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Energizing Lunchtime Smoothie Recipe (Fast Food That Rocks!)

I couldn’t wait to share this with you because this smoothie ROCKS! I’ve been making this energizing green smoothie for lunch on most days lately and it makes me feel absolutely amazing. It’s full of nutrients, anti-inflammatory ingredients, protein, collagen, and healthy fats – it makes the perfect balanced lunch.  Another reason I love this … Read More

The Horrible Stuff In Protein Powder (Is it in yours?)

My favorite protein powder got recalled. And you’re never going to guess why… Unlike most recalls, it wasn’t contaminated with an allergen… And they also didn’t find some deadly bacteria in it… Nope, it was much worse. Okay, maybe not worse, but I was completely disgusted. They found rat droppings in it. Gross, right?!! This … Read More

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