditional crops are absorbing by their roots is the pesticide in the soil.
    In organic farming the soil is required to have 48 to 52 essential nutrients. These are essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly and stay healthy.
    Which would you prefer? Vegetables full of pesticides and only 3 to 4 nutrients or vegetables that are nutrient dense.
    Check it out further to see if I am right or wrong.

    1. I buy my produce at our local farmer’s market, which was started by the agriculture department at our local college in the 90s to prove that small organic family-owned farms are sustainable and relevant. The “berry lady” was telling us about what she adds to help her food grow, things like Vitamin C and egg shells (which have calcium). She likes to experiment with various nutrients to see which help the most. They’re great tasting berries, btw.

    2. “Traditional” farming IS organic farming. The farming of our ancestors. They never used the chemicals that conventional farming do today. You need to get your terms straight first.

  8. I know there’s a lot of debate on this, but what I believe is the result organic food has had on my family’s health. My dad’s health exponentially improved after we made the switch, and his doctor agreed that it must have been because of the organic food. His health declined a bit after he started eating more non-organic food again (he feels he has to be polite when non-health conscious relatives give him non-organic food, which is why it’s important for everyone to be aware of the effect that certain foods have on our health). My own body is very sensitive to food- I have to be careful of what I eat because the wrong thing can cause a lot of pain. I don’t tolerate *all* organic foods, such as wheat, but I can’t tolerate pesticide-y food at all.

    1. Organic wheat you are eating is most likely modern hybrid wheat (developed in a lab in the 1960s) grown organically. You must find local people who make real bread with organic, Heirloom wheat. The Ezekiel bread is a scam, not real bread. Gluten added to it is a processed item: mix flour with water, knead underwater to remove starch and what you have left is just gluten. It is added to bread which is not a proper recipe of wheat flour, water, salt and yeast which will rise without gluten being added if you use Heirloom wheat which has all the real wheat parts in it. The bread companies are just big business trying to make money. Find a local chapter of Weston Price to locate real food.

  9. I changed to an Organic-only diet in 2011 and never looked back. It’s like I started running on clean energy. No health problems, no prescription drugs, and no reason to ever go back to non-Organic food due to my own body telling me in numerous ways that Organic is better.

  10. Good question. It has come to the day when I have a hard time believing anyone. There are those with a financial interest, on both sides of the issue. Those who are healthy eating zealots are just that zealots. A toney word for nut jobs.

    If it doesn’t eat me first , then I eat it. That is my rule.

  11. Another important factor in buying organic not mentioned, but worth mentioning, is that we are voting with our dollars through everything we purchase. When people who care about food safety come together through continuing to purchase organic we are demonstrating to the big corporations what we want. Changing the culture and norms based around our food here in the U.S. has to start somewhere.

  12. The selling point on organic for my husband and I was an organic apple. I bought a couple one day and brought them home. I cut one up the next day to snack on, put the first bite in my mouth and literally said “Oh. My. God!” out loud. The hubs and I thought, for a long time, that we were either misremembering how things tasted when we were young or our sense of taste was declining for some reason. He came home and I cut up the second apple and made him taste it and he had pretty much the same reaction that I’d had. Those apples were wonderful, juicy and crisp instead of dry and mealy! The aroma was what I remembered apples smelling like when I was a kid. The taste was sweet and tart…..perfect.

    We’ve moved to as much of an organic diet as we can. We’ve cut out almost all processed foods, gotten away from wheat for the most part, cut out sugar and feel much better….. and we’ve both lost some weight as well. People will argue that an organic diet is more expensive and they’re not completely wrong. Most organic items ARE more expensive than their nonorganic counterparts. But I find that organic foods are more filling and satisfying so you eat smaller portions and, because they’re more filling and satisfying, you don’t snack nearly as much between meals. I find that I’m spending about the same amount as I spent buying nonorganic and processed foods. And organic tastes better and we feel better. It’s a no brainer for us.

    1. We had the exact same reaction to organic apples. What a huge difference. I no longer have to spit out wax coveted peel. I’ll never ever go back

    2. Good post Kim. Also worth mentioning is the fact that a lot – if not most – conventional food companies use ingredients in their processed food that make you crave more. I read about this somewhere, but don’t have a source or reference. And as someone else pointed out … we have the power to change things by voting with our “pocketbook”. I have not bought any conventional/processed food for almost 5 years now. You may pay a little more for good organic food … OR you can pay later with your health 🙂

  13. There is no doubt that organic food is better for you. What is in doubt is the reliability of the current USDA Certified Organic seal.

