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Monsanto Is Scrambling To Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared!

I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working. Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of people being poisoned by a chemical that does not belong in our food. This chemical is ending up in processed foods like Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, and Oreos and being consumed by humans across the world. The health of millions of people is on the line and this news must go mainstream! That’s why I’m calling on every single one of you who reads this post to share this breaking story now. The only way this injustice will be corrected is if enough of us stand up and demand that something be done to stop the poisoning of our food supply.

Share this shocking new report with everyone you know….

A FDA-registered food safety laboratory tested iconic American food for residues of the weed killer glyphosate (aka Monsanto’s Roundup) and found ALARMING amounts. 2016-11-14_1536


{See the test results and full report by Food Democracy Now! and The Detox Project}. 

Here is why we all should be concerned about eating glyphosate:

  • Independent research links glyphosate to cancer (sources: 12345) and it has been deemed a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization’s team of international cancer experts. The childhood cancer rate is steadily rising and experts say that they don’t know why. Why are they not taking a closer look at these facts?
  • It binds with vital nutrients in the soil (like iron, calcium, manganese, zinc) and prevents plants for taking them up. Glyphosate is thereby making food less nutritious!

Why is this weed killer in these foods? Even non-GMO and organic food! 

This chemical has gone so mainstream that glyphosate has infiltrated every facet of our environment – our water, air, soil.

  • Glyphosate is not just used on GMOs. Conventional (non-organic farmers) use Roundup as a drying agent on crops, such as oats and wheat. It can’t be simply washed off, as it is taken up into the plant itself.
  • As the active ingredient in popular “Roundup” herbicide, millions of people are using this stuff around their homes, and it’s widely used at parks and other public spaces.

So, that is why it’s not just GMO-filled junk food that is laced with glyphosate. It’s contaminating organic and non-GMO foods, and it’s even in our honey! The FDA quietly found it in almost every single sample of honey that they tested (from mass produced to organic mountain honey). The media has been essentially silent and barely anyone heard this news!

Even if you don’t personally eat the specific brands that were tested (I don’t), how many people are eating Cheerios and Ritz Crackers every day? A lot!

How many of your friends and family have their cabinets filled with these foods? These people need to know this information.

There are still thousands of other brands and whole foods that have not been tested for glyphosate residues, so we can’t be so sure that our own organic, non-GMO, and unprocessed food is safe. Americans are effectively being forced to eat this poison until something is done to stop the rampant use of this chemical. Yes, I said poison.

Monsanto doesn’t want the public to know these findings for obvious reasons. They have our regulatory agencies in their back pocket to make sure they can continue to make a hefty profit while poisoning the masses.

While there are now several manufacturers of glyphosate herbicides, Monsanto completely dominates the market and this is a best seller. They are raking in BILLIONS every year and certainly don’t want that to stop. They are clearly, without a doubt, using their prosperity to influence our government regulators. Why else would those entrusted to protect the public from harmful chemicals turn a blind eye to this?

Our public agencies are allowing corporations to poison Americans for profit.

In 2013, the EPA massively increased the industry standard of what is considered a “safe” level of glyphosate on our food, in order to make enormous amounts seem A-OK. Instead of properly regulating, they effectively raised the “safe” level so that no one can blame the industry for poisoning us with unlawful amounts of chemicals. This is corruption at its finest. The EPA has a long and sordid history of doing whatever Monsanto wants and you have to ask yourself why this continues to happen and how we can make it stop.

The EPA continues to pander to Monsanto, as they keep postponing and dragging their feet to evaluate glyphosate’s link to cancer in humans. The industry is fighting tooth and nail to make sure that the EPA “evaluation” will be in their favor and is trying to control who will be on the panel. Why won’t the EPA do their job to make sure that the world’s most widely used herbicide isn’t causing us all to get cancer? Don’t you think this should be a top priority? It’s time for the EPA to put the public health above the corrupt desires of corporations.

When it comes to the FDA, they are not protecting the American public from glyphosate either. After announcing in February that they would FINALLY begin testing foods for glyphosate residues, they just decided to suspend their testing this week. Could it be that Monsanto didn’t like the results they started getting – especially since the FDA found glyphosate in foods that should be especially safe like BABY FOOD? Monsanto will do whatever it takes to keep that story out of the public eye.

Doesn’t the public deserve to know this information? It should be shouted from the rooftops!

It is shameful that the American media has thus far failed to cover this breaking news, but WE HAVE THE POWER to make this information go viral. If you really want to stop the corruption perpetuated by Monsanto and the large chemical companies – this is how we shut them down!

CALL TO ACTION: Share this post with everyone you know. Tweet, share, and email this information to major media outlets and ask them to cover this story. 

Remember the best way to avoid glyphosate is by choosing certified organic foods because it is prohibited on organic crops. Although contamination is a real threat, the levels on organic foods are minimal compared to what’s been found on conventional foods. It’s been shown that people who eat organic foods have less glyphosate and other synthetic pesticides in their system

The people of this country must be informed and this should be our top priority. Go, Food Babe Army, Go! 



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Update 2/25/2017 (Snopes (a controversial fact-checking website) has wrongly reported this post as false… here is my response to that.)

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657 responses to “Monsanto Is Scrambling To Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared!

      1. Cancer treatment maked a lot of money for many big Pharmaceutical companies!! They would never want us to know about this!! Not to mention the insurance industry that rakes in the money for the exorbitant cost they collect from us when we get treatment!! It’s a crime and has to be stopped!!!

