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Is Butter Secretly Ruining Your Health?

Growing up, butter was an absolute staple in my household. We thankfully never got into the margarine craze because my mother believed that butter was good for the brain. Turns out, she was right about that and scientists have now concluded that butter is actually good for you in other areas too. It’s high in a compound call CLA that protects you from tumor growth and cancer, is not inflammatory like man-made oils from corn, canola or soy, and provides a nice dose of Omega 3 fatty acids, if you get it from the right source. But finding the right source can be tricky given all the buzz words and fancy marketing these days. Choosing the wrong type of butter can secretly ruin your health without you even knowing it! Here’s a look at what’s really going on and how to choose the healthiest butter for you and your family. 

Beware of Monsanto Butter


***Updated Graphic: Shortly after this blog post was published, Smart Balance announced they would go Non-GMO***

I call conventional butter “Monsanto Butter,” because it comes from cows fed almost entirely genetically engineered or GMO grains and Monsanto is the largest producer of GMOs.

Conventionally raised cows are most commonly fed GMO corn and soy, however, some farmers fatten up their feed with additional sugar from GMO sugar beets and cottonseed. Cotton is the most toxic crop because it isn’t treated as a food crop but as a textile (it has less regulation.) And then conventional dairy cow feed is sometimes fortified with additional protein, Omega 3 fatty acids and CLA from GMO rapeseed (canola) because the cows are not getting these nutrients naturally from the grass. GMO alfalfa hay is also commonly fed to cows. So basically, conventionally raised cows are almost entirely getting their food from GMOs – food that was created in a laboratory, that hasn’t been tested long term, but has produced horrific results in several alarming animals studies

Over 49% of all GMO corn is fed to animals or livestock. Only 2% of the GMO soybeans grown are actually fed to humans, the other 98% get fed to animals. Those figures are pretty scary once you consider the astronomical amounts of herbicides being sprayed on these GMO crops and what they are doing to the increase cancer rates, harm the environment and ourselves.

Land O’Lakes = Monsanto Butter

Land O’ Lakes was a staple in my household growing up. We’d use the whipped butter like it was nobody’s business – my mom would use it on her infamous parathas (Indian stuffed flat bread), in countless desserts and to make homemade ghee. Once I found out what was really happening at Land O’Lakes, my Mom and I had a little chat. I explained to her that Land O’Lakes is owned by a pro-GMO company called Dean Foods. Land O’Lakes co-developed genetically engineered alfalfa, directly contributing to the GMO animal feed supply. I also explained that Land O’Lakes contributed nearly $100,000 to the “No on I-522 Lobby” – the bill to label GMOs in Washington State. This is all on top of the fact that Land O’Lakes is not organic, raises their cows with growth hormones linked to cancer, antibiotics and harmful pesticide ridden GMO feed. I told my Mom she has to stop buying Land O’Lakes if we are going to change this world! 

Knowing all these facts, plus the health risks of consuming GMOs, my Mom finally asked “what butter can I buy?” Well there are many brands out there that are light years ahead of Land O’Lakes. Here’s a Butter Buying Guide that will help you (and my Mama) navigate the butter aisle next time you hit the market:

Slide2Updated Graphic: Removed Smart Balance From Chart

How to Choose The Most Nutritious Butter

  1. Organic – First and foremost, look for organic butter. This will ensure there are no growth hormones, antibiotics, harmful pesticides and GMOs being fed to the cows. Growth hormone or rbGH that is used to raise cows conventionally is linked to cancer and often accumulates in highest concentration in animal fat. One organic brand I’m suspicious of however, is Horizon, they are owned by Dean Foods (the same company that owns Land O’Lakes). The Cornucopia Institute has filed complaints for labeling their product organic while maintaining factory farm production methods. I won’t buy Horizon organic for that reason. 
  2. Grass-fed – Grass-fed or pastured raised cows are going to be more nutritious than cows raised with grains. Remember, the highest amounts of the most beneficial CLA and Omega 3 fatty acids naturally come from grass-fed cows. Also grass-fed cows produce butter with 50 percent more vitamin A and E and 400 percent more beta carotene (which gives the grass-fed butter a deeper yellow color). 
  3. Ghee – Ghee is clarified butter where all the proteins, milk solids and lactose is removed. This makes the butter more digestible, concentrated with nutrients and really great for immunity building. Ghee does not need to be refrigerated, it can stay on the counter for a few months without going bad. People with dairy allergies or sensitives often do ok consuming this type of butter. Pure Indian FoodsPurity Farms  and Ancient Organics have the best offerings in that they are both high quality, organic and grass-fed.
  4. In an ideal world, you would be able to find butter that is both organic, grass-fed and no additives like Organic Valley (in the green foil wrapper) , but sometimes that’s just not the case. In that circumstance, I would go for either an organic butter or grass-fed butter like Kerrygold (please note – Kerrygold uses some grains that could be GMOs a couple of months out of the year because grass doesn’t grow year round in Ireland – they admit that 3% of their feed could contain GMOs). Choosing regular organic butter will lessen your exposure to pesticides but will also provide less nutrition since the cows will mostly be fed organic grains vs. grass. Regardless, these choices are superior choices over conventional butter and both options (in light green on the chart above) will lessen your exposure to GMOs. 
  5. Beware of butter mixes with labels like “with olive oil” – 9 times out of 10, these butters will have one or more GMO ingredients like soybean, corn or canola oil. These mixes may have questionable additives in them too – check the ingredient list just to be sure! 
  6. Don’t Eat Butter? Here are some Vegan Substitutes – If you are vegan, skip all the “butter like” or fake butter spreads like Smart Balance that contain GMO oils, artificial ingredients made from petroleum and unnecessary preservatives. Instead, choose 100% coconut oil, olive oil, red palm oil (that is sustainably harvested from Ecuador and does not hurt the rainforest) or hemp oil instead. Also coconut manna, or butter works well too, when slightly heated it spreads just like butter. (These are also much healthier than organic spreads like Earth Balance that are usually a combo of inflammation causing oils). 

butter substitutes

Sharing the truth is the first step in changing the food system. If you know someone who is buying Monsanto butter, please share this information with them. Our choices can really change the marketplace, make us healthier  and change companies decisions to use these unhealthy ingredients. 

Much Love, 

Food Babe  


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863 responses to “Is Butter Secretly Ruining Your Health?

  1. never use salty butter. butter is a fat and too much fat of any kind is not good. however, too little fat is also not good. I would say that it is most likely ok to eat some butter but not to eat too much and just keep away from garbage like canola oil which can cause blindness when used over a number of years, which it did to British livestock and also caused the animals to go mad, which puts me on the side of butter.

      1. If you ever tried butter WITHOUT salt you no doubt wouldn’t bother with butter at all. Salt is well known to contribute to hypertension, but in moderation I believe its up there with one of the must haves, especially if your exercising and/or otherwise sweating on a daily basis. It is a bit odd the subject is not addressed here in the article. Must admit, have been consuming Land of Lakes butter for years, but no more. Goal is to start making our own butter (with a wee dab of sea salt for taste :-).

      2. You never use salted butter in a recipe because you never know how much salt is in the butter. Not knowing the salt content makes it impossible to adjust a recipe’s salt content up/down which can make the end product salty or not salty enough.

        If using butter straight, like on bread, a high quality butter should have enough flavour where you won’t crave salt. However, if your addicted you can always add salt in which case you’ll know your salt intake.

    1. Excuse me David? Since when is canola oil “garbage?” Maybe I’m biased because we are farmers and we grow canola on our farm, and therefore that’s the oil we use. I would say most Canadians, especially the farmers, use canola oil and we’re not a bunch of blind ‘mad’ people! Never heard such a load of crap!!!! To be fair, I will research this, but I think maybe you need to as well before you go off spouting nonsense.

      1. Why are you assuming his statements are not backed up by research? You really think he just made that up off the top of his head?

        What is really scary is people like you who farm foods and do zero research on the things they are farming. Whatever it takes to make money right? As long as you are in the dark about the damage you are causing then you can sleep at night.