    What ingredients and practices should and should not be called organic has been a moving target over the past 5- 7 years, and with the buyout of smaller and medium size organic brands by corporations only in it for the money, and their powerful lobbying groups looking to dilute the organic standards that have governed the seal since it’s inception, the prospect for the future of organic food in the US is quite bleak right now.

    The Cornucopia Institute and the Organic Consumers Association and others have been fighting a constant battle to maintain the integrity of that seal even to the point of suing the USDA to enforce previously agreed upon rules that they have been ignoring, but they are greeted with distortion, indifference, and corruption. And the Trump choice to be the new head the USDA is not encouraging either. Based on his history, it’s a clear case of the fox guarding the hen house.

    Until this is all sorted out, although there is no guarantee it will ever be like is was, the best bet is to buy as much as possible from local farmers who you know are using organic methods even if they cannot afford certification. Or grow your own if you can.

    Its unfortunate, but the organic products in Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and your other local markets cannot be fully trusted at the moment unless you know where they were grown.

  14. How do you know that farms labeled as organic and growing organic produce are not using pesticides and are following protocol? Is there anyone regularly inspecting to make certain for compliance?


    1. The organic label is the only label that is verified by independent third party physical inspections of the farm. All other labels are self-certified by the grower (by signing an affidavit). We have been certified organic for nearly 15 years. Each year we produce a management plan that outlines not only how we will NOT use pesticides and fertilizers, but additionally describes a proactive plan for improving water quality, soil health, increasing biodiversity on our ranch, controlling weeds, improving air quality, and animal health. Each year 2-3 inspectors examine all of our records and walk around on our farm. They have free access to everything here.
      People who think organic certification is a sham have no idea what it takes to be certified organic.

  15. Excellent article. I have been eating 100% organic for six years now. I miss going out to eat.

  16. Thanks, Food Babe Vani and everyone – I do read labels more often than I used to, and have noticed a lot of “organic” foods being marketed do not meet my standards for good food. Case in point: organic yogurt. Several companies manufacture what they call whole milk yogurt. However, the interesting point is that yogurt culture only grows in the protein part of the milk not the fat. ( maybe they use the whole milk so that the cream rising to the top was sort of make a scab on his yogurt?) The second problem with some of those yogurts is that even though they say (and may be) organic, they are not wholly yogurt. They are poorly or hastily produced, yogurt flavored milk product with glue to thicken them. By glue, I have seen on yogurt labels (not all were organic) guar gum, locust bean gum, xanathan gum, caragreenin, agar agar, and pectin to name a few. Pectin seems to be the glue thickener of choice for “organic ” (not always cheaper) yogurts. Pectin is naturally occurring in some fruits like apples, and berries like strawberries and blueberries. Real yogurt has no glue – it is just yogurt culture/s and milk. Please read the labels. If it has glue in it, it’s not really good yogurt. It may taste good: It may look good, but it isn’t real yogurt. (And if you have a good live culture to start with, it’s not that hard to make for yourself, each evening – to have for breakfast in the morning.).

  17. Not surprised that there are deliberate false reports out there to discount the truth with farming.

  18. I have had this argument with family members for over 12 years now. They tell me I am wasting my money, being taken for a fool, etc. I don’t care what they think, I will spend the extra money to make sure my family eats properly. We also ditched the microwave 12 years ago as well and the Teflon pans, etc. It’s not easy but real food tastes great. We have a garden that we do not use pesticides on, chickens that we feed organic feed (which is pricey) but they also get to run around and eat bugs, mice, salamanders and whatever else those crazy ladies catch.

  19. there are some things that are best organic and some it not much of an issue but one thing I found really odd is potato’s are on the top 10 dirtiest list but sweet potato’s have very little pesticides at all

    1. That would be in part that those two plants are completed unrelated in two separate plant families

  20. How about bananas and coconuts? Do organic make a big difference since they have thick skin ? I would like someone who has done research to see if the benefits outweigh the costs!

  21. Thanks for this vital information Food Babe (and staff). My wife and I have been vegan for 3 years now (health reasons) and I get so overwhelmed when buying food that I have come to tears literally while shopping. I watch documentaries, read healthy books and try to educate my friends and family on the importance of organic eating – they all say the same things “you can afford it because you have no kids” or “yeah that’s just what you lesbians do” it can be down right disrespectful. In my heart, I want them to live a healthy and long life – but I come off like a fanatic. I love healthy food, but how do I ensure the food I am eating and feeding my friends and family is the most healthy foods and not full of chemicals and GMOs?

  22. Vani,
    I know your stance on (most) American beer. What about American made wine Vs. other countries? Have you addressed this topic already? If so, where? If not, I would like to know.

