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Are Natural Flavors Really That Bad? (MUST WATCH)

I have a confession to make. My once in a while processed food meltdown is with Annie’s Chocolate Bunnies. Once I crack open the box, I literally cannot stop eating them. (And thinking about them right now, is making my mouth water.) It’s insane! I’ve noticed when I make homemade cookies I don’t get the … Read More

How Modern “Medicine” Hijacked Pregnancy & Birth (And How We Can Take It Back!)

Ever since I saw this hilarious video of Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural, “hulk out” on a processed foods scientist, I knew she and I were sisters on similar missions. So when I became pregnant last year, one of my first steps was to sign up for Genevieve’s free pregnancy week-by-week series from a natural perspective. … Read More

My Favorite Moments From 2016 – See Which Food Companies Are Dropping The Toxins!

We’ve come a long way Food Babe Army! 2016 was full of surprises and a lot of turmoil – but there was so much good to reflect on, these are some of my favorite moments of 2016… At a recent conference, executives from legacy food companies agreed that consumers want to buy clean, healthy food and that … Read More

She Gave Up Processed Food, And WHOA! Look At Her Results!

A couple weeks ago I received an email from Shannon, a reader of my book The Food Babe Way, and my jaw dropped to the floor! In just the past few months, Shannon has made an incredible transformation to her body – she went down 5 sizes in 4 months, but what I think is most important is that … Read More

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