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Is Butter Secretly Ruining Your Health?

Growing up, butter was an absolute staple in my household. We thankfully never got into the margarine craze because my mother believed that butter was good for the brain. Turns out, she was right about that and scientists have now concluded that butter is actually good for you in other areas too. It’s high in a compound call CLA that protects you from tumor growth and cancer, is not inflammatory like man-made oils from corn, canola or soy, and provides a nice dose of Omega 3 fatty acids, if you get it from the right source. But finding the right source can be tricky given all the buzz words and fancy marketing these days. Choosing the wrong type of butter can secretly ruin your health without you even knowing it! Here’s a look at what’s really going on and how to choose the healthiest butter for you and your family. 

Beware of Monsanto Butter


***Updated Graphic: Shortly after this blog post was published, Smart Balance announced they would go Non-GMO***

I call conventional butter “Monsanto Butter,” because it comes from cows fed almost entirely genetically engineered or GMO grains and Monsanto is the largest producer of GMOs.

Conventionally raised cows are most commonly fed GMO corn and soy, however, some farmers fatten up their feed with additional sugar from GMO sugar beets and cottonseed. Cotton is the most toxic crop because it isn’t treated as a food crop but as a textile (it has less regulation.) And then conventional dairy cow feed is sometimes fortified with additional protein, Omega 3 fatty acids and CLA from GMO rapeseed (canola) because the cows are not getting these nutrients naturally from the grass. GMO alfalfa hay is also commonly fed to cows. So basically, conventionally raised cows are almost entirely getting their food from GMOs – food that was created in a laboratory, that hasn’t been tested long term, but has produced horrific results in several alarming animals studies

Over 49% of all GMO corn is fed to animals or livestock. Only 2% of the GMO soybeans grown are actually fed to humans, the other 98% get fed to animals. Those figures are pretty scary once you consider the astronomical amounts of herbicides being sprayed on these GMO crops and what they are doing to the increase cancer rates, harm the environment and ourselves.

Land O’Lakes = Monsanto Butter

Land O’ Lakes was a staple in my household growing up. We’d use the whipped butter like it was nobody’s business – my mom would use it on her infamous parathas (Indian stuffed flat bread), in countless desserts and to make homemade ghee. Once I found out what was really happening at Land O’Lakes, my Mom and I had a little chat. I explained to her that Land O’Lakes is owned by a pro-GMO company called Dean Foods. Land O’Lakes co-developed genetically engineered alfalfa, directly contributing to the GMO animal feed supply. I also explained that Land O’Lakes contributed nearly $100,000 to the “No on I-522 Lobby” – the bill to label GMOs in Washington State. This is all on top of the fact that Land O’Lakes is not organic, raises their cows with growth hormones linked to cancer, antibiotics and harmful pesticide ridden GMO feed. I told my Mom she has to stop buying Land O’Lakes if we are going to change this world! 

Knowing all these facts, plus the health risks of consuming GMOs, my Mom finally asked “what butter can I buy?” Well there are many brands out there that are light years ahead of Land O’Lakes. Here’s a Butter Buying Guide that will help you (and my Mama) navigate the butter aisle next time you hit the market:

Slide2Updated Graphic: Removed Smart Balance From Chart

How to Choose The Most Nutritious Butter

  1. Organic – First and foremost, look for organic butter. This will ensure there are no growth hormones, antibiotics, harmful pesticides and GMOs being fed to the cows. Growth hormone or rbGH that is used to raise cows conventionally is linked to cancer and often accumulates in highest concentration in animal fat. One organic brand I’m suspicious of however, is Horizon, they are owned by Dean Foods (the same company that owns Land O’Lakes). The Cornucopia Institute has filed complaints for labeling their product organic while maintaining factory farm production methods. I won’t buy Horizon organic for that reason. 
  2. Grass-fed – Grass-fed or pastured raised cows are going to be more nutritious than cows raised with grains. Remember, the highest amounts of the most beneficial CLA and Omega 3 fatty acids naturally come from grass-fed cows. Also grass-fed cows produce butter with 50 percent more vitamin A and E and 400 percent more beta carotene (which gives the grass-fed butter a deeper yellow color). 
  3. Ghee – Ghee is clarified butter where all the proteins, milk solids and lactose is removed. This makes the butter more digestible, concentrated with nutrients and really great for immunity building. Ghee does not need to be refrigerated, it can stay on the counter for a few months without going bad. People with dairy allergies or sensitives often do ok consuming this type of butter. Pure Indian FoodsPurity Farms  and Ancient Organics have the best offerings in that they are both high quality, organic and grass-fed.
  4. In an ideal world, you would be able to find butter that is both organic, grass-fed and no additives like Organic Valley (in the green foil wrapper) , but sometimes that’s just not the case. In that circumstance, I would go for either an organic butter or grass-fed butter like Kerrygold (please note – Kerrygold uses some grains that could be GMOs a couple of months out of the year because grass doesn’t grow year round in Ireland – they admit that 3% of their feed could contain GMOs). Choosing regular organic butter will lessen your exposure to pesticides but will also provide less nutrition since the cows will mostly be fed organic grains vs. grass. Regardless, these choices are superior choices over conventional butter and both options (in light green on the chart above) will lessen your exposure to GMOs. 
  5. Beware of butter mixes with labels like “with olive oil” – 9 times out of 10, these butters will have one or more GMO ingredients like soybean, corn or canola oil. These mixes may have questionable additives in them too – check the ingredient list just to be sure! 
  6. Don’t Eat Butter? Here are some Vegan Substitutes – If you are vegan, skip all the “butter like” or fake butter spreads like Smart Balance that contain GMO oils, artificial ingredients made from petroleum and unnecessary preservatives. Instead, choose 100% coconut oil, olive oil, red palm oil (that is sustainably harvested from Ecuador and does not hurt the rainforest) or hemp oil instead. Also coconut manna, or butter works well too, when slightly heated it spreads just like butter. (These are also much healthier than organic spreads like Earth Balance that are usually a combo of inflammation causing oils). 