  23. Uhm. Organic farming ISNT entirely better for the environment. Farmers have to grow larger crops due to the potential lesser yields (which are guaranteed to happen), which contributes to deforestation and the unnecessary deaths of the animal and plant life that live there.

    Not to mention a lot of stuff that’s grown outside of the U.S. – workers are still exploited- abused and underpaid in less than acceptable working conditions.

    So no organic isn’t necessarily better for the environment, so that statement is largely false.

    1. Vani, thanks for your work
      The real scam here is how our decision makers can continue to allow the merchants of greed like Monsanto and Bayer to disperse these biocides all over our precious planet. I reiterate “biocides “because all the pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, paracitcides, etc. are all compounds “specifically designed” to interrupt life processes. We humans have life processes similar to all other living organisms. To think you can indiscriminately spread these biocides all over our ecosystems and not affect humans is insanity at it’s worse. Birth defects and many other abnormalities have been documented through fetal exposures to a myriad of synthetic estrogen mimicking compounds ( of which many pesticides are) at all stages of gestation.

      Furthermore, conventional growers use the soil primarily as a medium to hold the plant erect. They mistakenly conclude that they can supply all the necessary nutrients for proper growth and at the same time killing all the soil biota which are the true nutrient suppliers. Organic growers feed soil to give the plant health and thereby create plants that can supply nutritional quality to those who consume them whether it be a bird or bee or deer or fish or human. It is all common sense.

  24. Organic farming has nothing to do with exploited workers, yields are the same. Deforestation is happening to raise cattle for hamburger. Organic is the way to go, don’t listen to the pesticide pushers like Monsanto.

  25. I think the main thing is that people are eating fruits and vegetables at all, and it matters less whether they’re organic or not. To me, it’s not worth the cost.

  26. I am so with you Vani! My sweet mother raised me on organic food, and although we used to tease her for being a “health weirdo” because other moms let their kids eat cheetos and pop tarts, I now am so thankful (and even more thankful that I have never had a pop tart!)… I started straying from the organic lifestyle in college, and my body told me immediately it did not like the change— anxiety, digestive issues, and acne… I switched back and have never been more thankful for delicious food from the Earth! Serving your friends and family organic foods is truly love 🙂

    1. Sounds like you’re comparing health food to junk food. Apples and oranges. A better comparison would be organic health food vs. non-organic health food, which would yield little difference.

  27. I always eat organic food exclusively. Globalists want to put the organic farmers out of business. Wake up sheeple!
    Lots of trolls on this site, too, I see.
    Thanks for your good work, foodbabe!

  28. Ah, well I have some personal experience on the matter given I have MCS(Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) and various autoimmune problems. Unfortunately, I am just as reactive to the Organic produce bought at the grocery store when comparing it to it’s conventional counter part. This isn’t just an occasional theme mind you, but consistently so. This would run in direct opposition to the claim they’re rarely used and only applied as a last resort.

    Regarding scientific information, I just read an article citing data claiming the complete opposite in which Organics often have more residue, and Strangely enough equal amounts of supposed prohibited substances in many cases. This could largely be attributed to the fact organic food has massively grown in popularity these past years and much of the food is shipped from foreign countries, greatly effecting quality control measures and reliability. Then again, who knows what to believe when there’s so much conflicting information coming from “reliable” scientific outlets. How can we trust a consensus when their generally isn’t one, and there’s competing agendas constantly at play.

    Even in attending local farmers markets alike and inquiring with them personally, I was oft surprised with some of their answers in that they didn’t quite know the specifics of what they were spraying, but figured its on the approved list of Organics would suffice as an adequate answer. This isn’t everyone mind you, but it was common none-the-less.

    Despite all this my point isn’t to demonize Organics, as I myself try to buy it as often as I can in other products, and the fact it’s GMO free by designation grants it merit in my mind, let alone the usual short ingredient list accompanying product and the lack there of in unnecessary additives and other junk may be well worth the extra price point.

    My point is in my experience, depsite it’seems apparent advatanges, it isn’t quite what it’s represented to be either, and seems to be continually getting worse the bigger it becomes, and the list of previously banned substances continues growing.

  29. In regard to the veracity of “organic” in our food supply, I’ve never found the answer to “who or what us watching the watcher?”

  30. Thank you for this, Food Babe! I’m working on eating better and healthier… I have sometimes questioned labels that say organic because of critics, as you mentioned in your post.. this really helped me understand labeling better than I did! Thanks again!