        Ignorance is bliss.

      2. Canola oil is not food…..and it should never be heated and consumed especially as is very unstable at higher temps. We avoid it no matter how cheap it is..soybean oil is essentially in the same category..just stay away from it.. Almost all canola is gmo and therefore requires pesticides. Weston Price foundation provides more information on this subject. I also live in a Canola/wheat farming area and many friends who farm this way agree but they are caught in the money/debt cycle with peer pressure keeping them from trying new methods of farming.

      3. Canola is not a plant. Rapeseed is the plant you grow which must be highly refined in order to make Canola oil. Canola stands for Canadian Oil. There is no such thing as a canola plant. The rapeseed plant is in the mustard family and is currently GMO!

      4. Just fyi, there is such a thing as non GMO canola oil that is great for cooking. I use it in my fryer as well. I also happen to work for a company that is not called half foods

      5. I agree with everyone else on here. Please look up canola. I’m sure you don’t have fields of canola…perhaps rapeseed. We are farmers also and I have never heard of canola crops here in Michigan and I steer everyone away from that oil. It was originally manufactured for bio-diesel. Maybe its different in Canada, but doubtful by much. By the way, we are proud dairy/crop farmers with NO GMO in our produce.

      6. Hi,
        There are many studies showing Canola oil to be one of the bad oils. My family were wheat farmers for years but I don’t eat wheat products any more.

      7. From what I know, canola is almost always GMO. It’s a highly inflammatory, omega 6 oil. And if I’m not mistaken, goes through a hexane (nasty chemical) process. In short, canola is not healthy for consumption.

    2. David is only partially correct – in that butter is a fat. But natural fats are very good for you. They are the fuel your body was designed for. Natural saturated and monounsaturated fats should be a significant part of the diet. Artificial fats, such as those derived from grains and seeds, are the ones to avoid. With apologies to the farmers, corn, soy, and canola oils are not healthful fats. Instead, use coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, butter, and good, old-fashioned lard (without BHT).

      1. I am very confused. How are grain/seed fats artificial? I think you may mean processed but all fats have to be processed. Butter doesn’t come straight out of a cow. Coconut oil also has to be pressed along with olives for olive oil. They are all processed. And they all come from natural ingredients.

    3. Saturated fat, especially butter and coconut oil, is good for you. Check into current research.

  2. You forgot to mention the non-food “fillers” that are approved additives to cattle feed, including cardboard and stale chewing gum still in it’s wrapper. Plus some other unmentionables.

    1. Wtf ate you talking about? Cardboard and gum in wrappers? You have absolutely no clue what goes into animal feed. Cardboard and plastic is not digestible, it would cause what is called impaction in a cow. This can happen when cows are fed low quality roughage, ie straw, and not enough protein. Cardboard would block the intestines causing death. So that wouldn’t be real smart to feed cardboard or candy still in plastic. Try and use the thinking part of your brain next time.

      1. Phoebe is right, such awful offal is often fed to beef cattle in stockyards (but not to dairy cattle, so not in your butter). Google it. You’ll probably be shocked.

      2. RIGHT. Because it’s SO far out of the realm of possibility that non-food items would be fed to an animal. I mean, it’s not like euthanized dogs and cats are rendered into low-quality dog kibble or anything.

        Oh, wait. THEY TOTALLY ARE.

        But SURELY the same sort of irresponsible practices wouldn’t happen when it comes to human food. Because that would just be crazy talk.

  3. I have been using coconut and grapeseed oils as well as olive oil. I switched from baking everything with butter…preferably kerrygold….to using Nutiva coconut oil. I ran across a new product ….Olivio Coconut Oil Spread.
    They say…… “In addition to quite a few recently reported health benefits associated with coconut oil, our coconut spread is organic, dairy free, gluten free, non- GMO and Vegan.”.
    i really enjoyed using it on some French toast I made and just wondered if this is a s good as they say it is.
    Thank you so much for all you do……Cat

    1. Ingredients: Organic Tropical Oil Blend (Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Sust ainable Palm Oil), Filtered Water, sea salt, organic canola lecithin, organic guar gum.

