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Kimchi & Noodles

This might be the fastest dinner I’ve ever made – Kimchi & Noodles

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One of my sponsors, Essential Eating Sprouted Foods, sent me an assortment of their new sprouted whole grain pastas that are now a permanent addition to my pantry. In terms of nutrition, these pastas take any old plain whole wheat noodle up a serious notch.

The sprouting process turns a whole wheat grain and its composition from a starch into a vegetable, becoming more digestible as a result. Sprouting grains also reduces phytic acid, an enzyme inhibitor, allowing for better absorption of nutrients.

This is one of the reasons you’ll never see non-sprouted whole wheat flour products in my pantry…I mean, why even bother with it, when the sprouted variety is significantly better for you?

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I got the idea for this recipe (if you can call it that) when I had some Kimchi laying around in the fridge that was staring back at me ready to use.

If you’ve never tried Kimchi before you must try it. Kimchi tastes a bit sour and salty, and goes perfectly with noodles. Kimchi is loaded with vitamins A, B, and C and healthy bacteria found in fermented foods. This good bacteria helps with digestion and wards off cancer.

Besides – I just love the crunch of cabbage. Yum.

You can buy kimchi a lot of places now, even Trader Joe’s has a version (it’s not organic – but delicious, free of GMOs and other additives). If you’d like to make it yourself, try Sarah from New Root’s recipe…I’ve got a head of cabbage rearing to get chopped up to make that recipe again soon.

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Food Babe's Kimchi & Noodles

Prep Time:
4 mins
Cook Time:
6 mins
Total Time:
10 mins

Serves:  2


  • 4 ounces sprouted whole grain linguini
  • 1 cup kimchi, chopped


  1. Make noodles to package directions.
  2. Chop kimchi.
  3. Allow noodles to cool.
  4. Add kimchi to noodles and serve.

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I hope you enjoy this REALLY easy fast dinner idea…10 mins or less and it can be in your belly.

Oh I should mention…definitely check out the sprouted grain elbows from Essential Eating too – I used them recently to make mac & cheese for my husband one night (it was to die for) but that is a recipe for another time…


Food Babe

P.S. I’d love to hear what you eat when your life gets busy. What are your fastest go-to meals? Please share with me and others in the comments.

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29 responses to “Kimchi & Noodles

  1. I have two quick fixes. The first is spinach, green onion, and z’atar “quesadilla’s” using Daiya pepperjack – soy sour cream optional. The other is homemade BBQ tempeh on grilled Ezekiel Bread using Earth Balance spread – homemade vegan coleslaw using Vegenaise – optional. Cheers!

    1. AND….to add…Za’atar for those who don’t know, it’s a dried herb blend, usually containing thyme, oregano, sumac, sesame seeds, and salt. It’s a Mediterranean spice blend. Traditionally, its served with Lavash(a thin pita bread) and
      olive oil. BUT you can add it to veggies, hummus, or even use as a rub on your favorite meats!

  2. When I know I’m going to be busy I prepare ahead of time and make something (usually chili) in the crockpot that will be finished when I get home. If it’s an unexpected busy, a wrap with whatever veggies and beans I have that need to be used!

    1. Yes – I do wraps a lot too! Sometimes I use sprouted wraps, but sometimes collards or nori too. Thanks for sharing Tiffany.

  3. I have never had kimchi, I have been wanting to try it for a while – but never seen it in the grocery stores (no Trader Joe’s here) I probably gonna have to order some online.
    It looks deelish!
    Thanks for the recipe.

  4. I haven’t found any sprouted pasta yet! Can’t wait to try this – and I’m guessing the Kimchi is a lot like sauerkraut??

  5. I’m Korean & just wanted to let you know that we make kimchi noodle dishes at home. It goes well w/ a little bit of sesame oil (or whatever healthy oil you decide, but sesame oil really adds to the flavor of this dish) topped with sesame seeds & pieces of dried seaweed.

  6. Wow! How quick and easy! My favorite go-to meal is whatever veggies I can find in my fridge + a teeny splash of braggs aminos and lemon juice. Ta da, super easy veggie stir fry!

  7. I use kimchi that turned a bit sour in my soup with tofu and seaweed. If I have some cooked quinoa, I toss that in, too. Other vegetables on hand find their way in as well. Then add hot peppers! That’s my go-to remedy when I feel some signs of impending cold…

  8. the kimchi noodles look great- I just tried kimchi for the first time a few weeks ago (from Trader Joes) and really liked it with some radish flatbread! My quick faves are tempeh and almond butter sandwiches on sprouted bread (I know that’s a lot of grains but it is so filling and tasty!) and I love having quinoa with greek yogurt that I do an indian spice tempering over- it kind of tastes like curd rice! I like doing that with grated cauliflower instead of quinoa also.

    1. All of that sounds really yummy – tell me more about this radish bread, I’ve never heard of it? Do you make it from scratch – is it like Indian food?

  9. My go-to is an spinach, mushroom and cheese omelet. It’s easy, quick, and taste delicious no matter what time of day!

  10. Try, if your area has it, any (more specific-Korean) grocery stores. Usually, any Asian grocery will have it. And they make their own onsite. Also be aware, no kimchi is alike. You might like one over another. Some add(besides the base-a pepper blend), ginger, scallions, etc. Y ou should.start with traditional Kimchi-just uses cabbage. You’ll also find at Asian stores…Kimchi(everything, lol)…Kimchi scallions, Kimchi tofu soup, Kimchi squid, etc.

  11. What do you have to say about Mark Lynas switch over to pro GMO? He started the anti gmo movement and now he switched over. Doesn’t say much for our cause does it? GMOs are not all bad, and there is no scientific evidence that suggests that. The rat study was not good science. Sto with your lies!

  12. I had a question regarding sprouted wheat. I have been working on cleaning up my eating habits and removing all the junk, I’ve always eaten “healthy”,at least I thought I did. Anyways,I have been reading into gluten free recipes and sprouted wheat. I was wanting to know which is better for you and why. My issue is that many of the gluten free recipes and products seem to have xanthan gum added to it. Btw, this recipe looks delicious! Love your blog!

  13. Foodbabe – I love all of your recipes and am trying to go as organic as possible. It can be tough as a newbie sometimes! I’m having a hard time finding the best grocery stores to use. Seeing as how you are a fellow Charlotte resident – what are your go to grocery stores?

  14. wow, this looks fabulous! we LOVE kimichi and we will try this receipe. THANK YOU for all of your hard work researching and sharing information with us–I truly appreciate what you do and I love reading your articles and sharing them with people. Thank you! YOU ROCK!!!!

  15. Kim chi and pasta–great idea.

    For a quick and nutritious meal, I add fish filets to organic salsa and let it simmer for five to ten minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish. Sometimes I add chard or spinach or other quick-cooking green. Yum!

    I had no idea that sprouted grains turn from a starch to a more digestible vegetable. That’s an invaluable tip. I’ve restricted my pasta intake to shirataki (made from indigestible yam starch) and organic soba (made from buckwheat flour), but would love to add another healthy option. Thanks!

    What kind of cheese do you use for the mac and cheese recipe?

  16. I love Kimchi…if you ask your produce manager at your grocery store they will order it for you. Luckily I found a Korean restaurant locally that makes it from scratch. So I just pick it up on my way home from work.

    You can also put Kimchi in a pot with water and call it Kimchi soup, yummy.

  17. I can’t find this pasta with your link. Is it available for public purchase? Went to the website as well and there is no pasta on the site.

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