Do you need help breaking free from sugar?

Hi! My Name is VANI HARI, but I'm now better known as "The Food Babe."

New York Times Best Selling Author

"One of the Most Influential People on The Internet" - Time Magazine

"Public Enemy #1 of Big Food" - New York Times

"One of the Most Popular Voices on Nutrition" - The Atlantic

Sugar is toxic. Plain and simple.
It wreaks havoc on our bodies. Makes us age faster than we should. Destroys our skin. Makes it easy to carry a spare tire around our bellies and taxes our organs.
Yet, sugar seems to control our lives and many of us struggle with uncontrollable cravings and mood swings that make it seem impossible to stop.
When you eat sugar, you light up the reward center in your brain that makes you feel euphoric - it's like being on a drug!
But it quickly wears off and your brain wants more of that feeling and tells you to eat more sugar... This is a cycle that is really hard to stop.
I sat down with my team and we brainstormed how to solve this issue once and for all.
We spent months creating something amazing that I know you are going to want to be a part of... a groundbreaking 7-Day Sugar Detox Program to finally rid your diet of refined sugar that won't leave you feeling deprived.

I read your emails every day and listen to the problems you're having trying to eliminate processed food from your life - and the NUMBER ONE issue you've expressed to me is your struggle to tame cravings and avoid SUGAR... .

"This is absolutely one of my biggest struggles and it's so frustrating because I spend so much time working out, eating well, avoiding chemicals, etc. But still get sucked into the sugar treats!" - Julie

"I can eat healthy all day, but at night, I get a huge sugar craving." - Sarah

"As I am writing to you weighing nearly 300 pounds. I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I have not been able to do so with any long-term success." - Dawn

"When I am stressed at work I grab whatever I can if it has chocolate in it. I have absolutely no willpower and fill myself with self loathing..." - Mary

I have been in your shoes. I know the pain and struggle that you are going through is heartbreaking because I've been there.

I'm human, just like you, and I love sweets! For most of my life, I was addicted to sugar. As a result, my health suffered a lot too. My teeth were awful, my skin was a mess, my body was inflamed, my energy was low and I was overweight. I never want to feel that way again and I know from personal experience how changing your diet can transform your life. Let me help you too!

On this program you'll cut out sugar, feel great, and start to take control of those cravings once and for all.

Lose Weight

Increase Your Energy

Sleep Better

Improve Your Mental Clarity

Reduce Cravings

Proven Results

Easy To Follow, Nutritious Recipes

Community Support

Lifetime Access

Exclusive Videos

You'll be given instant exclusive access to our Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox Program, full of instructional videos, downloadable easy-to-follow guides, and a private detox group where we will answer questions and share our success stories.

Quick Start Guide ($15 Value)

Know how to avoid sugar pitfalls and get the keys to success that you need to create a healthy relationship with your body and food cravings

Learn what your relentless sugar cravings really mean.

Why you need to detox from sugar to break the cycle.

Crazy facts about sugar that everyone should know.

The detrimental effects of sugar on the body and how eliminating it will transform your life.

Understand the difference between Natural vs. Refined sugar.

7-Day Sugar Detox Plan ($20 Value)

An easy to follow 7-day plan that will fully explain the program and will provide you with emergency strategies to keep you on track.

How to spot hidden sources of sugar in your diet and at the grocery store.

Easy ingredient swaps for all of your recipes.

Strategies for reducing your sugar cravings for good.

The top foods to eat during a sugar detox. (including drinks!)

Recipe Guides (Meat Eaters & Vegetarian/Vegan) ($30 Value)

Two sets of Sugar Detox recipes for 7 days. Whether you are a vegan, gluten-free, paleo, vegetarian or a meat eater, I’ve got you covered.

Delicious real-food breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes that are free of grains and refined sugar.

Meal schedule and shopping lists for the entire 7 days.

Every recipe is additive-free and clear of artificial substances that make food so irresistible that you eat more than you should.

Meal prep list to make it easy to stick to the plan when you are short on time.

Maintaining Your Success After Detox Guide ($15 Value)

A detailed game plan for long-term success following your detox.

How to re-introduce specific foods back into your diet.

What sweets you can eat so you don’t need to eat refined sugar ever again.

Healthy snack recipes to incorporate into your new lifestyle.

Dessert recipes to enjoy that are free of refined sugar & won’t wreak havoc on your life.

Weekly Food Journal ($15 Value)

This is the ultimate tool to hold yourself accountable and keep yourself on track.

Proven to deliver results, when executed correctly.

