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Papaya Salad with Miso Turmeric Dressing

This new salad recipe is light and super refreshing on a hot summer day! Its star ingredient is the papaya, a tropical fruit that’s very high in vitamin C and loaded with the enzyme papain that helps keep your skin, nails and hair beautiful!

Tahini Dressing – Salad Perfection

Hi Folks!  I am back to share a salad dressing that is AMAZING and my favorite dressing in the whole wide world. I first had this dressing at Inn Season Vegetarian Cafe in Detroit, MI a few years ago.  Inn Season is also one of my favorite restaurants in the whole wide world – if … Read More

Wild Salmon Cakes with Avocado Arugula Salad

So I am sitting at the dinner table, eating the delicious meal pictured above, and I say to my husband…. “See! This is as good as a restaurant!… wow… this tastes gourmet.” He looks back at me, grimacing … “STOP SAYING THAT.” We are always having a constant battle about this, he says “I like … Read More

Healthy Meal Plans For Looking And Feeling Your Best!

It’s a very complicated food world out there. Many of you have emailed me… confused… angry… scared… unsure how to make the right food choices. You tell me you want to lose weight, have clearer skin, and the energy to do the things you love to do. You know that eating healthy whole foods will … Read More

Ingredients To Avoid In Processed Food

Want to know what the additives are in your food? Check this list to find out what it is, why to avoid it, and what types of food you’ll often find it in! You can download the list to your phone or grab the printable version below. This guide does not include absolutely everything, but covers … Read More

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