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Superfood Popsicles

I love to cool down on hot summer days with frozen treats like popsicles, but don’t buy most store-bought versions anymore because they are packed with tons of added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, thickeners and fake flavors. I ate a TON of Bomb Pops when I was a kid… no wonder I … Read More

Is This Healthy Food Destroying Your Gut?

I love spreading the word about healthy living on national TV but it’s so hard to get in everything I want to say in just a few minutes! Alas, that’s why I love blogging and long investigative posts. Hope you enjoy the clips below from Access Hollywood and The Better Show. I discuss what healthy … Read More

Goji Berry Waffles with Blueberry Coconut Compote

You can find breakfast recipes like this one in the Food Babe Meal Plans for Health Membership Program. Alongside a nutritionist, it took me 6 months to create the Food Babe Meal Plans for Health program – which is carefully designed and portioned appropriately to either help you lose weight or to help you maintain … Read More

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