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BREAKING: Major Company Removing Controversial Ingredient Carrageenan Because Of You!

You never cease to amaze me Food Babe Army! The power you have to change the world is incredible. I just received confirmation that Whitewave Foods, who owns Horizon and Silk, will be removing all carrageenan from their products in 2015.  


Earlier today, I received an anonymous email that stated:

“To whom it may concern, Through friends I have made in the industry an announcement from Whitewave was shared with me regarding their removal of Carrageenan from their products. Due to the overwhelming pressure from consumers and encouragement from your website, Whitewave has announced that they will be removing Carrageenan. Keep up the good work. Attached you will find the announcement letter from Whitewave regarding this”.

Along with this attached document from Whitewave Foods:

We are removing carrageenan from our Horizon and Silk products!

  • Our consumers have expressed a desire for products without it and we are listening!
  • Carrageenan will be removed from Horizon flavored milk in Q1 2015, and from all other Horizon items by Q2 2015 (eggnog, Tuberz, heavy whipping cream, regular and lowfat cottage cheese and lowfat sour cream).
  • It will be removed from our top 5 Silk ESL Soy and Coconut beverages by Q2 2015 and remaining Silk Aseptic and other ESL products by end of 2016.
  • What is carrageenan?
    • A purified extract of red seaweed that is widely used in food and beverage products as a natural thickener and stabilizer.  Allowed for use in organic products since 1995
    • National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Handling Committee voted unanimously in February 2012 to recommend it for relisting
    • Food grade carrageenan is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by FDA, and is permitted for use by federal and international food safety agencies including FDA, and Health Canada

It was just reported by the Associated Press via ABC News that they decided to remove it “because customer feedback has been so strong“. Yes, it is because of all of YOU and your resounding voices, they have decided to make this positive change. This is in direct response to your continued activism in holding companies accountable for the ingredients they put in their products. 

Carrageenan Should Be Removed From All Food – Here’s Why:

I first wrote about this controversial additive back in May of 2012 when a cousin of mine asked me to investigate this ingredient. I highlighted research from food industry watchdog group, The Cornucopia Institute, who completed an in-depth analysis regarding the safety of this ingredient and subsequently petitioned the FDA to remove the additive from the “Generally Regarded As Safe” or GRAS determination and from organic foods all together.

In their report, they explained why even food-grade carrageenan is dangerous, yet how many food companies have continued to unscrupulously add it to their products. According to Cornucopia, animal studies show that “food-grade carrageenan causes gastrointestinal inflammation and higher rates of intestinal lesions, ulcerations, and even malignant tumors”. It can also cause cancer, because food grade “undegraded” carrageenan is contaminated with “degraded” carrageenan (the kind that’s not considered “food grade”). The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and the National Research Council of the United States have both determined that degraded carrageenan is a carcinogen. So, it clearly should not be in our food – but it still is.

As reported this week in the Washington Post, Joanne Tobacman, a physician and professor, “asked the FDA in 2008 to examine the additives safety, submitting five of her own studies concluding that carrageenan can cause inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes. The studies were financed with grants from the federal government. The FDA denied her petition, citing several other industry-funded studies that contradicted her findings“.

Since the FDA won’t do anything to get carrageenan removed from our food, it is up to us to make this happen. 

Other Companies Are Guilty, But This Can Be Changed.

I’m so thrilled that Whitewave made this announcement, because this will likely lead to other companies following suit. Mark Kastel of The Cornucopia Institute has been working on this issue for years, and says that Whitewave’s decision reflects the rise of “people power” – which is so true. We do have the power to enact big changes in the food industry and this is proof of that.

Let’s help to be part of this sweeping change to remove carrageenan from our food supply by avoiding all products with carrageenan and ask companies who are still using it to drop it.

In this shopping guide, created by The Cornucopia Institute, you’ll find a list of all companies guilty of using this ingredient. If one of your favorite products is listed, please do your part and contact that company and ask them to remove it. If you know of other companies that are still using carrageenan, list them in the comments below.

FDA Asleep At The Wheel!

Whitewave’s announcement proves targeting companies works much faster than targeting the FDA. Michael Taylor, FDA’s deputy commissioner for food, even admitted this week that “We simply do not have the information to vouch for the safety of many of these chemicals” and “we do not know the volume of particular chemicals that are going into the food supply.” The FDA is completely asleep at the wheel. It’s up to us to hold these companies accountable and that’s exactly what we are doing.

You are so awesome. Congratulations Food Babe Army! We are changing the food system once again. 

Sending you lots of love and courage to keep moving forward,  



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390 responses to “BREAKING: Major Company Removing Controversial Ingredient Carrageenan Because Of You!