      2. MELINDA: That’s why it’s the FOOD & DRUG Administration. The corruption goes hand in hand.

    1. Wanna bet Congress doesn’t eat this stuff? Wanna bet everything served in their dining room is organic?

      1. Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s organic either. Kashi is all organic and still has high levels. The lowest levels were in the coloured goldfish crackers. Guess if the glyphosate doesn’t kill ya the food dye will.

      2. Shannon – Kashi is NOT all organic. Common misconception. You need to pay close attention to their labels. Some are marked as Organic. Some are marked as “Non-GMO”. But definitely don’t assume that ALL of their products are either, unless the label specifically states otherwise.

      3. Shannon and others. KILLOGG’s OWNS Kashi now. They sold out. There’s no way on God’s earth a good company bought by one of Big Ags toxic members would ever truly continue to keep up the standards. And of course, they want to produce it in the cheapest possible manner and still charge organic prices. What a scam!! Always find out who owns whom before you buy anything that comes in a box. Anyway, “phood” that comes in a box is dead and has nothing of value to offer the body. If you want to be as healthy as possible, a fresh organic diet is the way to go.

      4. it is the RARE person who reads labels or cares what might contaminate their foods. I would be STUNNED if anyone spent an extra 2cents on food for Congress or ANY other gov’t agency. It will become WOEFULLY sadder in the next four years as the BIG MONEY FOLKS in the NEW ADMINISTRATION are “unlikely” to spare a penny for this research. Good Lord! There is still rampant “NO GLOBAL WARMING” BELIEF!
        READ! SELF EDUCATE! PROTECT YOUR KIDS the Best you can & as much as you can afford!!! Breastfeed as Kong as you can… Even if it is only PART of feedings. ANY is better than NONE … even though we cannot keep contaminants from that Close-To-PERFECT-Food.

        Doing SOMETHING Beats Doing NOthing , folks!

        Heaven Help Us All- BUT YOU GOTTA DO What YOU CAN !!!!!!
        Kathryn Young RN, BSN, CLC

      5. Perhaps if they feel they would be affected too, at least be rich in their shorter life. They can’t beat it, because people who are nefarious waste their creative energy for the good.

      6. For those who think Kashi is a the way to go, you need to remember that their parent company is Kelloggs, one of the worst companies for glyphosate, and that Kelloggs fought against GMO labeling. I will NEVER but any Kelloggs or Kashi product. As lone as we keep voting for these corporate companies with our pocketbooks, nothing will change. Once we stop buying their productsm watch how fast either they change, or better yet, new products and choices move into the market.

      7. Comment ALL my doctors eat organic becau se they know our food is contaminated. They don't warn people unless they ask about it. why? because they know people either can't afford to eat organic or they won't bother to make the sacrifices to eat cleaner foods. says:

        All my doctors admit they eat organic because they know our food is contaminated. They don’t bring it up to patients but will talk about it if they ask. Why? Several has said many people can’t afford to eat organic and many others don’t want to make the sacrifices necessary to eat cleaner foods. It is not as easy and convenient.

    2. so true. they make money by keeping us going to doctors. it’s the most pitiful thing ever.

      1. A good day to all . . . .
        I have been an outspoken critic of big business/dead food/this government’s @%^$&*# activities since the 70’s . . . It is really great to see that people do care and are ACTING UPON THEIR HEART FELT DESIRES !!! Go Democracy . . . . I am writing to all who may read this commentary but espec’Y to Shannon, Peggy, Shari, Justin and V. Walton . . . . Please understand that the human body has an innate ability to heal itself if given a chance to do so and given what it needs to function properly. That reality has not occurred randomly but divinely planned. I have been chasing nutrition, learning well being life styles and the myriad abilities of how the body heals itself. . . Here is something that you may want to know; it may help you sleep better.. When a foreign object/substance ends up with the body, and if the body can not remove said substance/object, the body will isolate said materials to minimize the damage. Case(s) in point :: the lungs build cysts around dust particles, the hand structures are set up in compartments as to isolate any one that may be infected or inflamed. The brain builds the plaque to isolate the dying tissues.
        a brief side note ::: By the way, Alzheimer’s Disease is also called Diabetes 3. . . diet related. . . . period. They actually are regrowing brain tissue. end side-note
        Dr. Hulda Clark MD, was run out of the country for medical-political-big business issues. Her book is titled:: ‘The Cure For All Cancers’ . . . . What she found was when tumors that were removed from patients the vast majority had dyes within said structure(s). . . and other toxins. . . She figured out how to treat the cause of said disease and not treat the symptoms. . . Another example is that most cancers exist in an acidic environment. If you eat the ‘Pro-inflammatory American Diet’, you are most likely leaning toward that acidic pH environment. Change that environment, the cancer can not exist. Diet is paramount. . Other activities that may help remove toxins from the body :::
        Eat Organic or grow Organic . . . . look into vertical gardens if in a large city… a small garden plot can really produce a lot of food. . Fruits and Veggies can chelate heavy metals. . Research is still finding amazing facts/discoveries contained within that was not known five years past. . . . like I said earlier.. . . divinely planned. . Drinking enough water daily is huge. Again, give the body what it needs . . . . it will do the rest. . Rule of thumb that I follow is ::: half your weight in ounces of water//day. . IF you drink alcohol, soda, coffee/caffeinated teas and said power drinks . . . .add that amount to the total. . . The quickest/cheapest and easiest activity you can do for your self is to drink water. People are concerned about pollution . . . . rightly so . . . . so . . what I have found to be the best solution is steam distillation. . . when water molecules leave the liquid state and become steam . . .any and all foreign substances are left behind. . Check it out. . Fasting is yet another possibility to remove toxins. This one process I highly recommend that you work with a health professional until you really get the techniques under your belt. . I recommend reading 5 to 7 books on fasting. . . Two recent finds that I have made are ::: ‘The Complete Master Cleanse,’ and ‘ The Fast Diet’ You really need to read these books. They are definitely eye openers. One more thing/topic . . . Someone on this site mentioned clay. I remember reading several books on clay treatments that are practiced in Europe. . .to remove toxins. My friend and I, some thirty plus years ago went Pyramid Lake out side of Remo, Nevada and did sand baths. Another possibility is doing saunas; wet or dry. . Really gets the blood flowing and you will sweat. . . Again give the body a chance to heal . . . and IT WILL –Divinely So !!! Last but not the least . . . . is prayer!!! Prayer has been around along time and that is something, as is everything else previously mentioned, to consider!!!
        Finally, please note this info is only for reaching out to help you educate yourself, your family , your friends, your community and this nation; to get started. Keep reaching, seeking, knocking and eventually . . .that door will be opened. As the brits said back in early forties at the beginning of WWll :::the truth will out!!. so be it. . now!!! God’s peace Y’all !!!