  31. Question, I heard that organic farms only have to be certified as such during their original application to be marked as organic. That once they have the certification there’s no other inspection they need to go through to prove they aren’t using the pesticides not allowed. Is this true???

    1. Not true. Organic growers must prepare an annual organic systems plan (which outlines how they will manage their land for improved soil health, biodiversity, water quality, etc), and submit every year to a physical inspection of their farm by organic inspectors.

  32. Dear Vani,
    I hope you are enjoying motherhood. Thank you for all that you do! I so appreciate your advice and candor.
    Can you answer to the fact that even stores like Whole Foods have to spray their organic produce with a solution of bleach and water before it can be put out for the public to buy? I received this information from a very credible source. How can this be?

  33. Vani,
    Thank you for sharing your love.

    I will share your article with my tribe.

    Wanted to share with you an article I recently posted about eggs.

    I realized after shooing a video interviewing an egg rancher about eggs that the topic of chicken feed (organic, GMO free, soy/corn free, vegetarian) needed to be highlighted. Egg is one instance I recommend my tribe to get some without the organic certification (read post above for details). Otherwise, it contains corn and soy which contributes to:
    -unhealthy omega 3:6 ratios
    -GMO cross contamination possibility
    -soy being: gointrogenic, containing phytoestrogens, phytates, enzyme inhibitors, anti nutrient and entrocrine disruptive.

    I do highly recommend that conscious consumers ask the ranchers about their practices to make sure that the supplemental feed is pesticide/ herbicide and GMO free and the chickens are pasture raised.

    1. Caroline,

      Most breed crops grown are sterile and need to demonstrate this ability in order to be allowed to grow on a farm.

      1. This is incorrect, no GMO’s are sterile nor do any need to demonstrate sterility in order to be grown on a farm. There is the terminator technology but there are no crops using such technology and after 30 years of saying it can be done I do not think anyone will ever create terminator crops.

  34. Choosing organic allows us to do several things for ourselves & the greater good:
    – We get to ingest fewer toxins and adulterated foods
    – We get to further perpetuate the need for healthy, REAL foods
    – We get to gradually knock down big-ag & big-pharma in that process (since we’ll be needing fewer Rx’s too!)
    – We get to BE AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT of this much-needed food revolution
    – We get to practice our right to choose…
    and most importantly…
    – We get to FEEL BETTER – reducing symptoms, and sometimes even reversing ill health effects/ medical maladies – while preventing disease.
    Personally – my own experience has 10 times the weight and value of any ‘scientific studies’… I’ve written quite a bit about this on my own health blog, but the article I’ll reference below is a great point-maker… The flavor difference, as well as the way we feel – simply cannot be discounted! As they say – “the proof is in the pudding.” Enjoy:

  35. Thank you for all of your work! Cancer is on the rise, as well as autism, our waters are polluted and the bees are disappearing just to name a few. How foolish do you have to be not to realize all the chemicals that are put on the crops (and yards) are making us sick. Killing us.
    I lived the first 30 years of my life in farm country, grew up working in the fields. We walked beans, taking out the weeds with hoes not roundup. There were many bugs and mosquitoes then but not any more. I went home for a funeral in Aug. we were outside in the evening at the farm and there were no bugs! I asked if someone had sprayed for them, I was told no one had spayed they didn’t have to. I was shocked when I was told why. The chemicals that are sprayed on the beans fields kill all the bugs and mosquitos. It’s killing us too. Wake up people!

    1. Michelle

      You do know that organic insecticides are far far worse environmentally for the insect population than their synthetic counterparts. I would gladly share with you some journals with evidence to substantiate this.

  36. Vani, thanks for your work for good real food
    The real scam here is how our decision makers can continue to allow the merchants of greed like Monsanto and Bayer to disperse these biocides all over our precious planet. I reiterate “biocides “because all the pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, paracitcides, etc. are all compounds specifically designed to interrupt life processes. We humans have life processes similar to all other living organisms. To think you can indiscriminately spread these biocides all over our ecosystems and not affect humans is insanity at it’s worse. Birth defects and many other abnormalities have been documented through fetal exposures to a myriad of synthetic estrogen mimicking compounds at all stages of gestation.

    Furthermore, conventional growers use the soil primarily as a medium to hold the plant erect. They mistakenly conclude that they can supply all the necessary nutrients for proper growth and at the same time killing all the soil biota which are the true nutrient suppliers. Organic growers feed the soil to give the plant health and thereby create plants that can supply nutritional quality to those who consume them whether it be a bird or bee or deer or fish or human. It follows about 3 billion years of life evolving on this planet. It is all common sense.

