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6 Proven Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is different from other vitamins in that it actually functions like a hormone in your body. Interestingly enough, nearly every cell in the body has a receptor for vitamin D! (1) It is essential to good health and effects everything from your bones, to your brain, to your heart, to your immune system. … Read More

Is The Keto Diet Healthy?

When I was in my 20’s overweight, upset and ready to change my life – I went on a diet. Little did I realize at the time, that diets do not produce long lasting results – for my body, for my health or for my mental state. This is why I think it’s important to … Read More

Healthy Holiday Sweet Potato Casserole

There’s just nothing like a homemade sweet potato casserole during the holidays… it’s almost like dessert (but healthy!) I always use fresh sweet potatoes or yams to make this casserole, and NEVER the canned versions. Those cans are packed with tons of added refined sugar and especially after you’ve had the real thing you realize … Read More

5 Ways To Naturally Get Glowing, Beautiful Skin

Your skin is your largest organ. It covers and protects everything on your body. How you treat it is incredibly important to your health. However, the skin is one of the most unappreciated organs, and one that I used to totally take for granted, slathering products full of toxic chemicals on it day after day. … Read More

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