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Scented lotions, makeup, and perfume to stop gifting immediately.

This time of year the malls are filled with holiday scented lotions, perfumes, foamy body washes, and glittery holiday makeup. Back in the day, I’d pick up some of these fun items as gifts for my friends – but not anymore. I’ve since learned about all the toxins in these products… Beauty products from The … Read More

Lush Bath Bombs Are Not What You Think

If you read ingredient lists like me, I hope that doesn’t stop at just food. Food chemicals are nasty, but the skincare and cosmetics industry is even worse. The FDA doesn’t regulate cosmetics as rigorously as pharmaceuticals or food – allowing companies to get away with using potentially harmful ingredients that are banned in other … Read More

Is Your Toothpaste Full Of Carcinogens? Check this list…

I do everything I can to take really good care of my teeth – brushing, flossing, regular dental cleanings, and avoiding sticky, sugary candy and soda. Bad teeth and gum health are linked to all sorts of health issues. Not taking care of your mouth can even affect your cardiovascular system, possibly leading to clogged … Read More

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