butter substitutes

Sharing the truth is the first step in changing the food system. If you know someone who is buying Monsanto butter, please share this information with them. Our choices can really change the marketplace, make us healthier  and change companies decisions to use these unhealthy ingredients. 

Much Love, 

Food Babe  


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863 responses to “Is Butter Secretly Ruining Your Health?

  1. Great investigation! We eat Kate’s Homemade Butter from Maine…there is no info on the website on whether it’s non-GMO so I just called them. Here’s hoping!

    Thanks so much for inspiring us to take action!


    1. I did some research on Kates Homemade Butter. is a pretty informative site – but not regarding GMOs.

      Kates butter is half saturated fat by weight so fooducate only gives it a C+.

      Just an FYI. I’m looking for healthy food, too! 🙂

      1. I’m looking at fooducate & it gives Kates Butter a D! Says because it’s “very high in saturated fat”. 54% …..although for “alternatives” it only list purity Farms Clarified Butter, Ghee and it rates a C…not much better.

      2. Do some research regarding saturated fat and health. The medical community is starting to figure out that it’s a bunch of hooey.

    2. Hi Robert,
      If it helps, last year I had our salted butter, unsalted butter and buttermilk tested at Genetic ID. All three products tested negative for GMOs.

      Pam, I would suspect all pure butter would receive a D for saturated fat as butter is derived from the butterfat component of milk.

      Chris Patry

  2. Lenore, Funny that you mention making your own butter!! I was thinking the same thing as I was reading through the comments.
    It’s so sad the younger generations doesn’t have any idea what REAL butter tastes like. Margarine and the plastic spreads are disgusting.
    Glad I don’t buy Land O Lakes or any so-called big well know brand – that’s the first clue the product is going to be made with the cheapest poorest quality materials in order to get it to the masses and reap in the profits. The ones I really feel sorry for are the poor animals who understandably don’t know any better.

  3. NEW! Olivio coconut spread – organic, non-gmo, vegan. I am using instead of butter on everything, it is delish! Have you tried?

    1. We use the Olivio coconut spread, too. It is delicious although I wasn’t sure about the non-GMO since we are out of it right now. We buy it at Wegmans in NY.

  4. This is so wrong of our USDA.To lie to use for all these years .I am so mad; it makes me furious!, to think how our own government has manipulated us. They care nothing for the people ,only protect the big businesses and the all mighty dollar!!!
    Please we need a better list than what you provided .The grocery stores certainly are not going to help us.
    We have to get this out there and educate the young people and consumers.
    Please Help , I’m begging you?

      1. I do not want to eat foods that have GMO”S in them.I don’t want pesticides and chemicals in my grain or antibiotics fed to the animals i am going to eat. I just want grass fed animals the way the good Lord intended. i don’t want man screwing with my food to produce more for their profit and not be concerned over the chemicals and unsafe products they are feeding us.

      2. Are you aware that all plant based foods are actually GMO? Everything you put in your mouth, rather conventially grown or organically, is genetically modified from it’s original state. Monsanto just discovered a way to modify the genes much quicker than the old way of doing it. Also someone is making a profit off the food you eat regardless of method of production. I use pesticides because organic is not really an option in the deep south. Each pesticide I use is labeled restricting application to a certain number of days, usually 30 or more, prior to harvest. I did a google search earlier on illnesses caused by food over the last few decades. Every one of them was caused by mishandling of the food, not pesticide exposure. And some of the latest were caused by contamination of organically grown produce, like the cantelope situation with listeria in Colorado. The cantelopes probably had some contamination issues with chicken manure that is used for fertilizer in organic crops. Educate yourself.

      3. Ted are you a pundit for Monsanto? Crops may have been cross bred through hybridization before Monsanto entered the picture but we are talking about injecting pesticides into the genes of plants! You should educate yourself.

      4. Lana,
        Roundup is not injected into the seed. A naturally occuring gene found in other plants that have a resistance to Roundup is what is placed in the seed. You aren’t eating Roundup if you eat GMO material. I am a farmer. I don’t really like Monsanto for many reasons but I don’t like to see their technology being demonized when it does hold promise to fix alot of issues that are important to the well being of our environment and it inhabitants. Some huge issues going on in agriculture right now concern water usage and water quality issues. The latest GMO trait that will be available soon is one that makes a plant use water more efficiently. Therefore it will use less water. Another issue is that of nitrogen and phosphorus getting into our lakes and rivers. There is work being done now to make plants use nitrogen more efficiently through GMO technology. These two issues are huge for farmers, both conventional producers like me and organic producers.