Use for tracking daily meals or meal planning or both.

Exclusive Videos ($30 Value)

How to journey into your 7-Day Sugar Detox with ease.

How to swap sugar with healthier choices.

How to avoid sugar when cravings strike.

How to transition your body back to reality after the detox.

Private Sugar Detox Group

Surround yourself with others with the same goals.

Helps to keep you accountable.

Gives you that extra push to ensure your success.


"I started the detox last Sunday, and I must admit, it was especially hard the first few days to keep pushing forward. I experienced typical withdrawal symptoms, like the nausea, headaches, cravings, etc. But, I powered through, and as of yesterday, I am proud to say, I feel SO much better. I already notice a difference in feeling so much less inflamed, bloated, sluggish, etc. It definitely motivates me to want to keep going. And it was definitely an eye-opener in realizing how many misconceptions are written into labels. So, for now, I'm sticking to as much fresh, organic food as possible! 🙂 Thanks Food Babe!" -Christie
"I am a firefighter. Between my schedule and sleep habits I've been in a rut for a long time with choosing convenience over quality. I also have a horrible sweet tooth. One that causes me to have regular binges on the worst of the worst types of candy. My wife has been trying to get me to reduce my sugar intake, but it has had such a hold on me for so long; I didn't know where to start. I'm happy to say, I just completed the 7 day sugar detox. It was a great experience! The biggest difference was the food. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it all. The other thing that was noteworthy was, upon completion, I didn't have much of a desire for sugar. At least not in mass quantities. I am only a have few days removed from it, but I still desire to eat healthy. My wife has been a huge help. She prepared everything and all I had to do was show up to the table and eat. And for that, I am exceedingly grateful.I think my relationship with food is taking a much needed positive turn. For me it is less about the weight loss and more about good health for me and my family. Thank you food babe! (I lost 14 lbs and I feel great)." -Matt
"I think I can say that the Detox was a success! There are a few reasons I can say that. From a physical aspect not only have I lost a few pounds but my clothes are looser and my rings come off a lot easier. I have also noticed that my complexion seems smoother and clearer. I have actually tamed the "sugar craving beast" in me! This program has changed the way I think about the processed baked goods. I feel so empowered to have conquered the Sugar demon that now I can tell everyone about it! I am so happy to have discovered this program and this way of life. I appreciated all of the Food Babe's hard work and I am grateful for all the resources. Thank you, Food Babe!!!!!" -Julia
"My sugar intake was out of control! My worst time of day was from 8PM to 10PM, when I couldn't inhale enough cookies and/or dark chocolate truffles and/or ice cream. Every night I had to have something sweet. Then when I saw the Food Babe's message about the Sugar Detox, I knew that it was time to make another healthy change to my diet. The best part was getting on the scale and finding that I had lost 4 pounds! I am extremely motivated now, and even started to exercise. All in all, I am trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have confidence that I'll be able to continue to eat good foods! Thank you!!" -Lesli
"I feel great! I have more energy, don't have the energy drop in the afternoon and overall just feel healthier. I am still doing the 7 day detox and I'm currently on day 6. I plan to use what I've learned here to consume less sugar overall. I do plan to introduce back in some of the foods that weren't allowed during the detox....brown rice, whole grain bread and I'll of course have the special occasion treat but I plan to use this detox as the starting point to pay closer attention to added sugars and to make better food choices." -Leslie
"We completed the detox about 6 weeks ago and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We're still off sugar, for the most part. I lost 10 lbs and am feeling great. The recipes are excellent! In addition to benefiting from quitting sugar, we also gained an appreciation for cooking meals from scratch and being more engaged in the kitchen. Thanks for your help Vani and team!" -William
"I completed the 7 day detox with my husband, lost 2 pounds and started taking morning walks. I feel much more energized and focused. I started out with the vegetarian menu but added some of the meat recipes in to encourage my husband to continue. All the recipes were good and filling. I did not feel hungry. My husband was able to take leftovers to work each day because the portions were large enough. Following the detox, I am focused on eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, and continuing to make variations of the recipes provided for the detox. I love the sunny scramble and the coconut chia pudding! I'm also shopping more at the local farmers market. Note that it is helpful to have a blender and food processor in advance of the detox to assist with prep. Thanks Food Babe team for the encouragement and easy to follow instructions. I recommend that everyone try this detox!" -Sheila
"My husband and I are absolutely loving it! We never feel hungry and the sugar cravings have virtually vanished! Evenings are when the cravings hit but the homemade granola does the trick! The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! I have been waking up with a headache but today wasn't as bad as yesterday. I'm assuming it has something to do with the sugar addiction and have a feeling it will pass soon. We are going to continue eating this way forever! Thank you for the kick start! You are great and have helped me immensely with great tips and knowledge about what I'm putting in my body. Thank you!" -Lori
"I completed the 7 day sugar detox & I'm still going, strong! To be honest I thought I would fall apart by day 3, because I give up easily at times with detoxes or diets. But this sugar detox was something different. I'm a sweets girl. I would always buy a candy bar at the checkout at the grocery store & eat it on the car ride home. Well, I haven't done that since I started the sugar detox! By following the guidelines & putting effort into making grocery lists & food prep, I feel great. I lost 9.5 lbs during the 7 day sugar detox!" -Alexis

