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WATCH – Why You Should Make Your Own Hummus

Today I accomplished a very important feat. I called out a very popular brand of hummus owned by Pepsi Co. who donated over 1.7 million against GMO labeling on a major NBC local news network, all while sharing one of my favorite recipes ever.

Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

Watch it all unfold below in a live cooking segment on Charlotte Today

Food Babe's Beet Hummus Collard Wraps

Prep Time:
10 mins
Cook Time:
0 mins
Total Time:
10 mins

Serves:  1

Beet Hummus Ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cups garbanzo beans, cooked
  • 2 ½ tablespoons raw tahini
  • 1 teaspoon garlic clove, minced
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper
  • 4 tablespoons fresh orange juice
  • 2 large carrots, chopped
  • 1 small beet root, chopped
  • 1 handful fresh cilantro
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup - grade B

Wrap & Toppings:

  • ⅓ bunch fresh collards
  • ½ avocado, sliced
  • 2 dill pickle slices
  • 1 pinch raw sprouts


  1. Drain garbanzo beans and give them a quick rinse.
  2. Combine all hummus ingredients except olive oil in food processor/blender and blend.
  3. Once combined, scrape sides.
  4. Start blending again and add olive oil slowing into mixture while it is blending.
  5. Spread some of the hummus onto the collard leaves, top with avocado, pickles and sprouts.
  6. Fold leaf and roll up, secure with a toothpick if making for take out or just eat!
  7. Refrigerate leftover hummus for up to 5-7 days.


  • Makes 1 serving (plus beet hummus for 3-4 more servings)

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A very big thank you goes to Whole Foods for providing the ingredients for today’s cooking segment and to the hosts Colleen Odegaard and Ramona Holloway, Associate Producer Bob Carroll and Production Assistant Kellie Brown.

Spreading my non-GMO and organic message with all your viewers and all of you reading, brings me so much joy.

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137 responses to “WATCH – Why You Should Make Your Own Hummus

  1. A question about the beans. I buy in bulk so my garbanzos are dried. I am wondering if canned beans are cooked or just soaked? Can I get a good consistency from raw, sprouted garbanzos?

  2. My Husband and I are on the Daniel Fast and these look Amazing! I’m looking forward to my trip to Whole Foods tomorrow for these ingredients.

  3. Best hummus to use is Cedar’s!! They’re non-gmo verified:) I’m too lazy to mix up my own hummus and cedars is so delicious!

  4. Tahini is so easy to make and expensive to buy. Why not add sesame seeds, lemon juice and more olive oil and spices instead?

    1. If you follow Forks Over Knives and Dr. Esselstyn , you don’t use any oil . . . So no expensive tahini needed . . . Just as good and way less calories and no oil to gum up your cells, so that your insulin can work as God intended it to work –

      1. This whole thing about “oil gumming up your cells” does NOT SOUND RIGHT AT ALL. We need healthy fats in our diet, and olive oil has been around for centuries as a healthy oil.


      2. You can view Dr. Esselstyn ‘s presentation on his website as well as note the documentation for such. Healthy fats can be found in avocados, walnuts, and such. Sorry . . . No need for the oils.

  5. Hello foodbabe. i am so happy to come across your site. I had read so much about you on various mediums and am really impressed with the kind of work u are doing. I am highly motivated and inspired by your guts, conviction, research and the hard work you have put into all this.
    I am an enterprenuer and have my company where we manufacture fresh ,all natural, cold pressed juices.
    Going to be your very regular follower.
    nidhi sharma
    Co founder : FOOD IDEAS pvt ;ltd

  6. Garbanzo beans from a CAN? Seriously? An aluminum can? Come on. You can get dry garbanzo beans anywhere. Not cool Food Babe.

      1. I don’t agree that my comment is is not helpful. This site is about all the chemicals in foods as well as products like sunscreen. Aluminum is bad. Plastic packaging is bad. Just google are aluminum cans bad for all the data. Garbanzo beans are plentiful and cheap. Organic ones are like 2-4 dollars a pound. If food babe is giving out recipes then it should be organic, local and dry. Not from a can where the cooked beans have a shelf life of 2 years. I think in the context of her site, my comment is apropos. Thank you.

      2. Who buys food in a can?? I thought this site was all about health. Why not soak garbanzos the night before….just like beans. And I don’t understand the comment against olive oil. How does it ‘gum up’ anything? Olive oil users are a pretty darn healthy group of people.

    1. Note that it is specifically Edan Foods brand in the recipe which does not have BPA linings in their cans.

    2. I agree with JJ, a recipe that used anything from an aluminum can IS NOT cool unless you are promoting laziness and not health, especially when touting a brand reccommendation. Seems like smart content marketing but diminished my respect for Food Babe and her brand propaganda.

    3. Um….I feel that something is wrong with this page currently. I went to click on the stars to give the recipe a rating…and it automatically fills in with 5 stars–and it cannot be changed. I was not going to give a 5-star rating–due to the canned garbanzos…. thanks!

  7. Ugh! I’ve been careful to avoid GMO foods and most companies who are anti labeling. I missed it with this Hummus, which I really like(d). That is not past tense and never to be purchased again (unless they make some major changes). Thanks for the work you do that keeps us informed and provides info to make better choices.

  8. I just bought a new pressure cooker (a Fagor) and love it. I made hummus in one hour from dried beans!
    Thank you Food Babe for your incredible articles!

  9. I do not use canned beans, they need to be soaked overnight to remove enzyme inhibitors (which inhibit absorption of vitamins and minerals, leading to diseases). I do not believe the food industry soaks beans overnight, with lemon juice, then rinses them and then puts in cans. So… I soak my beans myself!

  10. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer’s. So I don’t buy aluminum cans, pots or frying pans for that reason. I’m looking forward to making Vani’s beet hummus as I have always made mine without beets. Now to soak my beans..(I’d give you 5 stars Vani but you are supposed to be protecting us from harmful chemicals..)

  11. I’m munching on organic Pita Pal Hummus and Balela as I am reading this. Picked them up from Costco. Delicious but I think I am going to start making my own as I am hooked on both of them.

  12. Hey, food babe. Keep kicking ass and taking names. You are the tip of the spear that will make a difference in the food American’s eat! You are important.Rock on!!!!

  13. Wow… Some of you are being very harsh. If I buy beans in a can I make sure they are BPA free, as Eden’s are. I like to cook for 4-5 hours every Sunday but if I want to make hummus in a pinch I keep the cans on hand. Of course you can use dried beans. It is your choice. I feel like an Anti-Food Babe faction is forming with people in bed with the FDA and major food corporations. Vani…keep spreading your truth!

  14. I bought a jar of Tahini at Whole Foods a few months ago. Once it’s opened, how long can it be refrigerated? I use it to make hummus but it was a big jar!

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