      5. Many reader of this page have the misconception that if there isn’t some modification to a corn or soybean plant that it is safer. Grower have to control the insects and weeds somehow. There may be many more units of residual pesticides on organic food or conventionally grown food than on modified crops that protect themselves. You say there are no pesticides on organic crops…oh yes there are many approved natural pesticides. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe. Please don’t let sensational bogger with NO scientific background swing you into thinking that the over price organics are safer. Many studies show they could contain MORE cancer causing compounds (aflatoxin, mycotoxins) from the insect feeding wounds. There are many dedicated scientists working at the USDA, FDA and EPA, and do not degrade our profession by spouting wacko claims that are not based on science!

      6. Ted to say all plant based food is GMO is just not accurate. We grow only heirloom varieties that are certainly not GMO seeds.
        I quit buying seeds and plants in the mainstream long ago because of this. Baker’s Heirlooms and Seed Savers are two of my favorite sources.
        Unfortunately many people buy organic garden soil and then buy plant seeds from companies that sell gmo seeds and think they are growing great food because it’s organic. Unfortunately organic can be gmo but it certainly doesn’t have to be.

      7. There is a big difference between the long history of selective breeding of crops for certain traits, vs inserting genetic material from a completely different species or organism. Yes, when you google illness caused by food you will certainly see some of the bacterial infections caused by both conventional and organic foods, these infections occur almost immediately after the food is consumed. The effects of consuming food that has been engineered to be able to absorb great quantities of Round-Up, unfortunately will not be known for certain for some time. Glyphosate has been shown to interfere with normal gut bacteria in ways very detrimental to our health, at a time when it’s just being realized how important those bacteria are for our immune systems and other functions. Preliminary studies point towards cancer, increase in autism, and numerous other ailments but we won’t know for sure because the experiment is still ongoing and we are all asked to be guinea pigs in it without our consent, and without the ability to opt out by having these products labeled.

      8. I guess I was talking about most of the produce a consumer buys from a larger grocery store when I said all produce is actually GMO. My mistake. I appreciate you letting me know about heirloom seed

      9. Lisa,
        I respect your opinion and as I’ve said in several other posts if you don’t feel comfortable eating foods with GMO in them, don’t do it. Staying away from processed stuff is probably the best way to do that. However I will say that Roundup has been around for probably 40 years and has been very well tested and proven relatively safe. If that was not the case the trial attorneys would be advertising on television every chance they could because it would be the case of a lifetime for them since so many of us have consumed GMO foods. Alot of the “science” floating around these days is agenda based and not objective. You know that as well as I. Too many decisions are based on “might” and “could.” I guess I’m getting weary of the fear being created and not just with foods we eat. Healthcare, social security, you name it….fear sells a reaction. I know, as a farmer, these GMO products for the environment have been very beneficial. I also feel safe eating them.

      10. I have been born and raised my whole life on a farm. My mom started buying margarine clear back in the early ’60’s. UCK!! i always ask her why she did that and my answer was always it is cheaper. Well she paid the price too.several heart attacks in her late 50’s and then ovain cancer and finally a stroke which left her basically dead . she had to sit in wheelchair for 10 yrs doing nothing and not even able to say our names everything was a kid or a dur. I know she would rather of gone at the time of the stroke.
        I was married to a farmer and we milked 70 cows and he cash cropped also. i can’t even imagine as to how much Roundup he handled. He now is in a nursing home at the age of 78,been there for the last 3 years ,has Parkinson’s , does not know none of our names and basically does not talk just shakes. So we are seeing the effects of these chemicals we have been eating and drinking for the last 30 years. Just F.Y.I.

    1. I am wondering what lies you think USDA has told you? Just curious as I farm and do actually grow GMO crops.

      1. Start looking into the research regarding glyphosate (Round-up) residuals in the end product, and what has happened to the animals’ stomachs and digestive tracts that have been fed GMO grains. Watch this for starters and talk to your neighbor farmers to see if anything similar is happening on their farms. God bless our farmers who feed us!

      2. The “lies” referred to, if I may put words in Linda’s mouth, are that GMO crops have been “assumed to be safe” without adequate testing. The revolving door between companies like Monsanto and the USDA insure that nothing comes between those corporations and their profits. Then they use their ill-gotten gains to defeat labeling laws so we can’t know what’s in our food. They know people wouldn’t buy it if they knew!

        Sites like The Food Babe and are our only source of information if our government agencies like USDA are so compromised by corporate influence that they are not doing the job they were created to do!

      3. To Valerie,
        Thanks for the response. I have been involved in farm issues for 30 years. I have been to Washington many times to meet with USDA officials, EPA officials and members of Congress and their staffs. I can assure you that they are regular folks with the same concerns you and I have. They want to raise their families in the safest way possible. There is no agenda that I am aware of at USDA to protect Monsanto. USDA is supposed to be a non-agenda based organizations that represents all of agriculture and I have no doubt they do that to the best of their ability.

    2. Good morning Linda
      I am sorry about your husband’s disease. I sat with my father as he died from Alzheimer’s 3 years ago. I respect your decisions about what you choose to eat and what you choose to believe about food safety. There are two sides to the story of this GMO food issue and only one of them is getting told. I am posting a link to an article that I posted yesterday only to show a small list of major medical organziations that have endorsed or approved the use of GMO crops.

      I wish you and your husband well.

