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The other day my friend told me that she had been drinking a bottled protein shake every morning, and she suspected that it was making her feel like she had a “bubble gut” a few hours later.  You know that feeling when you have to unzip your pants because they feel too tight? When you…

It was my birthday last week…but I got the worst present ever. That morning Alex Clark of the Spillover Podcast DM’d me: “Someone sent me this!” Along with a screenshot from Chick-fil-A’s app stating that they are cancelling their “No Antibiotics Ever” standard, and would start selling chicken raised with antibiotics this Spring:

My dear friend and activist Jason Karp launched a major legal campaign on Kellogg’s last week.  He hired one of the top lawyers in the country, Alex Spiro, and sent a letter to Kellogg’s demanding that they sell Americans the same cereals they sell in other countries without artificial dyes and BHT: “as a minimum…

If you need another reason to stop eating ultra-processed packaged products and fast food,, this might be the motivation you need.  A breaking new report found that many of the most popular food and drinks sold in grocery stores and in fast food drive-thru’s are laden with hazardous chemicals from plastics that can seriously harm…

I just baked up a batch of my No Sugar Granola in the oven and can’t wait to dig in. This is one of my favorite recipes on my 7-Day Sugar Detox, which I’m doing this week to get back on track after the holidays! This granola is quick to make and has no sugar…

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