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5 Foods I Used To Eat At The Office That Made Me Sick, Tired and Overweight.

When I used to work in a busy office, I was exposed to a variety of foods on a daily basis that were sabotaging my health, weight and looks. Because I wanted to fit in and focus on work, I ate whatever everyone else around me was eating, and boy was that a mistake. Thankfully, I … Read More

The Weight Loss Secret The Food Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

If I had known about this weight loss secret the food industry doesn’t want you to know about – I would have saved myself a ton of heartache, frustration and yo-yo dieting. It makes me incredibly sad that people out there are doing whatever it takes to get healthy, thin and look their best – … Read More

10 Grocery Store Items You Should Never Buy Again (Plus the good alternative swaps!)

Earlier this month on my Facebook page, I asked you to share your biggest “ah-ha” moment when you started to read ingredient lists. I asked this question because I’m curious about what opened your eyes to the processed chemicals the food industry is dumping in our food. There were over 1,500 responses on Facebook to my question, and … Read More

Coca Cola’s Low Calorie Beverages Will Kill You Before They Solve Obesity

When I saw Coca-Cola’s new anti-obesity ad, my jaw dropped wide open. Yes, you read that right… Coca-Cola is on a new mission to fight the obesity epidemic now, in what I call a desperate attempt to prevent declining sales. The sad part is that some people will actually believe their nonsense. In the advertisement … Read More

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