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Cabbage Patch Kid Juice

The sweet taste of pear and cabbage will take you back to the good old days!


It might take you back so far, that you actually start to look younger…

Cabbage juice is absolutely amazing for your health … It slows down aging, boosts immune system, prevents Alzheimer’s, gives you clear skin, boosts energy, treats fungal infection, relieves muscle soreness and best of all if one the most incredible cancer preventing and fighting juices you can put in your body. Period.

Making this juice and juicing in general is the best health insurance life can offer!


Food Babe's Cabbage Patch Kid Juice

Prep Time:
15 mins
Cook Time:
0 mins
Total Time:
15 mins

Serves:  2


  • ½ bunch fresh collards
  • ½ head cabbage
  • ¼ bunch fresh parsley
  • 1 pear
  • 2 tablespoons ginger root
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 whole lemon, peeled


  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly and place into a large bowl.
  2. Juice each vegetable in this order – collard leaves, cabbage, parsley, pear, ginger, cucumber, and lemon.
  3. Stir mixture before serving.
  4. Clean juicer immediately

Cabbage Patch Kid JuiceCabbage patch doll

Cabbage Patch Kid Juice is so sweet and refreshing… I wish I had some now.


Food Babe

P.S. If you think Cabbage Patch Dolls are creepy – Like my Fan Page!

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31 responses to “Cabbage Patch Kid Juice

  1. Hi Food Babe! I have been juicing for a few months now and I absolutely love it. I am wondering why you say to remove the ends of cucumbers?

  2. Food Babe! This is SO awesome – I didn’t think I would like anything better than the Kickin Kale but this is so good and I have never liked cabbage! Thank you so much for all you efforts to help us improve our health.

  3. I am wondering if you think I could use my Vitamix instead of a blender? It would grind and leave all the pulp and fiber in. Or does it need to be done thru a juicer?

    1. Of course you can put it in your blender! I would add 3 tablespoons of protein powder (careful of type and brand, not all of them are created equal) to slow down the absorption process. Otherwise, you get too big of a Glycemic Index hit that is definitely not good for you.

  4. I am wondering the same thing as chi-mai…I too have a Vitamix and wondering if I could make it in there?

    1. You certainly can use a Vitamix. But you will get the MOST concentrated nutrient value for the amount you drink by juicing instead of blending with the fiber. Change it up – sometimes Vitamix with the fiber, sometimes juice without fiber. If you are using juicing to fight a disease by getting high nutrient value, then juicing is your best bet.

      And on the cabbage juice, remember it’s important to drink it within the first two minutes after juicing in order to get the full enzyme punch available. After that, it has nutrients, but not the same high value.

  5. Hi ..I’m exited with all this juices recipies I want to drink it all and that’s what I want to ask u
    Can I drink 2 different juices a day or what I do??? Thank you !!!!

  6. I juiced a entire cabbage today with carrots and ginger. I got a burning feeling sort of like heartburn and it slowed me down a bit for a hour or so. Was it the cabbage? and the speed of drinking it? Thanks for your time.

    1. Hi Ozzie,

      A clue might be in your question about the speed you drank it. It is VERY important that you start by taking the juice and chewing it as the first stage of digestion is your saliva. Swish it around in your mouth and do that with each sip. This is not like drinking a glass of water or fruit juice. It should make a big difference.

    2. I also read Food Babe say that you need to drink it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes before you eat anything else. If you drink it after eating food, it will cause heart burn.

  7. Thanks for this recipe. I love your site!
    I make this with my Vitamix, but alter the recipe a little.
    1/4 bunch of collards (or kale)
    1/4 head of cabbage
    1/4 bunch parsley
    1 pear
    1″ or 2″ ginger
    1/2 cucumber
    1/2 peeled lemon
    ~2 cups of water

  8. I finally tried this today with my NutriBullet but used about 1/3 the ingredients in the recipe, the larger size cup attachment, added a couple dandelion greens & about 1.5 cups of water. I also replaced lunch so added 1TB chia seeds, goji berries & 1 scoop of garden of life vanilla raw protein. This is soooo yummy!

  9. I have had problems after eating at Subway off and on for years. Are there any other chems used in their subs?

    1. Most of the trouble from any sandwich would be from the modern, hybrid, created in a lab, worse that ANY GMO food, wheat.

  10. i am still curious about using the vitamix. This is my favorite machine and would love to know if all of the juicing recipes work just fine with the vitamix. we are planning a trip out of the country and i am truly wondering how i will be eating without it!!!

    could you please give us your thoughts on the vitamix? i’m really not planning to buy a juicer, too. thank you!

  11. I just tried the cabbage patch kid juice and it was awful! I had to force myself to drink it. It was not sweet at all, it was bitter and just awful. Not doing it again, nope not ever.

    1. You did not say if you juiced or blended. There is a big difference in what happens to the fruits and veggies thus causing bitter and off tastes. To make sweet without fruit or sugar use carrot.

  12. Please tell me what is the BEST juicer and easiest to clean. I see that some
    will use the whole veg or fruit, no waste.

    Many thanks,

  13. Hi: love your juice recipes and wonder if you can suggest some vision-enhancing recipes for my 4 yr old, who just got a cylindrical number in both eyes; we are told that this can get corrected with nutrition (and less time with electronics!).

  14. Loved it. It was delicious! Did you really use 1/2 a cabbage though? I got close to 4 cups of juice!

  15. To all the Vitamix people!Are you serious asking?You have the best of the best!
    Go to the Vitamix website-recipes see what they have and ask them the question
    and toss in the recipe.
    Vitamix is the Mercedes of all.

    1. Apple could be substituted, but not banana. Even a slice of pineapple would work instead. To not spike the glycemic index, only add apple, pineapple or lemon to your veggie juices. Of course, carrot sweetens too, or beet… just not too much beet to avoid the sugar spike too.

    1. Hi Lora.
      I just joined the group last week (~1-1-15). It must be difficult to do what Mrs. Hari
      is doing. The info is great, but without the communication it really wears thin on the excitement of finding out the truth about our foods and how many good things there are to eat really. I’m gonna hang in here for a while longer to see if questions eventually get answered (I’ve got a couple emails I would like to get replies from but not really holding my breath). Maybe this would be a good time for us to pitch in and maybe find a subscriber/blogger here that is a well qualified nutritionist and would like to help. I know Babe would really be encouraged to see that and she’s already doing so much with travel and upline persuasion it seems. Great suggestion from you absolutely ! I don’t have a juicer yet but will by February or sooner if I have my way. I’ve done lots of juicing before. Once I had a job working for a cancer survivor (Linda Coffee) administering the Gerson Therapy to her because her husband had to maintain his plumbing business to pay the bills. I would make juices of differing kinds every hour and keep things clean. That therapy also includes calves liver in some of the juices, Jerusalem artichoke vegetable soup, and coffee enimas to remove toxins from the large intestine. She started that therapy (unfortunately after already receiving radiation and chemo) and cured herself of melanoma (the typical 6 months to live scenario). Once she got off the therapy, she started going downhill (from all the conventional “treatment” undoubtedly). That was 20 years ago. I hope she has somehow made it through all that. Check out this video:

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