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You Won’t Want to Put This Down – Feeding You Lies now in Audio & Paperback

I’ve been waiting months for this, and now it’s time! 

My bestselling book Feeding You Lies is now available in two new versions…

Paperback and Personally-narrated audiobook

This book was not easy to write. But I wrote it for you. Your friends. Your children. Your family. 

I hoped it would help people to stop believing the lie that everything on the shelf is safe and that even foods advertised as “healthy” are often far from it. In this book, I wanted to make it easy for people to stop falling for food industry tricks and transform their food choices. That’s why it makes me SO HAPPY to see reviews like this…

Just when I thought my family was eating good, BOOM……MIND BLOWN !! After reading this book, our family will never shop for our food the same way again! We are now in the process of slowly restocking our kitchen and refrigerator with nothing but “real” food with the knowledge and ideas from this book.” – Terry

“This book is the real deal. Big bucks are paid by companies to NOT get the word out on how our food supply has poisoned us. If you feel GMO is fine, conventional foods are fine, etc, you’ve been duped. The propaganda of big bucks has influenced you. READ THIS BOOK. And don’t stop there. Continue to educate yourself on good nutrition. You’ll live a lot longer, feel better, look better, and be a lot happier. Most Americans are addicted to garbage foods. AS I SAID, read this book.” – Emily

“I shudder to think how much trust I had previously put into “Big Food”, most especially as it relates to my child and the foods I thought “must be safe or they wouldn’t be selling it”. This book is a MUST if you want to protect your loved ones. It’s horrifying to discover how much damage can be caused by ingesting dishonest foods and this book arms you with the tools you need to make the best decisions.” Amazon customer

“We’ve been eating clean for years, but I still learned a LOT from reading this book. I can’t believe that food companies have the power and ability to manipulate the press the way they do. Just goes to show you that there is not a single news outlet out there that you can trust anymore. There is no such thing as an unbiased view when it involves making or losing money. Big Food has been winning at this garbage for TOO LONG! It has to stop.”Happy Shopper

This book almost didn’t get published…

Calling out specific food brands, industry experts, and front groups is VERY RISKY to report on. Newspapers, TV networks, and publishers don’t want to touch this information because it could hurt their ad accounts (yes, I’ve been told this point blank). And although I struggled to get a publisher who was courageous enough to move forward with this book, my persistence has been worth it. I’m really thankful that I didn’t let the naysayers and critics scare me off from writing it. This book has already helped so many people, and for that, I’m so grateful!

I wrote this book to expose the unethical tactics used by certain corporations who are feeding the world, because they are hurting and misleading a lot of people with their lies. And it needs to stop. We need to tell everyone all about this – and that is why this book is so important.  

Feeding You Lies is not like any diet or health book you’ve ever read…

It’s a tell-all on the food industry in one book that’s super easy to share with your friends and family. You’ll learn how to cut the toxins from your food and improve your health.

And now you can listen to the audiobook (narrated by yours truly!) while you’re out running errands or while you’re cooking dinner. Or, pick up the paperback that you can easily pack and read anywhere. It makes an incredible gift too. 

Pick up your copies here:


Feeding You Lies

Available in stores everywhere

Know anyone who needs to read or listen to Feeding You Lies? Please share this post or pick up a copy for them as a gift. 




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