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They Say McDonald’s Is Removing Artificial Ingredients – But The Menu is Still Full Of Them!

This story about McDonald’s was all over the news… Did you see it? Here are some headlines: “McDonald’s removing artificial additives from its burgers” – CNN Money “McDonald’s burgers: New recipes remove artificial ingredients” – CBS News “McDonald’s Nixes Artificial Ingredients from Its Burgers” – Food & Wine Sounds pretty good, right? At first, I … Read More

Are Natural Flavors Really That Bad? (MUST WATCH)

I have a confession to make. My once in a while processed food meltdown is with Annie’s Chocolate Bunnies. Once I crack open the box, I literally cannot stop eating them. (And thinking about them right now, is making my mouth water.) It’s insane! I’ve noticed when I make homemade cookies I don’t get the … Read More

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