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Homemade Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Recipe With Real Food Ingredients (And No Refined Sugar!)

I recently shared a recipe for my homemade version of a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, and many of you were asking for a recipe to replace their Peppermint Mocha. So, here it is…my real food recipe for a peppermint mocha without any of the crazy ingredients like potassium sorbate and carrageenan (both linked to cancer) … Read More

Homemade Chick-fil-A Peppermint Chip Milkshake Recipe Without Artificial Ingredients!

When I saw the ingredient list for Chick-fil-A’s famous holiday drink, the Peppermint Chip Milkshake, I could not believe my eyes. There are so many artificial ingredients in there and the list is a mile long. It’s insanity! Of course I can’t keep this information to myself, so check it out for yourself:

Homemade Stove Top Stuffing Recipe (And Why You Shouldn’t Buy Kraft’s Version)

Back in the day, when Thanksgiving rolled around I’d pick up these products at the last minute… Stove Top stuffing, boxed potatoes, and canned cranberry sauce. Can you relate?  I’ve since learned that although the holidays are a busy time, it’s well worth my time to make dishes from scratch with simple recipes that allow … Read More

The best healthy gifts to give your loved ones this holiday season

As I was putting together my first cookbook, Food Babe Kitchen, I had one major goal in mind. I wanted it to change lives. I wanted to make it easy to STOP hitting up the drive-thru or Postmates and eat healthfully with real ingredients on a daily basis. If you have this cookbook, I know … Read More

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