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Aspartame in Diet Coke classified a Possible Carcinogen (found on 1000’s of food products!)

If you drink Diet or Zero Calorie drinks, you’ve got to hear this. The International Agency for Research on Cancer just declared the popular artificial sweetener, Aspartame, as a possible carcinogen. (1) That means there’s evidence it can cause cancer in humans, specifically liver cancer.  You’ll find aspartame in so many “sugar free” products, like … Read More

These Zero Calorie Drinks Promote Weight Gain Not Loss

I’m so happy to see that sales of Diet Coke and Pepsi keep plummeting… more people are wising up to the fact that these drinks are ridiculously horrible for the body and looking for healthier options. In their place, new zero-calorie drinks and flavored waters are flooding the market, and are now taking up some serious … Read More

10 Reasons You Need A Sugar Detox Right Now

One of the most insidious ways the food industry poisons us is by dousing all sorts of foods with “added sugar.” By “added sugar,” I’m talking about any sweetener that doesn’t occur naturally in a food. It may seem innocent, but what added sugar does to the body is scandalous. Added sugar is one of … Read More

The Weight Loss Secret The Food Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

If I had known about this weight loss secret the food industry doesn’t want you to know about – I would have saved myself a ton of heartache, frustration and yo-yo dieting. It makes me incredibly sad that people out there are doing whatever it takes to get healthy, thin and look their best – … Read More

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