        p.s. ‘Nobody makes an apple like Him’ !!!
        p.s. ‘Don’t let the food you eat . . . eat you’ !!!

      2. We can fight back, find a naturalist doctor. They won’t suggest another chemical every time you exhibit a symptom. Also, you can go on a Paleo diet. These things will help and improve your health and minimize our exposure to these chemicals.

      3. John Patrick Please stop encouraging people to believe that cancer….and well, actually everything you said was rubbish to be honest. With the cancer, there was also a doctor who said that he could prove that it was caused by bacteria. Cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of cells, that’s it. Sickness, genetics, and all sorts of things can contribute it. But, trying to change the ph balance of your body is going to do nothing. Why? Because first of all, your body strives to maintain a ph balance all on its own that is healthy for it. Second, if your ph balance is abnormal, then it would show up in blood work. Third, doing dietary changes will not help the ph balance in your blood, all it will do is mess with the stomach acids that break down food and make it harder to break down medications that you may be on. You’re an idiot and encouraging people to do things that can harm them. Also, no one calls Alzheimer’s disease, Diabetes 3… Seriously, leave medical conditions to those that are experienced with them instead of recommending things that will make conditions worse.

    3. You are so right. Yes it DOES matter if it’s organic and non-GMO. Kashi is not all organic actually. 365 brands aren’t all organic so maybe there was cross contamination. But it explains why it’s present in even some organic foods due to it infiltrating the environment so badly and it’s only going to get worse! However you’ll get significantly less exposure from going non-GMO and especially organic. Look at the many things this is present on, only a couple on the list are organic and the ones that are have animal products in them such as dairy, honey, eggs… which imo makes it more likely to contain this toxic chemical as the poor animals people continue to mass torture and kill are constantly exposed to this stuff so much so that it’s practically bred in them. Honey containing products, to me, makes a lot of sense to have this present considering bees have long been victims of Monsanto’s toxic chemical warfare (’cause that’s basically what it is). Anyways, it also matters SO much that we go organic and at least non-GMO certified so as to BOYCOTT MONSANTO because you are all absolutely right, the government does NOT CARE. In fact, Obama appointed an ex lobbyist and lawyer of Monsanto as the head of our FDA during his administration. The only thing that speaks is our vote which we make with every single purchase, and believe me, it speaks LOUDLY. Why do you think they want to keep this info so hidden and spend so much money to do so? Because you not only can make a difference with every single little action you take, you ARE the difference. Monsanto is destroying our bodies, your kids’ futures, and the planet as a whole. It renders soil dead and useless, it makes our rainwater toxic, and they want a mass takeover of all the planet’s resources… they have sued organic farmers and destroyed so many lives, they have fought tirelessly against labeling and to try to allow their GMO’s to be called “organic” which thankfully they were unable to do because the people fought back, they have burned down their testing sites and published fake studies and had media members fired (no surprise as to why this is not on the media), they have threatened the careers of scientists who dared research GMO’s effects on health, and the list goes on and on. Time for Monsanto to burn to the ground along with their testing sites, but that can only happen with all of you. Buy organic or at least always non-GMO, grow your own food, etc. I don’t have a lot of money but it’s actually very doable when you relearn how to shop and prepare more of your own foods and you’ll be so much healthier for it.

      1. You are EXACTLY right!!! We vote with every dollar spent. I buy organic only and things that are labeled with the blue NON GMO PROJECT. This is the ONLY way yo fight MonSatan. WE have the power over them with the choices we make every time we put good in our mouths. If everyone tomorrow committed to eating only organic, non GMO, home grown and/or farmer’s market produce, MonSatan would be out of business and their toxic food produce/products would rot in the stores.

    4. When 75% of our commercials is about cancer, medicare and drugs, something is wrong with this country big time.

    5. Don’t members of the government eat the foods cited in this article … and more, not yet tested?
      Why are they not concerned for their own health, and that of their families?