  1. Vani,
    I absolutely love your website and appreciate all that you are doing to bring awareness to the public about what is healthy and what is not. I keep adjusting my grocery list based on your newest findings. I do have a suggestion, it would be so helpful if you would put together a book that lists the food items that are good to buy versus ones that we shouldn’t; kind of based on the “eat this, not that” books. That was the first book I purchased when I started to really pay attention to becoming a healthier eater. I know you have many products listed under your investigations, but it would be awesome to list all of those in a book form. Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

  2. Always a great Idea to read the labels .I started researching synthetic /nano products we use daily . Many toxins are much more toxic in this nano /synthetic form . MSG is labeled in 100 ways not just MSGanymore Dr Cathrene Reid removed MSG from her autistic daughters diet with curing effects ..I emailed her a few times explaining the new ways this MSG is made wih nno size materials . The only way to be safe is eating organic and using safe tested products Great job Voni don’t need to be eating car wax ….

  3. If we could only this ingredient out of all products. Hard to love ice cream knowing it includes it as an ingredient.

    1. Risa, all of the flavors that I’ve found (so far) of Haagen-Dazs ice cream *do not* have carrageenan. I stopped buying Ben & Jerry’s because they include carrageenan in every flavor they make. Obviously if Haagen-Dazs can make a premium ice cream without it, there is no need for it.

  4. How about also getting rid of Methyllisothiazolinone (MI for short). It is in many products, esp baby wipes. Mothers and babes who react to MI say it is like wiping your butt with poison ivy..

  5. Thank you for everything you do! You are doing such a great service for all of us. I am eternally grateful!

  6. Carrageenan is used in Tom’s of Maine natural fluoride toothpaste for kids. It would be great if you could get it out of there as well.

    Thanks for your great work!

  7. Thank you for your work, Vani. But didn’t I read that White Wave was found not to be following Organic standards for their Horizon milk?

    The other item I just discovered which concerns me now is that some pesticides are allowed for use in organic farming. We were led astray, I believe, as I have always thought there were no pesticides used, whether they be natural, organic, or synthetic pesticides.

  8. Woo hoo!!! This makes me so happy! As someone who still drinks Silk coconut milk, since I haven’t found a workable way to make it myself, this is fantastic news!

  9. Thanks Vani for all your reaserch and activism regarding health and food safety. As many write in here the more natural and home made whole foods we eat the less risk of health issues. I am sadden by the FDA, BIG Pharma and specially the lack of education in our society regarding the relation between eating natural whole foods and diseases. The more we lack in knowledge and don’t know the better is for the industrialized moneymaking food machine industry as the consumers will eat more junk food, high sugary foods, fructose corn syrup, etc that advertises every day and night during kids cartoon and housewives sopes with disregard. Whole food eduction, nutrition and foodbabe should be tought in elementary and high schools all around the globe! Thanks again

  10. Great, I think Toms toothpaste has carrageenan in their products. I will stop using this product until something is done. Great job Food babe….

  11. FDA Asleep At The Wheel!

    Whitewave’s announcement proves targeting companies works much faster than targeting the FDA. Michael Taylor, FDA’s deputy commissioner for food, even admitted this week that “We simply do not have the information to vouch for the safety of many of these chemicals” and “we do not know the volume of particular chemicals that are going into the food supply.” The FDA is completely asleep at the wheel. It’s up to us to hold these companies accountable and that’s exactly what we are doing.


  12. I’ve been searching for a reason that I, without any known precursors, could have developed pancreatic cancer. Perhaps this (or other unknown similar food additives) is the reason. Sad and scarey!

    1. Linda, you need to take “Cannabis Oil”. It cures most cancers and other serious illnesses. Please watch the YouTube video “Run From The Cure-The Rick Simpson Story. Also, Google cannabis oil cures cancer and read all the testimonies from people who were cured after taking cannabis oil. Best wishes!

  13. Great work!! Thank you for all of the information you provide us with and for everything you do!!! Do you happen to know if they will replace that thickener/stabilizer with something else?

  14. This company doesn’t support GMO labeling and is one of the companies that pours thousands of dollars to a stop labeling. Just because they decided to remove this ingredient it doesn’t mean anything just another PR move to make themselves look better. Don’t support the brand period. Whitewave is part of GMA. Don’t let them fool you.

  15. Fantastic! I wish you could get So Delicious ( to do the same. I used to love their products until I discovered Carrageenan. I contacted them about a year ago and they said “they were working on it”. Maybe they need a little love from the Food Babe!

