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Real Life Stories From Inspiring Women Who Eat The Food Babe Way!

Just to show you how much it can change your life to eat The Food Babe Way, I thought I’d share with you some of the incredible emails that I’ve received recently. Each of these women have inspiring stories to tell about the transformation they experienced in their bodies and health when they stopped eating processed … Read More

See What Happens When Twins Makeover Their Diet The Food Babe Way! {Lisa & Laurie’s Story}

This week has been a bit surreal to me. I’m celebrating the 5 year anniversary of (yeah!) and reflecting on all that has happened since I first started this blog. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision all that the Food Babe Army has come to be! Changing multi-billion dollar corporations for the … Read More

Must watch! These videos will have you smiling, cheering and crying!

Update 3/8/2015: The Food Babe team was completely torn having to choose winners – it was so hard! Thank you for sharing your story, being brave and inspiring us all! Everyone is a winner! Congratulations to the following winners of The Food Babe Way Video Contest: Grand Prize: Gallagher Family Dawn Runner Ups: Andrew Nancy  Honorable … Read More

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