  5. What a GREAT article! Now I have a great resource to all those people I know that think “I Can’t Believe it’s not Butter” is fine! Plus why so many others are unsafe too.

    I am sharing with all my friends and telling my Health Coaching clients. I usually have recommended organic butter, coconut oil, and Soy Free Earth Balance (if they don’t have inflammatory issue, BUT I’m going to think again now that I notice all the oils in it).

    I work diligently to get GMO’s and Endocrine disruptors out of my clients diets so they can finally feel hormone balance. It is so hard to find where they sneak into EVERYTHING! Thank you FOOD BABE for all your hard work! It can be daunting as a health coach to help get out toxins from SO many places. I really thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    (BTW…your tea blog totally blew my mind! I told everyone at the yoga conference I was at to stay away from Teavana and get some Traditional Medicinals!)

  6. I had “raw organic butter” at a friend’s house and it was amazing. It had so much taste and was so different from butter from the store. I avoid most dairy but butter is one thing I do eat. Thanks Food Babe.

  7. I know you have tons of other questions to wade through, so perhaps someone can point me in the right direction about cultured butter. That’s what we use and I get it from a little amish market near us. We live in a very small town with not many options. Thanks for all your hard work, Vani! You are amazing!

    1. Cultured butter can be bad or good. It’s really about what else is put in it. Seeing as how it’s from the Amish you probably don’t have to worry about harmful additives. However, your next concern would be what they are feeding the cows.

  8. I read gmo grains are modified so fewer pesticides and herbicides are required in the growing. Is that true?

    1. Pat,
      I farm GMO crops and the fact is that I use far less pesticides than I did before the introduction of this technology. Also the pesticides I use are much safer for the environment than the ones I used previously. There are many benefits to these crops that people like the food babe leave out when arguing that they are bad for you. I link this article naming a few of those:

      You may have to copy and paste but it is very much worth reading to educate yourself. BTW all plant based food is actually GMO. They have all been modified over the years from their original genes to taste better, add more vitamins, look better, etc. Monsanto, or they take credit for it anyway, found a way to identify which genes do what and add or rearrange genes in plants much more rapidly than the old way of splices plants together to get the desired results. If you research GMO crops and still have no desire to eat them, then I totally respect that. And in case anybody wonders I am no shill for Monsanto. I farm for a living and have issues with the company also but their technology has benefits that shouldn’t be ignored

      1. Sorry, Ted– I truly appreciate the efforts you take to grow GMO seeds with fewer pesticides. What would it take you to transition into growing non-GMO crops? We need more farmers to join our stance against GMOs –please! I do not and cannot support GMOs ever.

      2. Lori,
        I do respect your opinion if it is an educated one. I am just challenging people whenever I can to make sure the decisions they make regarding food choices are based on good, sound information. There is another side to the GMO story that is being left out. If good sound science proves to me that this stuff is bad for my grandchildren, then I will quit growing it immediately. I ask you to read this article:

        It is a shorter version of one I read earlier this year. Thanks for your nice note!

      3. There is little to no published information on GMO products by their manufacturers available.
        There is information available on GMO products if one cares to research, this link is some of the most recent testing that has been done on GMOs. and if this documentary is not enough proof ask your self why has EU banned US and Canadian GMO products, the list of countries is rapidly expanding that has banned GMO products.
        Unfortunately nearly all food and drinks that we consume has GMO products in them.
        Wholefoods markets has a target date 2015-16 of only selling non GMO products
        the following is a very good web site that lists 100s of non GMO products

      4. This technology was rejected in the EU when it was first introduced. I would say based on the news I saw at the time it was lead by environmentalists that wore full chemical resistant clothing to farmer’s field and labeled GMO frankenfood. Would you say that it an emotion based argument or one based on sound, objective science? I would say the former. I will attach a link to an article, an abbreviated one from the one I first read that is more objective:

        It kind of tries to explain to EU situation. I will say that when I see someone post a link with “seed-death” in the title, I tend to disregard it as it is probably not the full story til proven otherwise. No disrepect meant to you at all.

      5. David,
        I clicked on the link you posted and all I can say is that it is not at all objective and completely agenda based. Think! If EVERY study says that GMO cause death and destruction to humans, wouldn’t they be gone by now? They’ve been studied for 30 years or more. Your article starts out with a complete lie and goes from there. The trial attorneys would be still collecting clients and huge amounts of money. The article I linked to you shows several of the major medical and other organizations around the world that have declared them safe, many in the EU.

    2. Genetically engineered crops have led to an INCREASE in overall pesticide use, by 404 million pounds from the time they were introduced in 1996 through 2011, according to the report by Charles Benbrook, a research professor at the Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University.

      1. Gentetically Modified foods are not leading to an increase in pesticide use and have resulted in millions of pounds of pesticide NOT getting appied to our crops (USDA report 2012). Some day the marriage of genentic modification and organic growing techniques will result in a very sustainable and healthy food production system. We will get our High Omega 3 foods from easy to grow soybeans instead of fish that are heavy in mecury and other heavy metals. Where is the controversy of genetic modification when it comes in medicines that treat a diabetic or cure cancers?….It is all the same.