      Just in case anyone has comments on those ingredients. Seems healthier than most. Just two possible problems- Canola, which Food Babe says above is manmade and inflammatory. And then the guar gum, which can cause digestive distress for some (but not all).

      1. The food babe also says that cotton seed oil is the most dangerous because it is regulated as a textile, not as a food crop. That is absolutely false. Cotton seed oil is regulated as a food just as any other vegetable oil is.

  4. I found a fantastic organic product. MELT! No GMOs & my kids love it.
    I use it for baking, sautéing & toast!!
    Fred Meyer & Albertsons in my area
    They’re on Facebook & do great coupons

    1. Hi Angie, thanks for sharing about Melt. I use it as well and love it. Would love to know what whether the Food Babe would approve Melt as an acceptable butter substitute.

    2. I just went and looked at their website, and surprisingly this looks like it could be a pretty good product. I thought it would likely be another fake butter type spread with not so healthy ingredients. Apparently it’s mostly coconut oil, along with flax oil, sustainably produced palm oil, sunflower oil, organic canola oil (I know about the issues with canola, but it’s not the main ingredient and non-GMO). Organic and certified by the non-GMO project. They talk about the ingredients, but I wonder why they don’t give a complete ingredient list (maybe I missed something, but I couldn’t find an ingredient list). Will take a closer look at it at Whole Foods sometime., though I mostly use grass-fed butter and some coconut oil too.

      1. HI Jenna,

        You’re in luck! We actually do have the entire ingredients list on our website. Here is the link to the nutritional facts pages for each of our products.

        We have taken exceptional efforts to make MELT products as good for the consumer and the planet as possible. Every ingredient is USDA organic, Non-GMO project verified, free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives as well as free of hydrogenated oils. Our oils are also ethically sourced verified by Fair for Life Fair Trade and the Rain Forest Alliance. The packaging is square, recyclable (#5), and dishwasher and microwave safe.

        Everyone at MELT concerns themselves with providing healthy products that are truly good for our families and yours. We are also fundamentally behind decision making that helps change the course of our environment because we understand that our children and their children have to live with the consequences of the decisions that previous generations have made as well as the decisions we each make today. We want the results of those decisions to ultimately mean future generations have a healthier Earth than we have.

  5. Hey Food Babe- what about Kalona?? Not only do they provide organic grass fed dairy (even the winter feed grains are organic) but they do not homogenize the milk and use a low temp for pasteurization keeping a nice amount of the healthy bacteria alive. Thought they deserved a shout out on dairy in general but certainly for butter!

  6. OMG, I’ve been eating Monsanto poison for decades. Could that possibly be why I’m remarkably healthy for my age?

    1. Surprise! Not for long!!
      My husband has Parkinson’s now and I truly believe the root cause of this is the Toxins in our foods and the chemicals in like say toothpaste and deodorants (mercury! aluminum ect… and so called Western. Medicines.
      Thanks in a large part to the Monster MONSANTO!

      1. “I truly believe” is not evidence. You clearly have developed your conclusion first (western medicine is bad) then looked for an example to pin it on. Conclusion like that leads to skeptics like me. The stuff you claim is not backed up, therefore your claim is worthless to others.

      2. In reply to Jeff, you know nothing about my claim. Have you done any research on Parkinson’s? I have been researching for over 8 months now daily on why. I have been pouring over noted, documents stating that chemicals, aluminum, mercury, carrageenan chloride, dioxide, that state these can cause the Brain cells to die! Some of the words I cannot even sound out. these are toxic to the body and especially people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. So do not presume I am not worthy of my claims. I commented because we have a freedom to do so, you are have not said anything to prove who you are. except a skeptic…So continue on being that as whatever sickness’s you are succumbed to blame only you “The Skeptic”.

