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This Stuffed Squash Will Have Your Tastebuds Singing!

Are you ready to impress your friends and family? This dish not only looks beautiful served, but it will have your tastebuds singing songs of downright deliciousness! I love this time of year, because there are so many different squashes to choose from – they are so inexpensive (even organically!), you can pick your favorite … Read More

Scrumptious Summer Squash Casserole That’s Actually Healthy!

There’s this squash casserole I used to have that I’ll never forget. It was sooooo good, creamy, and decadent but topped off with Ritz Crackers. Thankfully, I don’t have to consume those nasty little suckers filled with trans fatty cottonseed oil, high fructose corn syrup, refined flour, GMOs and a bunch of other ingredients that don’t … Read More

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