  1. I am not surprised. For years I have been trying to avoid bad chemicals. buying organic, growing my own food, only eating grass fed venison, recycling and anything else I could to help the environment.

  2. Obviously Tom works for Monsanto!!! Look around….everyone is getting autism and cancer!!! The rate increase follows the same pattern as increased use of Roundup! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! THEY HAVE TO BE STOPPED!!!!

    1. I agree and think we should also look at the near epidemic of gender neutral and trans teens that are appearing across the country. We have frogs and other amphibians now presenting asexual traits so why not humans? Something to ponder…

      1. You do realize that frogs have had this trait since the first amphibians were on this earth. You do nit help and movement when you spout miss information trying to help your cause. You only hurt it.

      2. I’ve wondered that too, but there will always be those who don’t want to face the possibility.

      3. It’s a possibility, but there will always be those who don’t want to face it.

      4. Thanks, Deirdra. I’ve been saying that for a few years, and this is the first time I’ve seen anyone else mention it. Of course it can’t be proved, because no one will study the possibility.

    2. Sure, let’s just ignore the progress medicine has made over the last century or so and just generally blame whatever the heck we want to on the increased prevalence of ASD and cancer. ASD is known to have links to genetics. Epigenetics also is believed to play a role, but there is still so much that is not understood about ASD, among other disorders and diseases.

      1. ASD is not a disease or disorder. It is not caused by drugs, chemicals, or external stimuli.

  3. 1st glyphosate is categorized as a possible carcinogenic, listed well below the known ones of sunlight, alcohol, second hand smoke, and oral contraceptives.

    2nd Dosage makes the poison and if you think ppb is going to harm you, then you just need to quit eating. Ppb is nothing!!

    3rd their own disclaimer below the graphic sstate ” rough estimates at best and may not accurately reflect the sample”

    Buy more food babe products, the real message, she’s the one raking in the dough from the gullible.

    1. Using the old adage “dose makes the poison” is misleading here. Each exposure listed above is not an isolated case – everyone is exposed to these “doses” and more through widespread exposure to various products and environmental pathways throughout their lifetime and the lifetime of their ancestors. The Endocrine Society has issued an ominous scientific statement discussing this that you should check out. “Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals may be transmitted to further generations through germline epigenetic modifications or from continued exposure of offspring to the environmental insult.” file:///Users/Home/Downloads/EDC_Scientific_Statement.pdf
      Not only are we looking at these as endocrine disrupting chemicals, but there is burgeoning info on how they affect our microbiome (the implications of which are still not fully understood but not looking so good). We are just touching the tip of the iceberg in terms of the complexity and enormity of this issue.

    2. Can’t help but wonder what level of glyphosate is considered harmful. Those that want to avoid it should stick to organics. Farmers have been able to reduce crop diseases and pests and produce more food for the world. We need to weigh all the risks and all the benefits.

      1. Susan,
        Independent researchers have shown that 0.1 ppb can be harmful, and I’ve read that ppt (trillion) can be harmful. There is no known safe level. Monsanto has claimed it’s as safe as table salt and that it breaks down in the environment in a few days. It is all lie. Glyphosate is found months after contamination, not days. It destroys our beneficial gut bacteria thru the Shikimate pathway. Studies have shown it to be carcinogenic. Seralini’s long term study showed rats fed GMO’s with glyphosate had much higher rates of cancer, tumors, genital malformations, organ failure, premature ageing, sterility, and death than rats fed conventional food. Farmers are NOT producing more food… we throw away much of what we don’t consume. Organic and sustainable farming practices produce just as much food that isn’t contaminated and doesn’t destroy the microbiome of the soil it is grown in. There is absolutely no reason to grow GMO foods. It should be banned as a dessicant because of the residues found in the wheat and other grains it is used on. Before it is allowed it must be proven safe, and it hasn’t been.

    3. Oh, another Monsanto apologist…get a life Glysophate is highly toxic to life at any level, it is patented as a super power anti- biotic. Kills all gut flora on contact, oh, and sunlights bad? Go crawl back under your rock Monsanto troll!

    4. “1st glyphosate is categorized as a possible carcinogenic” – your own words. That’s enough for me to avoid it.

  4. You know I found this article interesting but the comments made me uncomfortable. One woman made a comment about how something can be taken as sexism and she got attacked. Instead of focusing on the article like they were telling her to do, it was comment after comment of outrage at a woman daring to make a comment to another woman that something could possibly be taken as sexism. Here’s a little secret..She’s allowed to have an opinion!! Yeah the writer can call her site whatever she wants but that doesn’t make it above a comment from someone. I do not think she was disregarding the importance of the article or insulting the writer herself.

    The actual work that women do has often been ignored and attention is placed solely on their looks and ability to be popular. I think that is what Karen was getting at. It wasn’t taking away from the article or the abilities of the writer. It was a thought. It was opinion and women are allowed to have them.

    The comments that were “defending” the writer of the site who’s article is informative and well written and doesn’t need defending seemed more about mocking the very idea that sexism is even a problem for women.

    After I don’t how many comments I was wondering when they were going to pay attention to the article and stop criticizing Karen for daring to have an opinion that apparantly rains on some people’s parades.

    1. I herd something that put all of this and many other subjects into perspective. We all have our own opinions on this and many other topics. Yes we are allowed to have our own opinions, but we are not allowed to have our own facts. You opinion masquerading as facts is still jus a opinion, and will be summarily dismissed by me and other if it is not factually correct.

