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Food Revolution Wins in 2017… What Happened and What’s Next

This year has been LIFE CHANGING and full of adventures and surprises. Two big developments happened in 2017, in case you missed it… #1 – First and foremost in my heart, I became a mom. Harley was born in January and being her mom has brought me the greatest joy I’ve ever experienced. My biggest hope … Read More

Whitewash Book Could Get Monsanto’s Roundup (Glyphosate) Banned Forever

There is a chemical that likely causes cancer being sprayed on 80% of the food in this country and residues have been found in popular foods like Cheerios and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. This chemical is Roundup Weedkiller (Glyphosate) made by Monsanto. Even though the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer … Read More

Monsanto Caught Ghost-Writing Pieces Published In Forbes

There are a couple breaking stories that I want to make sure you know about… Newly released emails show how Monsanto infiltrated a scientific journal and persuaded them to retract a published study which revealed tumors on rats who were fed GMOs and Roundup. This has been coined the “Seralini Study”, which Monsanto has attacked since its initial … Read More

This New Label On Food Will Keep You From Getting Poisoned By Monsanto’s Weedkiller

A large body of peer reviewed research links glyphosate (which is sprayed on the majority of crops in this country) to cancer, reproductive problems, liver, kidney and skin cell damage, antibiotic-resistance, and more. The WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer has deemed it a probable carcinogen. One of the biggest sellers of glyphosate, Monsanto, … Read More

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