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Beware Of This Head Fake: Healthy Cereal That Isn’t.

I’ve always loved cereal and as a child I downed bowls of Golden Grahams for breakfast and sometimes dinner too. When I grew up, I ate Fiber One on top of my yogurt while sitting in my cubicle at work. I thought it was very healthy for my body (because of all that fiber and would … Read More

Kellogg’s & General Mills, It’s Time To Provide A Date! When are you dropping BHT?

I am completely astounded with the incredible work we are doing. I can’t thank you all enough for your amazing activism and support on our campaign to get BHT out of cereal! More than 30,000 of you signed this petition in the first 24 hours and we started making headlines and received some amazing news coverage: Chicago Business … Read More

Kellogg’s & General Mills: Drop the BHT From Your Cereal – Like You Do In Other Countries!

UPDATE 02/05/15: As of 5:08PM EST – Kellogg’s remains silent but General Mills just began announcing on their Twitter page they are removing BHT from their cereals. They have not contacted me directly and have not said when BHT will be removed. On January 21st, 2015, they sent me an email claiming BHT was safe … Read More

10 Grocery Store Items You Should Never Buy Again (Plus the good alternative swaps!)

Earlier this month on my Facebook page, I asked you to share your biggest “ah-ha” moment when you started to read ingredient lists. I asked this question because I’m curious about what opened your eyes to the processed chemicals the food industry is dumping in our food. There were over 1,500 responses on Facebook to my question, and … Read More

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