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Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites {Dairy-Free & Grain-Free}

I call these Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites “unbelievable” because once you take a bite, it’s hard to believe these decadent treats are made with no white sugar, no grains, and no dairy – just 100% healthy deliciousness in a pan. Plus, it’s great for the holidays – if you’re baking lots of cookies and have your … Read More

Pumpkin Quinoa Porridge – A Warm Delicious Breakfast!

Imagine all the flavors of pumpkin pie in a big hot bowl of goodness… That’s what this breakfast is! It might as well be a dessert because it tastes that good! Fortunately, this breakfast will give you staying power, a nice dose of healthy fiber and disease-busting nutrients without the sugar high. This Pumpkin Quinoa Porridge … Read More

Healthy Pumpkin Pie With Coconut Whipped Cream

I love pumpkin pie! But I don’t love the traditional recipe that adds a ton of sugar and hormone-filled evaporated milk to the mix. My favorite part of this pumpkin pie recipe is the coconut milk! It adds a nice hint of sweetness without adding more sugar. I make this recipe every year and it’s a … Read More

Toxins vs. Tradition – What Will Win On Your Thanksgiving Table?

Thanksgiving is by far one of my favorite holidays – there is something so special about the sense of community, thankfulness, family tradition, and overall togetherness it brings each year. It’s also a perfect day to teach and influence your family to eat less processed food and make better choices at the grocery store. I … Read More

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