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Scented lotions, makeup, and perfume to stop gifting immediately.

This time of year the malls are filled with holiday scented lotions, perfumes, foamy body washes, and glittery holiday makeup. Back in the day, I’d pick up some of these fun items as gifts for my friends – but not anymore. I’ve since learned about all the toxins in these products… Beauty products from The … Read More

Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites {Dairy-Free & Grain-Free}

I call these Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites “unbelievable” because once you take a bite, it’s hard to believe these decadent treats are made with no white sugar, no grains, and no dairy – just 100% healthy deliciousness in a pan. Plus, it’s great for the holidays – if you’re baking lots of cookies and have your … Read More

Healthy Holiday Sweet Potato Casserole

There’s just nothing like a homemade sweet potato casserole during the holidays… it’s almost like dessert (but healthy!) I always use fresh sweet potatoes or yams to make this casserole, and NEVER the canned versions. Those cans are packed with tons of added refined sugar and especially after you’ve had the real thing you realize … Read More

Take A Peek Inside My New Book Feeding You Lies (plus a special announcement)

The book jacket for the hardcover version of Feeding You Lies was just finalized and I am so happy about getting this book out into the world. And I want you to be the first to see it! Here’s what what the front cover and binding look like: Inside the front flap: The back cover: And, inside … Read More

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