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The one tried and true worry I hear over and over again about living an organic lifestyle is the cost. But, there’s a way to avoid having to pay so much and keep pesticides off your plate at the same time!

Remember, non-organic food often contains cancer-causing hormones, artificial ingredients made from petroleum and grown with immunity destroying antibiotics, and dangerous pesticides. Pesticides by nature are designed to kill, they are poison. So when given the choice, I don’t know why anyone could logically buy food with poison sprayed on it?

We all have the power to reduce these chemicals we consume. All we have to do is grow some of our food – even if it’s just a little bit, it can make a HUGE difference!

But, you are probably thinking: “I know nothing about gardening, I don’t have the time, or the resources – I am just too busy,” etc.

I hear ya! And that’s why I partnered up with this amazing company, Back To The Roots and they have the coolest organic holiday gifts of the season!

I love how easy, inexpensive and FUN it is to grow your own food with these organic growing kits!


The Organic Gift Of The Season: Growing Kits By “Back To The Roots”! 

Back To The Roots has three super affordable gifts that make indoor organicgardening simple and get you hands-on with your food. Anyone can use them, even if you live in a dorm room or apartment. I wish I had these in college!

They are perfect for anyone – especially children and novices who have never grown any food – and they make an amazing thoughtful gift that keeps on giving. Just check them out for yourself – all the USDA certified organic seeds are included.

  1. Garden-in-a-Can Herb Set – Everything you need to harvest organic basil, cilantro, sage, and dill right from your windowsill – just water & grow.
  2. Mushroom Farm – Grow your own organic oyster mushrooms right out of the box in just 10 days.
  3. Water Garden – A self-cleaning fish tank that grows food! You can use it to grow herbs, sprouts, and wheatgrass (my fav!).

Growing your own food is not only the most affordable way to have access to organic food, it can start a revolution! Imagine all of us taking back control and growing the food we eat – what will Monsanto do then?

Garden-in-a-Can Herb Set ($23.96 – 10% Discount Code)

garden in a can

Fresh herbs can take any boring meal up to the next level, so I utilize them a lot in my cooking. They’re also super good for you! That being said, herbs aren’t cheap to buy and they don’t last long either… That’s why I grow my own fresh herbs (and it saves me a ton of cash!) For instance, this Thanksgiving I was able to use only herbs that I grow myself for all of my dishes, so not only were they were free, but they were fresh-picked and so flavorful! It’s so nice having fresh herbs on hand when I’m making fresh juices and soups – I’ve come to rely on them daily. 

This Garden-In-A-Can set gives you everything you need to harvest organic basil, cilantro, sage, and dill right from your windowsill – just plant, water & grow. And if you decide to buy this kit as a gift, it would be really cute to print out some recipes to use these herbs to give along with it! Such as this Chickpea Curry Wrap recipe with fresh cilantro. 

Take 10% off with discount code “FOODBABE10” when you visit this link. 

Mushroom Farm ($19.99 – 10% Discount Code)

mushroom farm

This kit gives you everything you need to grow your own organic oyster mushrooms right out of the box in just 10 days. It comes with organic plant-based soil that can grow multiple crops, and as a bonus you’ll also get some organic heirloom tomato seeds! 

You can print out and include this Stuffed Squash recipe with your gift. Instead of using turkey, just sub in the organic mushrooms from your mushroom farm. This is absolutely one of my favorite recipes this winter – I’ve made it time and time again because it’s inexpensive, filling and super nutritious!

Take 10% off with discount code “FOODBABE10” when you visit this link. 

Water Garden ($59.99 – 10% Discount Code)

water garden

This is a self-cleaning fish tank that grows food! You can use it to grow herbs, sprouts, and my favorite – wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and it’s easy to grow indoors in a water garden! Wheatgrass is a miracle worker at removing toxins, and especially helpful after a vacation or the holidays. It is a sure fire way to help speed up your energy, your vibrance and your metabolism. You can use the wheatgrass to press some fresh wheatgrass juice – no recipe needed, you’ll just need a juicer!

Take 10% off with discount code “FOODBABE10” when you visit this link. 

Let me tell you more about this amazing company and why I partnered with them. 

Back To The Roots is teaching kids in elementary schools how to grow stuff with their growing kits, and make it easy and fun. They have a “Grow One, Give One” campaign in which for every photo you share with them using their Garden-In-A-Can or Mushroom Farm, they’ll donate one to an elementary school classroom! 

They are also really shaking up the cereal industry with new “ready-to-eat” cereals that are very minimally processed with organic ingredients and without using a plastic bag in their packaging. They have been able to start placing their cereals in the public school system – replacing crappy cereals like Frosted Flakes! 

They really are doing their part to make the world a better place and educate our children, and these are the types of companies that I’m happy to support. 

Here’s where to get 10% off all orders with code: FOODBABE10 – order here. (Free shipping is included for all orders over $25.00 – but you need to order by today to get it under the tree in time!)

Your purchase not only supports a company that I love, but it also supports the work that we do here at Food Babe, so thank you! 

Happy Holiday Shopping!



P.S. Make sure to place your order by today if you want to avoid additional shipping costs!

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