      1. YOU speak of factually correct? You who made a total of 4 grammatical errors. A fact. Lol!
        ‘herd’? seriously I CANNOT take anyone seriously when they write ‘herd’ instead of heard.
        Must be a Freudian sheeple slip.
        Please get an editor. Reading your posts is painful for that alone. How’s YOUR GLYSOPHATE stomach bloat btw? Everyone else has it don’t you?

  5. I’m wondering could this also be a problem in herbal supplements like curcumin? Some companies ‘nano-size’ curcumin to make it more bio-available. Could it also make the pesticide easier to absorb?

  6. MONSANTO Should be arrested and all accomplices equally, including the President and all involved and charged with murder.

    I am not buying almost anything that is not organic.
    He needs to go to jail.
    NO MORE!!!!!!!!!

    1. I have totally changed my diet in the last few years. I don’t eat anything that comes in a box. Nothing processed from bacon to cheese to prepared vegetable. No wheat or soy products. Organic chicken. Still eat pork and beef – very expensive to go organic. I am outraged at Monsanto on a daily basis.. They sue organic farmers if GMO seeds from adjacent farms are blown into their organic fields and take root – they sue them for patent infringement. This makes it even harder to get good organic food. How is the new diet working out? I have been cured of a lifelong problem with inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis and Gout. Life changing. I am more physically fit, more energy, clearer thinking. My mind and body feel “clean”. When I go to Safeway, or Fries supermarkets, 95% of the stuff I am looking at in the aisles is POISON. This was hard to deal with as I was, like many Americans, raised with the concept that the supermarket was a good, healthy place. Now, Monsanto lurks behind almost every label, not just poisoning us, but making us fat, tired, sluggish and basically into nothing more than consumption slaves. We exist to buy and consume whatever product makes them the most profit and tightens their stranglehold on the world’s food supply.

      1. Haha you make them sound like pure evil from the ninth circle of hell, we’ll said though. I just ate some brownies my landlady made from enriched wheat flour and I’ve got a stomach acke already

      2. Thank you for this information – inflammation, arthritis and gout gone! Your positive experience with eliminating processed food is proof that it is toxic. I also read about a whole family’s health improving after giving up processed foods on another blog (100daysofrealfood). The “food” companies (I use that term loosely) want everyone to consume their processed junk while they make tons of $$$ off of it. Good for you kicking them to the curb, I only wish more people would.

  7. This is why people need to start growing their own food and cooking from scratch. People must get to know their local farmers. learn who puts what chemicals where and only shop from their sources who don’t use the weed killers and other chemicals.

  8. I see that I eat 7 items on this list. Not often. Do you know if Shoprite raisin brands or any non Kellogg brand is Ok or not? Same with corn flakes?

    1. Any brand of cereal that is a generic or “store brand” is simply the same as the Kellogs brand or General mills etc. they are usually the same product just without the “Brand” name. They almost always come from the same place. I am a nutritionist and I can honestly say that unless it states and is certified as Organic, then it is most likely contaminated with Roundup. As stated by someone previously, the Roundup seed is often blown by the wind into adjant farmers fields and then Monsanto will sue these farmers and take their farms for something they have no control over. It sounds like something that any coherant average intelligent person would agree is not the fault of the neighboring farmer. But Monsanto has so much money they can buy ANYONE, especially judges (or even if that person is to honest to be bought, they can threaten them or their families until they bend) so thousands of small family farms have been put out of business and taken over by Monsanto. As they become larger and larger their seed is contaminating more and more farms, even the organic ones. so if you are concerned about minimizing the amounts of these chemicals in your diet, I reccomend eating ONLY organic. Also, the price of Organic food is coming down as more and more people turn to it for safety. I have found that at Sprouts grocery stores some of their Organic foods are less expensive than the regular foods at Vons or Savemart. I understand that not everyone can afford to purchase organic food even part of the time, but remember that as more and more people buy and demand organic the price continues to go down because there is more competition. 10 years ago you almost coul not find organic produts in your standard grocery store. Now they are on every shelf. If People REFUSE to PURCHASE the products and fake foods that Monsanto is behind then they will begin to lose their power over the politicians and judges.Many people are not aware that under the guise of other name brands like “Nestle”, Monsanto has quietly been buying up all the rights to every source of “Clean” uncontaminated water on this planet. They have gone into some communities with seemingly harmless bribes, like new play equipment and school upgrades for small communities to look as though they are the “Good” guys to convince them to hand over their water rights. In other comunities where the people have said “No Thank You” they have used more convincing tactics like the courts and sometimes “accidental” deaths.They are attempting to control the food and water supply of the entire planet. They are NOT our friends.

      1. I agree with Gennie D. To stand up against “Organized Crime”, cause this is what it is, “we the people must unite”. These world dominators, create distractions by making you sick and too tired (because of a poisonous diet you don’t know about, or too brainwashed to care about) to deal with any of it. Most people are just trying to survive, pay bills, work, family, etc. When they’re all done, all you have left is enough energy to zone out; have a drink, do drugs, watch your favorite TV shows, go to bed and start over.
        Or what smokers say; “I gotta die from something!” Hopeless and helpless, too big to overcome. Should we all give up and die from something? Our poisonous diet perhaps? Just sayin.


