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Be a Kettlebell Knockout

Where did my Booty go?… This is the question I asked myself recently when I saw my side profile in the mirror at the gym – This was an unintended consequence of losing weight and toning up where I haven’t before…. Isn’t it sad you can’t decide where you lose it and where you get to keep it?

Bikini Time? CARDIO Time!

Summer is right around the corner. You know what that means – CARDIO Time! I do some type of cardio everyday. Whether it’s in the form of a vigorous hot yoga class, circuit training, kickboxing, spinning, elliptical training, running, or simply walking. I do a different form of cardio every day – never the same old workout day in and day out. Working out is a key component of maintaining my health and I have come to live with the fact that I will be working out for the rest of my life. I’ve got to keep it interesting!

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