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Be a Drug Store Beauty Drop Out!

Being a Food Babe doesn’t stop at food. Once you’ve understood what chemicals can do in your diet – The next logical step is to understand what other chemicals in your surroundings can effect your health. Ever thought about what toxins are lurking in the cosmetic industry? Why there are so many chemicals in your shampoo or toothpaste? Check out this video for a fabulous explanation of why…

Homemade Chick-fil-A – Now Open on Sunday!

After the ruckus I caused a few weeks ago by posting the 100+ ingredients in a Chick-Fil-A sandwich on my Facebook Page and writing an article entitled “Chick-Fil-A or Chemical-Fil-A” about the harmful effects of those ingredients… I did some thinking about one particular comment I received regarding how someone didn’t want to give up Chick-Fil-A because they had already given up so many other food vices in their life.

Eating Through the Big Apple – Part Deux

Before I start the story of pictures, I just want to mention, that you no longer need to travel the globe to experience the best in pizza, pasta or even pastries – Just go to spoiled rotten (so jealous I can’t stand it) New York City! A year ago the Eataly mothership of the best of Italy landed across from Madision Square Park and this year NYC is getting the famed Laudree, one of the best patisseries in the world right off the Champs Elysees in Paris.

Climbing to the Top – Hill Sprints Workout

This workout is inspired by the “least effective dose” that Tim Ferris discusses in his book 4 Hour Body, the philosophy of high intensity training that Jillian Michaels preaches about in Making the Cut, and the interval training experienced in the Insanity workouts. Combining all three philosophies yields dramatic results, and this hill sprint workout does just that. When you train at an incline and add sprints you are able to experience the cardio, strength training and fat burning benefits of exercise all at once.

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