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Kraft Jello Drops GMO Sugar, Artificial Food Dyes & BHA

Exciting news for the Food Babe Army!!! First, I want to let you know – our next major campaign is coming. Subscribe to my email newsletter so you will be the first to know when we go live! It’s almost time to make another major food company more transparent and responsible for their ingredients – … Read More

Dissecting In-N-Out Burger (Gross or Healthy? You decide!)

Updated: See end of post.   There’s some good news and bad news I need to share with you about the beloved In-N-Out burger chain. I started investigating the food at In-N-Out Burger for so many reasons. There is a ton of hype surrounding these restaurants. The burgers are quick and simple. People actually drive dozens of miles … Read More

The Exciting Changes The Food Industry Made in 2015 Because Of Us!

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2016!  Reading all the news about food this past year has been a bit surreal for me. It seems like there was a new announcement every week that eliminated another chunk of our food supply that was once tainted with chemical additives, GMOs or antibiotics. Our world is transforming and it’s absolutely beautiful … Read More

Is That Taco Bell Drive Thru Still Calling Your Name? (Don’t Let It, Here’s Why!)

I have something to confess. I was caught on video in the Taco Bell drive-thru recently Just kidding. Sort of. 🙂  Let me explain. When the news broke recently that Taco Bell was removing artificial ingredients by next year, headlines everywhere were proclaiming: “Taco Bell, Pizza Hut Nix Artificial Ingredients”… “Pizza Hut and Taco Bell Just Got … Read More

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