  16. what do you suggest to replace alcohol free wine and beer as I do not drink alcohol
    but enjoy the taste of beer and wine especially dark beeers and dry red wine
    fantastic web site action group ,maintain the status food babe
    head lice season is upon us from the schools what is your solution also what deadorant toxic free
    please advise

  17. This is fantastic news. Let’s keep this momentum going. There should be nothing in our food we need a dictionary or Internet connection to figure out. There are many very safe and REALLY natural food preserving compounds. We wouldn’t be here otherwise. We have been test subjects long enough!

  18. Awesome news. I’m still disheartened that so many people drink almond milk, when most almond milk contains carrageenan. I highly recommend rice milk (aka rice drink/rice beverage) instead, since it does not contain carrageenan.

    1. According to the ingredients label Trader Joe’s Almond Beverage Vanilla unsweetened does not have carrageenan in it. BTW, tastes great.
      Great job Food Babe. You sure got my attention!

  19. Thank goodness!! With IBS it’s been a great concern for me to find soy or any vegan milk product without carageenan in it. The one and only product that I could find is trader Joe’s organic soymilk. It’s just soybeans and water and it’s good! I’m not a great fan of whitewave foods foods but this is amazing news that there is another more convenient option for me. Thank you food babe for all your hard work!

  20. Blindness, Mad Cow Disease and Canola Oil, by John Thomas. and a long article at: CANOLA OIL is pure poison and this is no figure of speech. When I write “poison” I mean just that. Yet, it is everywhere in our food. If there was ever a poison needing to be removed from our food supply, it’s this garbage.

  21. Can you get SoDelicious to remove it from their coconut creamers?! I started a petition regarding this last year and it never got momentum.

    HELP! and THANK YOU!!!!

  22. I am so happy that you and the many other groups are educating people and people are voicing their opinions. This is AMERICA we can make the changes for the future of our children and planet earth. You’re awesome, keep up the good work.

  23. Dear Vani,
    Thank you so much for helping us make this happen! It makes me so happy to see change is happening so quickly 🙂 Do you think we can do the same for guar gum?
    Big hugs,

  24. Thank you Vani for your efforts to keep us informed on all these issues regarding our food supply, my family and i are experiencing better health from using the information recieved through your research, keep up the good fight.

  25. Please put some pressure on muscle milk to remove it from their products. People workout then get their products out of convenience for a protein source. All the while consuming something so unhealthy. It’s just wrong.

  26. The sad thing is, it’s not just carrageenan. There are numerous toxic ingredients in various and sundry products which we either ingest, apply topically or are in some other manner exposed. Unless Big Food, et al understands that we will NOT stand for ANY toxic ingredients being used in the products we consume, they will continue to find a replacement (if not change the name) for the ingredients which are being boycotted. Therefore, it devolves upon us to facilitate their collective understanding. 🙂

    Thanks for all the work you’ve done, Vani. You rock!

  27. Please tell Wholefoods to do the same with their Aloe Gel. I use it on my hair but it is marketed as a dietary supplement. This should not be used internally. Please put pressure on them as well.
    Keep up the great work : )

  28. Perhaps we should start working on Blue Diamond Almond to remove it also. I usually buy it because it is usually less expensive than Silk. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts to keep us healthy!!

  29. The FDA aka the Fraud and Death Administration has long ago run off the road.
    They are IN THE POCKETS of the big chemical and poison companies who are desparate obviously to POISON ALL OF US!!! Even the ones of us who deem that natural and organic is better!!! When an organic company and one who claims to be “natural” such as TOM’S makes my blood boil !!!
    Thank you sooooo very much Vani for your steadfast and purposefull efforts to
    one by one call these companies in to account for their evil practices.
    Thank you times infinity !!!!!

  30. This is AMAZING NEWS!!!!! Food Babe, you rock! It is because of you I learned about this nasty ingredient and now share with anyone that will listen. Thank you for your purpose and drive! This is a big step, although there are many more steps to go. Grateful to be a part of the FoodBabeArmy!

  31. This is great news. I hope that other companies follow suit. Almost every cottage cheese seems to have carrageenan. I use Nancy’s because it does not, but it is not so easy to find.

    1. We tried Nancy’s and couldn’t stomach it – so strong! We eat Organic Valley cottage cheese – yum! (no carrageenan)

      1. It’s definitely not for everyone. It has a much tarter taste than pretty much any other brand. I happen to like it, but I know that many don’t!

  32. Great work, Vani! I’ve been reading the Cornucopia Institute’s emails for a couple of years so I was aware of the dangers of carrageenan already, but didn’t know how to avoid it — it’s in organic products, as well as in my cats’ canned food! Now I know it’s time to be more active about contacting companies with regard to their unhealthy ingredients. Thank you!

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