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The Holy Kale Salad – So Light & Refreshing!

If you know me, you know I love kale. I will eat it any way you give it to me! Raw, in a smoothie, cooked, in pizza, in pasta, in a chip – you name it – I will eat it! That’s why when I saw this kale recipe in the Skinny Confidential, I had … Read More

Wild Salmon Cakes with Avocado Arugula Salad

So I am sitting at the dinner table, eating the delicious meal pictured above, and I say to my husband…. “See! This is as good as a restaurant!… wow… this tastes gourmet.” He looks back at me, grimacing … “STOP SAYING THAT.” We are always having a constant battle about this, he says “I like … Read More

Winter Warm Quinoa Salad

Hey lovely people out there, this week has been a doozy so far for me, how about you? I’m not going to wish for the weekend but can I get a breather!? Since it’s getting kinda cold around here, I thought I would share a hot salad idea that I created tonight that was AMAZING. … Read More

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