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Chia Seed Fruit Salad

If you’ve never made anything with chia seeds before… this is definitely a recipe to start a love affair. I made this fruit salad for a few friends that came over for dinner. I served it as a dessert, although it could easily be served anytime of day – especially for breakfast or a snack. This fruit … Read More

Pistachio Almond Biscotti – Using Nut Milk Pulp

I really hope you’ve been saving your nut pulp from all that homemade nut milk you’ve been making. I couldn’t think of a better way to use all it other than making biscotti. It’s the perfect accompaniment for the pistachio milk lattes I’ve been enjoying on the weekends lately. The pure beauty of this recipe … Read More

My New Love: Homemade Pistachio Milk

I have a new love… and it’s green. Yesterday I made my very first batch of Pistachio Milk. With it, I had the best cafe latte and the best Parfait Porridge I have EVER had. The milk has hints of my favorite Baskin Robbin’s Pistachio Ice Cream that I haven’t eaten in almost a decade. The … Read More

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