  10. Well THANK YOU Food Babe.
    For the last 2 years my Mom and I could not understand what all the bloated tummy’s we were seeing were from. So now what? How do we heal our stomachs? Load up on probs? So if it is absorbibg soil nutrients it is doing that to our own stomachs and bodies too. This is why I have and most of us do have malabsorption and bloated tumm’s like those poor African children I used to see in Ethiopia when I was a kid.
    Disturbing that even our Organic and Non GMO foods aren’t even safe. What about unprocessed real food like organic fruits and veggies then??
    No Human would be that stupid to go to such lengths against our human survival. As humans we have a survival brain. It is called the reptilian brain and we as humans just don’t go maiming ourselves for the sheer delight of it. We fight to the death to survive. So who are these weirdos behind this Fraken insanity?

    1. I wonder, would it be possible for citizens to pull a federal class action lawsuit against their own so called “government” for biochemical genocidal war crimes against humanity …………

      1. You ask, is anything safe to eat. I grow some vegetables for me, I do every thing organic. BUT!!! the neighbors on both sides of me use roundup. Now it stays in the ground for 1 year, is in the vegetable grown in that soil. Also, they spray, it drifts. So, I am 80, I am keeping to myself, composting, mulching, had the worm farm and all. Both neighbors have invaded my property thinking they are helping me. I have voiced my opinion, BUT they keep at it and are ill. Best I can do now is pray for GOD’s protection over my little half acre, get it in the bubble of protection. I am also into the seed saving, and my little dogs and kitty go out, walk around and bring it back into my home on their paws. I find now in my old age it is important to keep praying for GOD’s protection, expect to be protected and go on living. Arctic apples are the next thing to avoid. Read all labels, get educated on what is available and clean or sorta.

  11. Interesting how many people say they will eat nothing anymore that is not “organic.” HELLO!! Some of Kashi’s products that are clearly marked “organic” are on this Glyphosate list! No doubt they are not the only ones who violate the haphazardly-enforced (if at all) rules about what can and cannot be found in one’s “organic” products.

    1. I wonder if they made the list because they were bought out by Kellogg’s a few years ago; perhaps because Kellogg’s cereals are not organic, the Kashi ones have now become contaminated?

  12. Special K is listed – do they mean EVERY Special K cereal? I eat the slightly sweetened Protein Plus.

  13. Greetings and salutations and felicitations !!!
    I have been pondering over what can anyone/everyone do to rid our bodies of these toxins. . . ?/!!! I recently heard a brief discussion about purifying water that really does the job removing everything foreign to water. The answer is STEAM DISTILLING. Briefly, when water reaches the boiling/steam point, water turns into a gaseous state. As the steam rises, it leaves ALL FOREIGN MATERIALS BEHIND.!!! FEMA and the Red Cross endorse distillation in any emergency situation. All other systems that I have looked at always have some issues lurking that may be counter productive; replaceable parts filters . . .etc. Most likely, if farmers are utilizing chemicals they are most probable to be found w/in the water as well as w/in the soil. Do some research of the steps//procedures to take to maximize the cleanest water. Distillation is the process nature uses in moving water from the ground up into the atmosphere.
    The next big issue is how to get rid of said toxins out of the body. I volunteered at a very progressive center on helping people detox in the process of eliminating disease manifestations within their bodies. I have studied nutrition since the seventies. . . mostly as a commoner but have applied my knowledge in clinical settings as well for the past 10 plus years. There are many innate God made-given abilities/capabilities within the human body to heal itself. Elimination is one major physical function that every cell and microbe within that collective organic physical body performs daily. It is critical for the body to eliminate as much toxins as possible to ensure health. When the body becomes overloaded with toxins and or injured ( traumatic and the constant daily barrage of daily assaults via chronic inflammation from a poisoned envir and or diet. Again the body has the innate ability to heal itself IF YOU GIVE IT A CHANCE TO DO SO!!!!. A couple of ideas and realities to check into to see if you may utilize said activities to clean yourself out on a regular basis. Fasting has, is and always will be a major tool. However, CAUTION AND A GOOD EDUCATIONAL UNDERSTANDING IS PARAMOUNT BECAUSE YOU CAN HURT YOUR BODY IF YOU DON’T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Fasting is an art, a skill and requires a good educational under-taking and or working with a professional. . There is a ton of information out on fasting. So many ancient societies practiced fasting to ensure good health and develop spiritual prowess. I recommend you find and read a minimum 5 books. Two very recent books on the subject that may help you get started ::: ‘The Complete Master Cleanse and ‘The Fast Diet’ Both can truly help educate yourself before you jump into it. Two books that I have read that will also give you more insights on how to build your digestive system stronger before you start. . . ‘How To Be Always Well,’ by William Howard Hay (( out of print )) go find it. . . and Food Combining Made Easy,’ by Herbert M. Shelton. There Are different kinds of fasting ::: water and juice. . . Bottom line, I would recommend working with a health professional in your area. Talk with several people so you can compare and contrast before you choose. This information is only for your education. Another BIG ARROW FOR YOUR QUIVER IS DRINKING ENOUGH WATER EVERY DAY. RULE OF THUMB IS :::: 1/2 YOUR WEIGHT IN OUNCES. . . AMAZING CLINICAL RESULTS WITHIN TWO – THREE WEEKS FOR SO MANY PATIENTS. Why the sudden change in body function(s) IS BECAUSE YOU GAVE THE BODY WHAT IT NEEDS TO HEAL ITSELF!!! As with anything regarding nutrition, you must take full responsibility. I do hope this may shed some light and insights. Another tool I recommend to willing patients is PRAYER. . . very powerful and very personal. After all, we are human beings comprised of a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual matrix.. .
    p.s. ‘Nobody Makes An Apple Like Him!!!’