  37. Just wondering, I’m stuck frequently because the grocery store doesn’t have all of the organic foods that I need/want sold out or just not in season.. what do you do if that’s the case? Whats the next best thing to buy? Is it better to buy not organic food than it is to do without?

    1. YES!!! It is far better to buy non-organic produce than do without. The main thing is that people are eating fruits and vegetables at all, not whether or not it’s “organic.” This is why the huge emphasis on organic hurts Americans.

  38. I have always said to nay sayers-about why do I spend so much on organic-
    You pay up front now or later at the DR office!

  39. Im interested in what one would call and organic GMO such as a tomato, or broccoli for instance thanks.

  40. I had terminal 4B metastatic uterine cancer. I did not go organic at the time, but I ate a 2/3 veggie diet. Since then, my sister planted some gardens in my back yard(3 years) and I buy a lot of organic products. However I reversed my cancer with very little organic food. If you can not afford organic, veggies are still better for you than processed food.

    1. Hi Vani I read your article and completely agree with you . We can argue about organic or nonorganic food to eat or not to eat but thanks a lot to your articles to educate us. But it’s everyone’s choice what and how to eat ,I buy food at Whole food marcket in New Yourk and Miami . If you know any other chooses where I can buy organic food pls let me know

  41. I began to eat organic, non GMO foods once I started reading articles on here. I go on trips once a month give or take, where I need to buy my food (and stay below budget). The trips can be from 2 nights, to 3 nights, to 5 nights, and Im only 17, so Im not going to steal food from my house so I stay below budget. I go to a store that sells food for a lower price, and most of the food I buy is not organic and have many additives. Im usually camping or going on the trip with a small group of people so we do need to buy the food that is not organic so we do not go over budget. (Yeah organic food is more expensive… but wait.)

    After eating organic foods for a really long time, your body just feels better, you feel light and cleansed, but when I went on these trips, I noticed just always being exhausted. Yeah I ate the food that I bought, because I dont want to be hungry, but I felt heavy and gross, I knew it was from the food.

    Im not saying Im the organic food know it all, but I know my body and I know that eating those industrial foods filled with GMO’s and additives and pesticides is not good for my body. I recommend reading the labels on the back of your food to know what toxins you are really putting in your body.

  42. I’m worried about organic labels. I know the American grassfed label is good, but how am I sure “USDA Organic” is actually what it claims? Also, I’m wondering if the product known as “veggie wash” is a scam or actually does a good veggie washing job on organic veggies?

  43. I am generally a very cost-conscious consumer and until a few years ago, I also believed that organic labeling was just a scam. Here’s what changed my mind:

    Taste test it. Take an organic apple and a non-organic apple. Banana. Chicken. With the same freshness, seasoning, cooking method. You can taste the difference. Organic food tastes so much better.

    Right now I am so used to eating organic that if someone gives me a piece of fruit that is not organic, I feel like there is no flavor (or sometimes there is an “off” flavor, which is scarier–probably got a bite of chemical pesticides or fertilizers!).

    For me they digest better too. I notice this in particular with bananas–organic bananas are no issue, but if I eat a conventional banana I feel uncomfortable for the next couple of hours. Same with bread–which goes to show that not everyone who is “gluten intolerant” is actually sensitive to gluten. Most have trouble with all of the glyophosate (Round up) sprayed directly on wheat crops as a desiccant- this serves only to “kill” or dry the wheat so the farmers can harvest it all at the same time, saving them money but killing us in the meantime.

    And though there are companies that try to cut corners with organic (which is why it is important to find brands you can trust, and not just go with Kraft or General Mills labeled organic) the standards for organic certification are super strict and well-regulated. So I can feel good about eating organic, knowing that it’s policed well, and if something that is compromised does make it onto my plate, it will be kept at a minimum–so much better than just taking the conventional crap shoot–where everything is compromised!

    Of course if you can find or afford “beyond organic” goods, by all means do that–often that takes a lot of leg-work, communicating directly with farms, visiting them and buying from them. If that’s not possible, I find the certified organic label to be a safe, healthy alternative to the abundance of toxic crap in our food supply today. And my motto is, “Something is always better than nothing,” so do what you can to eat as cleanly as possible.

  44. I’ve noticed that ‘Food Babe’ has gotten the attention of Corporations who now have PR folks addressing the comment sections. This tells me she’s making a difference. When you talk organic, remember the largest organic farmer in the world is Pepsi Cola Co, the largest organic food supplier is Wallmart. Get to know your neighbours, shop locally.

  45. Hi
    I have been seeing organic guar gum, organic xanthan gum, organic stevia etc. on food labels. Are these safe?
    Thank you!!

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