      2. As a farmer who has seen a big decline in pesticide use on my own farm, I have a very hard time believing this “study.” There is an agenda against GMO crops and this is probably some agenda based science. However we do use more glyphosate (Roundup) than before. I probably apply it to my fields twice prior to and during the growing season. I follow label restrictions which means I don’t apply any of this product close to harvest. Roundup is classified as a “general use” pesticide rather than “restricted use” which means you can go buy it at without a license from a Walmart. It is much safer than some of the older chemistries out there. I use more of it because it replaced those older chemistries.

      3. Every food we eat today has been contiunually modified over the years to produce more, and handle the stresses nature deals out. I am all for orgainc food growers that can market and charge more for their products. But, please do not say they are healthier than convention farming techniques. It is all market and the experience people get when they FEEL they are buying something safer. Food is a very emotional topic, but we have to base it on science not marketing.

      4. Vani,
        Thank you for the response. I read the article and honestly I have to agree with portions of it. Some weeds are developing resistance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. I have seen instances of resistance on my own farm. However, we have ways to combat the problem rather than applying higher and higher rates of Roundup. If weeds are resistant to it applying more only exacerbates that problem. Even Monsanto and the other makers of Roundup type products don’t want us to do that. Crop rotation is critical to combating resistance. Mechanical cultivation is also a way to accomplish it but not the best thing in the world for water and air quality. Commerical farmers are keenly aware of our role in the environment. We realize our neighbors aren’t just the ones we can see but may be 500 miles downstream of a river. The last thing I would ever want to do is to be responsible for producing products that aren’t safe. FDA and EPA have both approved the use and consumption of these products and keeping that approval is an ongoing and arduous process for the companies involved in producing the seed.

  9. Do you know of any Canadian brands you can recommend
    for grass-fed butter and ghee ?

    Thanks for the great article !

    1. The best is organic butter from Organic Meadow or L’Ancetre. They grass feed during summer when weather permits. But you might want to look into your local farmers and/or farmers market for grass fed butter. Another possible way to get yourself some is to head over to the States to get grass fed butter if you live close to the border. I’ve known some who have done that.

      1. (to Tiffany) I will look for those brands you suggested. I will give it a shot at making my own grass-fed butter in the spring .
        Thank you so much for your reply.
        Have a great day !

  10. I’ve never been one to buy margarine- i learned from my college science teacher about the evils of hydrogenated oils. But when my husband was diagnosed with coronary artery disease, I stopped using butter and started using earth balance. I didn’t think about the other implications of using those oils much, just wanted something that tasted good (there is NO way he will eat coconut oil), and was free of cholesterol. Sigh.

    1. Hi Erin, you can get refined coconut oil where they remove the coconut scent and taste- just make sure it is virgin and organic. I like Dr. Bronner’s brand -even their unrefined coconut oil has a very minimal coconut taste and scent.

    1. I’m pretty sure Publix butter has no other ingredients, but look at the list to make sure. Next, I would call their corporate office and ask what the cows are fed. They are more than happy to tell you (I have called them myself many times). Since the butter is not organic, it is most likely that the cows are given gmo feed. Still better than the fake butters, but if you can afford it, I’d buy the Publix greenwise butter or even better kerrygold. You can get the latter at Walmart for the best price.

  11. Woo! Thankfully I’m in the clear! We use Kerrygold and love it (tip: they sell it in bulk at Costco!) It’s funny because I just read an article on the Huffington Post about butter too. Not for health benefits, but it was a blind taste test. The testers said Kerrygold had the richest flavor and thought it was the most expensive (and actually picked it over the organic valley grass fed one.)

    Even though it is not organic and the cows have some GMO feed, I love Kerrygold because it’s a happy medium. It is more expensive than non-organic, non-grass fed butter HOWEVER it’s not TOO much more expensive (like the organic valley one.) Also, it’s EXTREMELY accessible. You can find it at Walmart! Which to me is so exciting. For those of us who live in rural areas, more options like these are a god send. I enjoy their cheese very much (my Fry’s aka Kroger has a HUGE selection) Lastly, Kerrygold seems fairly forthcoming. The FAQ on their website is very informational.

    Thank you for the post! You covered the information very well, as usual. Cheers!

  12. I was just going to ask about Olivio – we love it in our house (but do not use very often). I have tried the coconut vegan version and it is fantastic…although I am not sure my husband would go for it.

  13. We have been using a local butter for over a year now that comes from grass-fed cows. We love it! And we find out we actually use less because the flavor is more intense.

  14. Thank you for everything you do to reveal truth and raise awareness! I’m wondering what you know about Costco’s (Kirkland) organic goods. My family is on a very tight budget so I buy the things that Costco carries organic options in before I head to my local co-op for the rest of it. My dollar stretches much further that way. Their organic butter is one of the things I’ve been buying for a coupleof years now…

    1. Most earth balance is non-organic – and full of GMO inflammatory oils likely extracted with hexane (a carcinogenic gas). The organic variety – still has a lot of corn, or soy or canola oil that I don’t recommend either.

      1. Sorry to read that Earth Balance ingredience is “inflammatory”, because then their advertizing is not true. I use it every so often. What does this product do to the body?

    1. Definitely don’t use any of their light or spreadable butters that have added vegetable oils and ingredients.

  15. People with high cholesterol are told to choose vegetable spreads (such as Smart Balance) instead of butter. Any opinions on this? My cholesterol is high and I’m worried if I can’t lower it through diet and exercise my doctor will try to put me on cholesterol medication (which I don’t want).

