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They Say McDonald’s Is Removing Artificial Ingredients – But The Menu is Still Full Of Them!

This story about McDonald’s was all over the news… Did you see it? Here are some headlines: “McDonald’s removing artificial additives from its burgers” – CNN Money “McDonald’s burgers: New recipes remove artificial ingredients” – CBS News “McDonald’s Nixes Artificial Ingredients from Its Burgers” – Food & Wine Sounds pretty good, right? At first, I … Read More

When You See What’s In These Popular Fast Food Buns, You’ll Run!

Let’s discuss a basic concept about eating real food.  Food has to rot! If it doesn’t, we’ve got a huge problem! Real food naturally goes bad – that’s what it is supposed to do. So when I see bread that lasts over 10 days, I start to squirm thinking about all the additives it must … Read More

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