  7. Unless you hold a degree in biotech please kindly shut up about GMOs.
    No studies have shown GMOs to be any more dangerous than non-engineered foods.
    The fact that your source lists the rat/tomato study first makes me realize no one ever reads full papers these days. The stomach ulcers found in SOME of the rats (not all rats had ulcers) were most likely from the forced feeding tube insertion and was listed in the study. Not to mention the rats were force-fed enough tomato to suffer from vitamin overdose. The truth is there is no evidence of danger from GMOs and papers that say there are were conducted with the same kind of academic integrity as the studies that “proved” marijuana smoking made black men want to rape white women.

    1. Jon, stop being a Monsanto stooge. Do you really think Monsanto, with billions of dollars at stake, would actually conduct an impartial study, to truly determine the effects of GMO? Did you also know that the Bt corn, used by Monsanto, is now a registered pesticide??? Would you eat GMO corn, with that knowledge??? If you want to gamble wih your health, go ahead and eat. I’n not trusting Monsanto, they are scum, and they continue to be scum.

      1. I have eaten GMO corn and I stand here today probably healthier than you based on my annual physical results done in December. Your decision about what you eat is based on what you choose to believe, probably not the actual truth. Keep that in mind. And I am not a Monsanto stooge but I am a farmer. I don’t plant Monsanto’s crop varieties and I don’t use their Roundup product. I don’t like doing business with them. However I do plant GMO crops. My kids and grandkids are growing up on a farm that is much safer than the one I grew up on even though it is the exact same property.

      2. First off, let me say this: Monsanto is a terrible company with wholly unethical business practices. However, GMO does NOT mean “Monsanto” like you apparently believe. To too it off, yes bt IS A PESTICIDE that is naturally produced by some organisms. This is very important to remember because of this one simple fact – BT IS SPRAYED ON ORGANIC CROPS BECAUSE IT IS ORGANIC IN ORIGIN. Again, unless you hold a degree in biotech your opinion on GMOs is as worthless as my opinion on quantum physics.

      3. Jon, yes, organic when produced by the bacteria, it’s not at all organic when every single kernel is gentically manipulated to prduce the toxin, and then we are stuck with it in the corn, unable to be washed off like sprays can be.

        Ted, as for your assumption about the state of my health, I’d stack mine up against yours any day. I weigh exactly the same as I did back in high school, and my doctor told me after my last physical, that he’d go out of business if all his patients were as healthy as I am.

      4. Well isn’t that amazing. You eat organic, non-GMO. I eat whatever I want to eat in moderation. I exercise regularly but not obsessive about it and I have maintained my high school weight as well. We are both healthy. Could that be right? One would think not after reading comments on this website.

      5. @Ted do you seriously think your weight is the indication of your health?? I also grew up on a farm and it may be “safer” (relative term) and it is true that there are exceptions to any rule (i.e. the 90 yr old woman who smoked her entire life…etc). You may be an exception, you may not. Time will tell. It will also tell with your family. Also, you may not be as healthy as you “think.” Nor your children or grandchildren. Do you take ANY medication? Do they? Any allergies? Any skin issues? Take a closer look and I bet you and your family are not as “healthy” as you are professing. Furthermore, why are you on this site other than to troll with Jon?

        @Jon- go do your research and get off this site.

      6. Theresa,
        I feel like I’ve been respectful to people here. I only brought up my weight because Gerald did first. I came to this site when I saw Vani on tv and listened to some of her rhetoric. Regardless of what some here think, I do farm. I don’t like Monsanto at all because they are a pain in the ass to do business with so I am not stooge for this company. Their technology does hold tremendous promise though for several real issues facing agriculture and consumers and that’s what concerns me. If they are ever actually proven harmful for humans to consume, I will take a plow and destroy every crop that I have. Then I’ll sure the crap out of Monsanto. That is not the case regardless of what you read or what you believe and there is a long list of reputable and credible medical organizations that approve and encourage the use of GMO crops. I will stay on this site and continue to point out the other side of the story too. I have as much right to be here as you. Have a good day.

  8. Good information on butter. I usually get the Kerry butter, because it’s the best I can find, I get the unsalted because they use regular poison salt, not sea salt. I wish the chart were a little larger so I could see the brand names on all of them. I subscribed to your facebook page. Keep up the informative and healthy information FoodBabe!