    1. Nicole,
      I had very high cholesterol, when I decided to cut out processed foods. I really focused on eating more greens and berries. My cholesterol dropped by about 150 points with no medication. I couldn’t believe it!

      1. Thanks Stephanie! That is incredible! Gives me hope that it is possible to change my health without drugs. Do you use butter? Thanks for your help.

    2. Nicole,
      Doctors make suggestions about medications, but patients make the decisions. You can tell your doctor that you don’t want to take a drug to lower cholesterol. Women with high cholesterol live longer than women with low cholesterol. And what is determined to be “high” has been changed by the medical establishment to get people on statin drugs. Do some of your own research online. But don’t get talked into taking a drug to lower cholesterol, or any drug, for that matter. They all have side effects.

    3. Nicole my Cholestrol was also high about one and a half year ago but its back to normal now. I have been using coconut Oil

  16. Its a tough thing trying to teach /change people . I have seen very slow change in family and friends … I’ve seen a number of people die with diseases caused by diet ,life styles . I know so well being the odd ball , not eating gluten or sugar and pushing the organic foods …. I bring my food to their dinners ///// I won’t eat cake from a grocery store ,made of wheat and Crisco icing …. I won’t eat pork , beef , turkey that are factory raised … I see people on their death beds begging for bread / toast … milk ….. So sad …. I’ll keep being the example , that’s all you can do YEA organic butter !!!!!

  17. I love Melt Organic. It’s made with a blend of organic oils and butter. Have you tried it? Does it get the FoodBabe seal of approval?


    1. Under the Green Arrow on the left, these are the products:
      Pure Indian Foods Ghee
      Purity Farms Ghee
      Organic Valley Pasture Butter
      Wild Harvest Organics Unsalted Butter

  19. I’m new to this blog. Love the butter article. I have a question that I get varying answers to. In the article it states when choosing butter it’s best to go organic because “This will ensure there are no …… GMOs feed to the cows…”.
    My question is, does an “organic” label ensure against GMOs. Example: if I buy organic corn is it non GMO? Thanks.

  20. I use MELT which claims to be organic, has no soy and uses virgin coconut oil. Have you heard of this product? What do you think? Thanks.

  21. Please contact me. would like you to see what we are doing . GROWERS are cutting down on there chemicals including nitrogen. Bacteria fix nitrogen out of atmosphere , just to get started.

  22. What’s wrong with Earth Balance exactly? I’ve been using it for years… 🙁 Thanks for this article.

    1. It’s unfortunately full of inflammatory oils… and if you get the non-organic kind, they are likely extracted from hexane – a carcinogenic gas.

  23. Hi everyone:

    I am feeling Vani’s pain after presenting a good intro article on organic butter now everyone wants her feedback on your local, particular choice. Please read the ingredient labels on your products! That’s the only place to start. If that doesn’t answer your question then call the manufacturer’s consumer number and ask. Then do more research to see if their answers check out with the latest research on inflammatory oils, GMO feed to animals, etc. I like the idea of trying to make my own butter as well from local organic cream! Thanks Vani, and food babe army, for the education and inspiration!

    1. I guarantee you that if your butter is organic or from cows that are not fed nonGMO grains, it would say so on the label. If it doesn’t say that then it would be considered conventional. Keep in mind, as others have said, conventional butter is still probably a better choice than margarine of any kind. Margarine= trans fats/hydrogenation (not natural). Go for the closest one to nature that you can afford. Have you ever over whipped some cream? The result is butter, once the liquid is poured off. Pretty simple, huh? No lab needed.

  24. I love the level of detail of this blog. I love food and have been an unapologetic omnivore all my life however I have always been an advocate of low HI – Human Intervention foods and have eaten largely diary free for over 20 yrs as I am casein intolerant.. On the surface butter looks like a HI food of those but this great article gives us all more information to make decisions that ring true for us. Personally I have moved from cow butter to goat butter and I would interested to know what your thinkings are on this. I would imagine (and hope) that goats are less likely to be farmed and fed GM feed.

    In the end I am less interested in ranting about Monsanto or the bad corporates and more interested in embodying change myself and like FoodBabe inspiring others to do the same. That way we eradicate the market for the plastic products.

  25. I’m also wondering what you think of Earth Balance. That’s what we use everyday but I would change in a heart beat if you don’t agree. That’s how much I trust the Food Babe.

  26. Can anyone with a scientific background say why GMO foods are not as wholesome as conventional foods? DNA is DNA no matter where it comes from. Take an organic farmer that uses the natural insect control Dipel. He uses 50 times the amount of Bt protein that a GMO corn plant produces on its own. Yes that is right it is the same Bt protein, but at 50+ times the rate. Somehow organic farmers get a pass on this? Know why because it is SAFE and has been for over 4 decades! Another example of “is it really safe” is the insect feeding on orgainic ears of corn opens it up for molds and fungi. These molds and fungi can produce powerful cancer causing agents.

    1. Gosh. Where did you come from? I kinda was feeling like the lone ranger here. I farm and am amazed at what I am reading and watching on television regarding GMOs.

