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They Say McDonald’s Is Removing Artificial Ingredients – But The Menu is Still Full Of Them!

This story about McDonald’s was all over the news… Did you see it? Here are some headlines: “McDonald’s removing artificial additives from its burgers” – CNN Money “McDonald’s burgers: New recipes remove artificial ingredients” – CBS News “McDonald’s Nixes Artificial Ingredients from Its Burgers” – Food & Wine Sounds pretty good, right? At first, I … Read More

What’s The Healthiest Fast Food Burger Chain?

If you’re careful about what you eat, you probably don’t frequent chains like McDonald’s or Burger King, but where do you go when you want a burger? There are several higher-end and “farm-to-table” burger chains popping up, advertising their “all natural”, “organic” and “grass-fed” burgers. So I had to find out, are they really legit? Are … Read More

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