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Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites {Dairy-Free & Grain-Free}

I call these Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites “unbelievable” because once you take a bite, it’s hard to believe these decadent treats are made with no white sugar, no grains, and no dairy – just 100% healthy deliciousness in a pan. Plus, it’s great for the holidays – if you’re baking lots of cookies and have your … Read More

Vegetable Lasagne With No Noodles

Ok, the title of this post gives it away, but let me start by saying you will not miss the noodles in this vegetable lasagne recipe – I promise! It’s oozy, yummy and so good just like traditional lasagne but instead of being just meat, grains and dairy – this recipe is almost entirely made … Read More

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