    2. read Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey M. Smith. many scientific references
      Bt is soil bacteria used for many years. The spray is linked to allergies and illness
      in humans and mammals and causes immune responses in mice. Splicing it into
      the crop is more harmful than the spray because it is thousands of times more concentrated and the form of the protein is more toxic and continuously produces in every plant cell. I understand that Bt also kills butterflies besides other insects.
      Many other findings too numerous to list here. Gut and organ degradation in animals, allergies and skin problems from villagers when the corn was pollinating, sheep deaths from grazing Bt cotton fields in India, etc. lots of documentation The
      stuff needs to be tested by labs not owned by the bio-tech industry. I don’t plan on being their lab rat. (with no labeling the stuff can’t be traced to find out what is going on, either, by doctor’s etc. when people have health problems.) There is a reason they spend so much money to cause confusion to stop labeling. Very obvious they are hiding bad things. If it was so good they would want labeling.

    3. I don’t have a background, but a strong interest in biological sciences, and I read a lot. What bothers me about GMOs is that they have not been carefully tested. We are being subjected to a vast experiment and the genie is out of the bottle and can’t be put back.

      The technology is NOT the same thing as breeding, which merely selects strongly for genes that already exist in the organism. Genetic modification inserts genes that would never be possible in nature. There may be cascading effects on soil composition, the balance of good bacteria in our gut, the proliferation of pesticide resistance and other things we haven’t noticed yet. The consequences are unknown, and now it is too late.

      I agree with you that science should be the tool used to regulate these things. We should be carefully looking at the risks and benefits. Maybe there are ways to safely use this technology. Unfortunately Monsanto and it’s ilk have so insinuated themselves into our government agencies and research foundations that it is hard to trust that the science is unbiased and being reported fairly.

      In other words: You are on your own…

      1. Not carefully test!!!! What do you MEAN. Testing started in 1984, first product resleased in 1996. Used since then in huge amounts and you say they haven’t been tested. The EPA, FDA, and USDA just in our country have to test them before release for multiple years. Other counties that have agencies also test them. You are crazy blind if you think these haven’t been tested. Also, evironmentalist are switching their support for genetic modification because they see it as a sustainable, nature, and healthy way to produce our food. Yes what better way to produce food with out the use of harmful pesticides. By the way…anything can be called a pesticide if it controls a pest like a fly swatter. Some the over use of the work pesticide needs clarification, is it a harmful chemical or does it control the pest in some other manor. Organic foods have plenty of pesticides on them, even if it is pepper water or flower extract.

      2. I do not believe these technologies have been adequately tested. I said “adequately” tested. There is a reason why countries all over the world ban our GMO exports. Their regulatory agencies are not owned by Monsanto like ours are and they are erring on the side of caution until this technology is proven safe.

        The thing is, we who are not scientists should not have to figure this stuff out alone. We *should* be able to trust our government to protect the common good, and decide what technologies are safe, which have more benefits than risks, etc. But in our country, that is no longer the highest priority. Agencies like the USDA are mainly concerned with protecting the bottom line of Monsanto, not with our safety. See the link below to see what I mean.

    4. Those of us who want to know what’s in our food favor labeling and freedom of choice when selecting what’s right for our families. GMO is frankenfood no matter how you spin it. Why else would Monsanto and the GMA spend millions to fight labeling?? Please don’t say the cost to label correctly as manufacturers change labeling all the time. If you think GMO’s are safe then you eat them and leave us to our version of healthy food. Go Organic!

      1. Steve, you are free to eat whatever you choose to eat and believe whatever you choose to believe. The problem some of us have is that some of you also carpet bomb non-organic and food that might have GMO products as ingredients with half truths and outright lies in alot of cases and it is a big cause of concern for those of us who produce them. You say, “GMO is frankenfood no matter how you spin it.” That completely false and there is study after study from objective science based groups to prove it. Why say use a term designed to scare people when it just isn’t at all true. And if you don’t think dollars are involved in the argument your side spins out, just scroll up the page and check out all the ads on the right hand side of every page here. Companies don’t advertise on websites without paying a fee. The small print up top also says if you click on one of the icons and order a product, then the food babe gets a portion of it. She has a vested interest in keeping the spin from your side going too. Not everybody has access to the products you choose to eat either from proximity to a store that carries them or the cost just doesn’t fit in their family budgets. The fact is that if people just eat sensibly and in moderation from the basic food groups, regardless of method of production or GMO, they will live a healthy life. So you eat what you want to eat and let others eat what they want to eat and quit trying to scare people with lies.

      2. (to Ted)
        I don’t believe the Organic/GMO labeling movement is here to scare anyone. We just want to be informed. Freedom of choice!! As for the spin???? You must be kidding when you mention us trying to spin falsehoods into the discussion. I do not want my food being created in a lab. I like the taste of veggies just the way they are. Have you ever tried organic fruit & produce. I grow heirloom organics in my garden every year. Yummo! It’s easy to do without chemical fertilizers & pesticides. Go non-GMO and go Food Babe!

      3. I respect your own choices. I have no problem with you wanting GMO labeling. I do have a problem with terms meant to scare, such as the one you used which was “frankenfood.” Proof is on my side that these GMO food products are as safe to eat as what you are eating. Why can’t GMO-nonGMO, organic-nonorganic coexist without your side trying to denigrate conventional agriculture the way you do? EVERY method of food production has pros and cons. I have tried organic produce and juices. Maybe my taste buds aren’t as sensitive as your’s but I can’t tell a difference.

