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The Food Industry Needs To Stop Treating Us Like A Bunch Of Idiots

There’s a war going on inside the food industry right now and I’m sitting on the edge of my seat… watching each play… and seeing who makes the right moves.  Some of the changes we are seeing are good and some are bad. The food industry is responding at rapid pace – Papa John’s is getting … Read More

When Congress Screws Us Over On GMO Labeling : The Action Plan To Fight Back!

Update: July 29th, 2016 – President Obama has signed this bill and it is now law.  The Senate voted 63-30 on July 7th, 2016 in favor of a sham GMO labeling bill that stops Vermont’s GMO labeling laws and allows companies to use QR codes instead of words on the package. It discriminates against low income families, … Read More

Action Needed: Senators Must Vote No On Stabenow GMO Labeling Bill

Our government leaders in Washington have introduced new legislation to sell out the American consumer and deny us clear on-packaging GMO labeling. We must start contacting our Senators today and ask them to vote NO on this new bill. You can find a list of your state Senators and their contact information here. Since we successfully defeated the … Read More

Urgent Call To Arms: If You Want GMO Labeling In America, You Must Do This Today.

3/16 Breaking Update: The #DarkAct has just been defeated in the Senate. Thank you for your incredible activism – the calls worked!!!! Watch the replay of the hearing here. If you’ve been following me for awhile you probably know that GMO labeling is an issue that I’m extremely passionate about, and there is a crucial vote happening on the … Read More

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