*Nothing is mailed. The entire program is downloadable so you get instant access!


Quick Start Guide & The 7-Day Sugar Detox Plan

Two sets of 7-Day Sugar Detox Recipe Guides (Vegetarian/Vegan and Meat Eaters)

Shopping Lists For Both Recipe Guides

Maintaining Your Success After The Detox Guide to Learn How to Re-introduce Foods Back Into Your Diet

Success Journal To Help Hold You Accountable

Access to Exclusive Videos

Private Sugar Detox Group

M-F Customer Support


If at anytime you don't like the advice, the program, or you are not thrilled with the recipes, i'll give your money back.

Put the program, life changing advice, habits, and recipes to the test. Follow the plan and make any of the recipes included. And if it doesn't work for you - no problem, no questions asked, i'll refund your money for the 7-Day Sugar Detox.

Frequently Asked Questions


The 7-Day Sugar Detox is a ground-breaking program that will give you all of the tools that you need to cut out refined sugar and take back control of your cravings. When you sign up, you’ll get Six Comprehensive Guides that provide an in-depth plan to cut refined sugar intake and feel your best. These guides include the Quick Start Guide, 7-Day Sugar Detox Plan, two sets of Recipe Guides (Meat Eaters and Vegan/Vegetarian), Maintaining Your Success After the Detox Guide and The Success Journal. All those who purchase the program will also have access to Exclusive Videos which will show you how easy it can be to cut refined sugar from your life, and you’ll receive access to our Private Sugar Detox Group, where you can ask questions and share your experience with others who are going through the detox too.


The 7-Day Sugar Detox recipes do not follow a specific diet style. They are free of refined sugar, grains and most dairy. We do have two separate guides that you can choose from based on whether you follow a vegan, vegetarian diet or are a meat eater. All of the recipes in both guides are gluten free.


If there is a specific recipe you cannot use because of allergies, contact us and we will send ideas for substitutions or another recipe to try instead. You can also check out page 34 in the Meat Eaters Recipe Guide or page 30 in the Vegan/Vegetarian Recipe Guide for alternative recipe ideas and ingredient substitutions. You may also ask a question through the Private Sugar Detox Group too.


During the 7 days, we do suggest that you limit your intake of fruit to one or two servings per day. In the recipes you will see the occasional use of low sugar fruit such as berries. After the 7 days you are welcome to re-introduce higher sugar fruits back into your diet.


We suggest that you refrain from drinking alcohol during the 7 days. Alcohol easily breaks down into sugar and can limit the full effect of the sugar detox.


Yes! You can drink coffee during the 7-Day Sugar Detox. We provide a section in the 7-Day Sugar Detox Plan guide that shows you how to sweeten your coffee without the use of refined sugar.


The 7-Day Sugar Detox program does not include wheat or grains. While these may not all be sources of refined sugar, the 7 days is created to reset your body from carbs that could break down into simple sugars and be the culprit of sugar cravings.


Yes! We have included a section in the 7-Day Sugar Detox Plan with over 7 ways you can help curb sugar withdrawals.


The 7-Day Sugar Detox program can start any day that you wish. There is not a set start time. This is a program that you can continue past the 7 days if you wish or repeat throughout the year at anytime.


Simply login here using the username and password that you created during checkout. If you don’t know your username or have any problems logging into your account, contact [email protected].


After you login to your account, navigate to the “Videos” tab to watch exclusive content.


The easiest way to login to view your guides is to go to You can bookmark this page on your phone, iPad/tablet or computer so you can simply click on the saved link the next time you want to login. Upon reaching the login screen, enter your username and password. This will take you to the main screen with the current guides listed. From there you are able to download the guides to your desktop so they are saved.


When you login you will be able to view all of the guides in the 7-Day Sugar Detox program. Your access to the program and the private sugar detox group will not expire.