      4. I am open minded enough to read the articles you post. There is some truth to the one you posted in that some weeds are developing resistance to Roundup herbicide. Contrary to what you may believe, farmers who use this technology are well aware of the problem. Crop rotation and cover crops are two good ways to combat this problem. Also mechanical cultivation and the use of weed removal by hand is being used. We aren’t stupid. The worst thing to do to a resistant weed is to keep spraying it with the herbicide it is resistant to. Even Monsanto and the other companies who make Roundup type herbicides don’t recommend that. I posted the link to an article that was recently published by MIT Technology Review on page 5 of this thread. I suggest you read it as it is one of the better articles I’ve read on GMO and it is from a credible source who isn’t trying to sell something.

  27. Found this on Kirkland costco brand;;…The cows that product our Kirkland Signature Organic Butter live outdoors all year-round, with 24-hour access to water, and are fed a nutritionally-balanced diet of organic pasture, organic mixed forages (such as alfalfa hay, grass hay and silages), organic grain (such as soymeal, ground corn, wheat, sunflower and flax seeds) and an organic vitamin and mineral supplement. In addition, they are not given any antibiotics or hormones.

  28. I’m concerned about the placement of Ghee as the preferred option. There have been studies that have analyzed Ghee and found it usually rancid and full of free radicals which makes me wonder as to its long term stability and safety.

  29. I struggle with this because Earth Balance and Smart Balance Light are the only “butters” I can find that have no dairy in them (as I have two children with dairy allergies), can anyone knowledgeable about this give me any alternatives.

  30. Have you heard about Melt? It’s organic, but it’s not a real butter. Just wondering if you have any info…

  31. Just wondering if the GV butter that I buy in my Canadian Walmart has been touched by Monsanto the same as the American that you mention?


  32. I have used many organic Ghees and in my opinion, Purity Farms is the absolute best! Great quality, delicious flavour and very healthy. The pricing is very reasonable, considering how great the product is and it keeps forever on the counter. A really excellent flavour boost to any and all dishes requiring butter! We even use it on toast! Thanks for the great article Food Babe! I recommend everyone I know to your site. Your well informed, well-researched articles makes eating consciously a much easier task 🙂 Love all that you do! A huge thanks from a Canadian fan!!

  33. The major argument re: Organic is cost….
    But I’ve been thinking: If we had to pay the higher cost of ‘Healthy’ real foods, we wouldn’t have the discretionary cash to spend on the amount of food we currently eat, and ‘junk’ foods in particular… and I wonder if the obesity problem would be substantially decreased?

  34. Hey Vani,
    Saw your post yesterday about being anxious about your upcoming investigations. I just want you to know that to me you are the modern day Che Guevara. Seriously you inspire me so much and I feel sorry for everyone that hates on you and calls you crazy. Remember that for each one of those deluded fools there are thousands of us who are behind you and thankful for everything that you do to fight for justice. Much love from Mexico, Ana.

  35. Food babe, reading about grass-fed versus grain-fed, leads me to ask a non-butter related question (hope you don’t mind!). Would the same apply to apply to organic meat> ie: am I wasting my money buying organic ‘grain-fed’ meat,( even though the label says it’s not injected with any growth hormones, etc), if grain-fed means GMO ingredients in the feed?


    1. Grain-fed, organic meat would not be fed GMO feed. Now, if you could get grass-fed meat that wasn’t organic that would probably be even better. The problem with the grains is that they aren’t what cows naturally eat so it isn’t as good for them or you.

  36. We only eat raw organic butter that our co-op in Maine sells, and there is nothing that compares!! It is such a deep, rich yellow color because the cows are grass fed and the flavor is like nothing else!! Unfortunately most states do not allow raw dairy to be sold in stores.

    1. Hi Kelly ~ I am in Maine. How would I access this raw organic butter? I would like to know more about this co-op too.

      Thank you

  37. Thank you Food Babe for helping fuel demand for organic butter! This will also grow demand for non-GMO animal feed – and this is an area that needs all the attention you can shine on it. Fortunately companies like Hilland Naturals are rising to the challenge.

    Think about this – GMO corn gets stored in big silos all across the country. When non-gmo corn goes in the same silo there’s cross-contamination. To be and remain non-GMO, there has to be non-GMO dedicated storage, holding, transport lines, segregation processes at the destination, at feed mills, plants, etc. This is a tall order in the world of US farming and dairy products due to the almost non-existent nature of dedicated non-GMO facilities. When you look at this picture it starts to make sense why setting a date of 2018 for GMO labeling to commence at Whole Foods is a matter of practical reality.

    The CEO of Chobani was just discussing gmo-feed in dairy on a financial news program. The only way to avoid GMO-fed dairy in the US is to go organic, and today, organic dairy is so costly compared to non-rBST in part because non-gmo/organic animal feed is expensive.

    Fortunately things are starting to change, and they are only going to get better for consumers and producers. Thanks to you. And to Whole Foods for their plans to require GMO labeling. And thanks again to Whole Foods for their plans to have their 365 brand of dairy products non-GMO project verified.

    Thanks for helping the US get there…faster!!

  38. Bummed out about Kerrygold since I used it all the time before and thought it was a safe alternative with no GMOs. I came across something months ago about it not being as pure as I thought. Now this confirms it. Think I might try vegan spreads.

  39. What can you tell me about Aldi or Costco store brands?
    Also, what about Brummel and Brown spread?

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