    1. Thank you for the information, Johnpatrick!
      I have been using Italian flour and my gut doesn’t have problems now. It is all in the process – soil to flour.

  14. The EPA’s allowable concentration for glyphosphate in drinking water is 700 ppb. This was established in 1994, and then reconfirmed in 2000. The allowable level in cattle meat is 5000 ppb. (

  15. Where can we se the results of other foods tested? I Ann very interested to see what other brands they looked at.

  16. More deceit and chicanery by Monsanto. The head of Monsanto is on the board or in a high position of power at the FDA, the world’s most corrupt organization. They put through all the most dangerous chemicals and carcinogens with alarming regularity because they suppress all dissenting opinions and negative reports. The liberal Media is all bought and paid for, therefore no press coverage. It’s shameful and disgusting. Maybe the new administration (Mr Trump, whos’ not bought & paid for, will put an end to this charade.

    1. hahaha no he isn’t. And I work with the FDA regularly and fail to see any corruption in how they operate.

  17. Hi Vani. Thanks for this post. I work in the agro Chem business and basically the toxicology standards we use are based on absorption into the blood. If a chemical hasn’t made it into the blood it is not considered to have a toxic effect. So where does this leave the gut flora? Decimated by these chemicals. Along with the soil microbes. When will the epa reconsider the gut as part of our bodies and susceptible to toxigenic effects? Do you think you can pressure them on this? Gut health is linked to brain health and I think it’s contributing to chronic brain health issues. Please push forward on this!

    1. You mean the healthcare that is only “affordable” for people who don’t work and get it free? Please do some research.

  18. Vote with your money. Never buy these products, and even go so far as to boycott (don’t buy) their parent/children products. When I discovered GMOs in my Progresso lentil soup, I wrote them and voiced my objection. They quickly referred me to all their “healthier” products, upon which I made note to never buy any of them, even if they say organic, and I told them so. VOTE WITH YOUR MONEY. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS. Literally and figuratively speaking, peeps. JUST DO IT!

  19. I don’t eat the foods on this list. However, I live in wine country and Round-Up is sprayed liberally on weeds in the vineyards. You can add wine to the list.

  20. What if you ordered coffee and your barista added milk, sugar and a touch of Roundup Weed Killer to your cup? Would you drink it? Would you let your kids drink it? That’s what these companies are doing to every person buying their products. Regardless of what the (corporate-influenced) EPA says is safe, even if there’s only a “little” glyphosate in your coffee (or any other food), it’s still poison.
    Farming does not need glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup Weed Killer). Sustainable, regenerative farming proves this point, and does not pollute the environment, our waterways, and our families.

  21. Just one question: The EPA doesn’t blink unless Obama tells it to. Ever. So if you don’t like the way the EPA is handling the situation, why aren’t you targeting the guy calling the shots in DC? Seems to me that would be the place to start!

  22. Not a one of the items listed in this article is real food. NO ONE SHOULD BE EATING THEM, NO MATTER WHAT. Food Babe, please educate people on real vs fake food.

  23. Please date your posts or I cannot share them. Date any updates as well within each post. I believe in your work, but we cannot afford any journalistic sloppiness that will discredit the message. Peace.

  24. Heads up – your article is coming up as not factual on snopes and fact checker sites ?!!! Is this accurate? Your articles have seemed to always have been so wanted to reach out and ask. Bummed out if this is the case ….

    1. I’ve tried multiple times to reach out the writer at Snopes about that. The article he wrote was actually more balanced before Kevin Folta (with ties to the biotech industry) got a hold of him and made him change it to FALSE. If you want to know more background I am happy to share my correspondence with the writer, see below:

      I appreciate that you are open to feedback and update your articles in response to new information. I kindly ask that you take another look at the data and all of the available evidence below and change your rating back to at least a “mixture.”

      This was report never indicated this was a “study”. We are reporting on the test results done by this FDA-registered laboratory.

      The test results are public as well as the testing methodology:

      Anresco Laboratories test results:

      Anresco Laboratories statement:

      You mention that the data shows that at “environmentally relevant concentrations there is no harm through diet” – However, that is exactly why this testing is so important. What is the actual concentration in our food and the average diet? You don’t know and neither does the FDA, because they halted their testing.

      FDA tests find glyphosate in foods prior to halting their testing:

      You removed the data about how Cheerios and Stacy’s Pita Chips were found to have more glyphosate than the level permitted by the U.S. government in drinking water (700 ppb). Why was this removed? Should the public not be aware of this information?

      A large body of peer reviewed research links glyphosate to cancer, reproductive problems, liver, kidney and skin cell damage, antibiotic-resistance, and more.

      List of peer reviewed research:

      Comprehensive new review of the science documenting the adverse human health and environmental impacts of glyphosate and glyphosate based herbicides:

      The finding by the 2016 Joint FAO-WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) is not reliable as the scientists on the panel have a giant conflict of interest in working with ILSI Europe, a group funded by Monsanto, CropLife, and big food companies, along with a board of trustees comprised of industry execs from Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Nestle and others.

