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The insane ingredients in lemonade + Homemade Lemonade Recipe

I recently went to the store and evaluated every lemonade brand I could find…and let me tell you, the ingredients FLOORED me.  If you love lemonade as much as I do, it can be super frustrating when you can’t find a single brand without processed ingredients. Lemonade should be made with just lemons, water, and … Read More

Aspartame in Diet Coke classified a Possible Carcinogen (found on 1000’s of food products!)

If you drink Diet or Zero Calorie drinks, you’ve got to hear this. The International Agency for Research on Cancer just declared the popular artificial sweetener, Aspartame, as a possible carcinogen. (1) That means there’s evidence it can cause cancer in humans, specifically liver cancer.  You’ll find aspartame in so many “sugar free” products, like … Read More

Diet Drinks That Are Good For You! 

Before you start to question whether your favorite pants just shrunk, remember that you are not alone… almost everyone packs on the pounds this time of year. And, these are pesky pounds too, shown to stick around for months… well into summer. I don’t know about you, but I want to stop that before it happens! … Read More

Five Things I Wish I Knew About Food Before Becoming a Doctor (by Amy Shah, M.D.)

This is a guest post written by Dr. Amy Shah, a member of my Advisory Council.  Dr. Shah is a practicing physician, specializing in Allergy & Immunology and Internal Medicine. I reached out to Dr. Shah and asked her to cover a topic that she thought you all would find really impactful and interesting from a doctor’s … Read More

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