      JMPR conflict of interest:

      And while you say that “The change in rating was mainly the result of my narrowing the focus of the claim to the alleged conspiracy to suppress residue data.”, I don’t feel that your article provides evidence that they are not trying to suppress this data. You completely removed your original inquiry into the possibility that Monsanto has influence over the FDA. Surely this is a possibility, so why was it removed?

      The agrichemical companies have a history of concealing health risks from the public:

      Quite simply, it is not logical to deem all of this information provided as false.

      Here is further information on tactics used by Monsanto to suppress information – which you have been a target of (isn’t it strange all the tweets you are getting congratulating you for changing your piece – these are all part of a larger social media campaign to suppress data like this):

      Public relations, advertising, lobbying and political campaigning:


      Hired experts and front groups:

      Please let me know how you proceed to handle this.

      TO date – Alex has not responded.

      1. Hello, I’m very big on checking resources and claims. The link in the Chart (it’s an image) does not work. But I see in your response regarding snopes you have the links. Thank you.

        Probably best if a number of people hammer SNOPES for an answer. 🙂

  25. Hi, MINSA and MASECA mexican companies supplies in ll the south of America monsanto products tortilla, take care about that too.

  26. Hi Vani,

    I’ve been trying to alert my family to the absolute dangers of the foods they eat. Yes, even the brands you’ve warned against strongly are their favorites! However whenever I tell and show them the cold hard facts, they refuse to listen and continue to eat it. Do you have any tips to try and get them to turn away?

  27. If we don’t stand up to these guys they will poison and thus kill our Children and every other human being for profit sake.

  28. Pretty much every vegan who has done any research already knows this stuff i’ve known it for like 3 years now, the sad fact is the FDA and Monsanto are in each others back pockets, they want to keep you all sick with food made by Monsanto and drive every smaller grower out of business so they can sell you expensive drugs made by you guessed it, Monsanto whilest driving every alternative treatment program out of business even if their success rate is almost 100% on cure rates! Wake up folks a standard western diet will kill you Go plant based and/or organic and most importantly

  29. Pretty much every vegan knows this stuff already this is old news to me. Go plant baseed and organic if possible most importantly read labels and stay away from processed garbage. Mnsanto, the FDA and big Pharma are in each others back pockets research this cos this report is NOTHING compared to what you will learn about these monstrous corporations and they don’t have your best interests at heart. Take your health into your own hands and stop relying on ppl who make money off your illness’sm A standard western diet along with synthetic medications kills more ppl every year than anything else, go vegan, i’ve been vegan for 3 years now and have not been to a dr. in 3 years pretty much abnd am healthier than I ever have been beofore I thank God for showing me I have to take care of my health and only put the things into my body that he intended for me every now and then I will have something snack like by I always make sure it is as healthy as possible.

  30. Your site is wonderful and every one of us must learn of the terrible threats to our health through our food. Hooray for your courage to fight these threats and educate.

    I have put your picture on my educational website with a link because your information will benefit my readers.

    SWD the aggressive food lobbyists and food processors are also part of the hidden aggressors destroying our health.

    If you are so inclined I would appreciate a similar referral from your site.

  31. Hi, First, where did YOU find the information, or report? What lab did the testing? Who did the reporting of the statistics from the lab, and were they verified to be accurate? What is the acceptable amount allowed by the FDA?
    Who FUNDED the study, the report and the release of the information?
    Where can I read the lab standards, qualifications and results for myself? Where can I read the ORIGINAL REPORT / RELEASE OF THE INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC? Links, please to start of this research, study, companies, news or public release of information?
    I would not ‘JUMP ON BOARD’ for anything without verifying it FIRST. Let me read and verify all the information and documentation, first.

    1. The testing was done by Anresco Laboratories and here is the report:

      Anresco Laboratories statement on the validity of their testing:

      Full report by Food Democracy Now! and The Detox Project:

  32. The EPA and FDA chirp the Monsanto song every time, and we’re only worried about Trump’s corporate collusion? New ruler; same collusion. It will never change no matter which of the two major parties are in office. They’re both corrupt.

  33. Lisette, YOU are wrong about a number of things, and actually, John Patrick is right about most of what he says. If you search the literature and read the research studies published in the most respected PUBMED approved journals, you can find support for much of what he says.

  34. Would you bloggers please date your articles! It would sure help those of us who try to make sure were sharing current correct information if it was dated

  35. Help my son was working for ConAgra as a temp for about nine months as they were being made to leave Indiana due to regulations being broken. Help my son was working for ConAgra as a temp for about nine months as they were being made to leave Indiana due to regulations being broken. He constantly share with me information that was very disturbing and he sent me a few pictures of ingredients he constantly share with me information that was very disturbing and he sent me a few pictures of ingredients which she sent me an text Which he sent me and texts. I took copies of these text but all these flavor enhancers and packets that are additives to food are highly poisonous and he was being exposed to these ingredients without approved safety clothing and goggles. That’s alarming to me because I can’t tell my son anything as I told him to get out of there and don’t do that job, and next on the level that all the stuff is being put in to all food everywhere. All chemicals and recipes to make up flavors. I don’t know if there’s anything to be done with what I have or if it even means a drop in the bucket

  36. This is world wide There has been a lot of india farmers commit suicide because the farm was lost that had been in family for generations monsanta has farmers in a contract for yearly seed purchases if crop makes or not. i think the U.S. farmers are in the same boat. If the fda continues to look the other way we all will be sick

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