    1. Good information on butter. I usually get the Kerry butter, because it’s the best I can find, I get the unsalted because they use regular poison salt, not sea salt. I wish the chart were a little larger so I could see the brand names on all of them. I subscribed to your facebook page. Keep up the informative and healthy information FoodBabe!

  9. Good information on butter. I usually get the Kerry butter, because it’s the best I can find, I get the unsalted because they use regular poison salt, not sea salt. I wish the chart were a little larger so I could see the brand names on all of them. I subscribed to your facebook page. Keep up the informative and healthy information FoodBabe! (correction on info on previous comment).

  10. I buy only Butter made in Europe. GMO is banned there, and not used to feed the stock. Big, big difference – in taste too. Polish, German, French or Irish… Problem solved.

    1. That is not true. Planting GMOs is banned in some European countries, but we still do import GMO fodder (soy, corn and such). I’m not able to tell how much, but it’s cheap and not prohibited. So go figure.
      Tastewse, I’m not able to judge, being Polish I eat Polish butter my whole life (organic too these past couple of years), but let me tell you Kerrygold doesn’t taste good to me at all. I know it has been praised as being grass-fed and I wanted to see if it’s better, but it’s kinda margariny in taste. AmI the only one who thinks so?

      1. I don’t like the way Kerrygold tastes, either. It always tastes borderline rancid to me, like a lot of “health” foods. I hate walking into the average health food store to the overwhelming stench of rancid grains. The probelm with whole grains is that most don’t keep as well as do the processed “white” counterparts unless they are refrigerated. IMHO semi-spoiled stuff in no way is optimal for our health! Do any of us eat butter in such quantity that its source really matters? I might eat a tablespoon of butter a week and I can’t see that feeding its source cow GMOs would have any real net effect on my health. Much better that we get our fats naturally by eating whole foods like avocados, olives, nuts etc.

      2. Emde, I concur: Kerrygold tastes like junk. President French Butter with Sea Salt crystals has remarkable flavor and outstanding butter quality…very high milkfat content.

    1. Probably. Oil Blend Expeller Pressed Natural (Palm Fruit ( Organic ), Soybean(s) ( Organic ), Canola Seed ( Organic ), Olives ( Organic )) , Water Filtered, Salt, Flavor(s) Natural (from Corn) , Soybean(s) Crushed ( Organic ), Soy Lecithin ( Organic ), Lactic Acid not derived from dairy, Coloring, with Beta Carotene, from Natural Sources.

      Those colorings and “flavors” are suspicious. And some of those ingredients can be inflammatory.

    2. I was wondering the same thing. My son is casein free so I was using it when I cook for him. Now in looking at the ingredients I am unsure as well. I think I will just use organic real butter for the family and coconut oil for him.

  11. Ironically there are 2 Country Crock buttery spread ads on this page right now…bad timing! Haha! 😉

  12. Hi Vani – would you expand your comment regarding Earth Balance?

    “(These are also much healthier than organic spreads like Earth Balance that are usually a combo of inflammation causing oils). ”

    Just curious – I really like this product, especially the organic whipped version. 🙂

    Thanks for any additional info!

    1. I would love to learn more about why Organic Earth Balance is considered less healthy than butter (I agree processed butter alternatives are unlikely to be considered healthy and should be used sparingly, especially when compared to natural oils).

      As an aside, while I enjoy much of the content on this site, providing somewhat unsubstantiated claims about the health benefits of foods misleads your readers just like the FDA does. CLA may provide some health benefits, but the article you cite tested it in isolation (and only in animal models), which rarely extends to whole foods and their complex makeup.

      As a biochemist by training, I suggest reading meta studies on health effects on humans to gain an understanding of the true effects of foods, not individual chemicals.

    2. I would love to learn more about why Organic Earth Balance is considered less healthy than butter (I agree processed butter alternatives are not healthy and should be used sparingly, especially when compared to natural oils).

      As an aside, while I enjoy much of the content on this site, providing somewhat unsubstantiated claims about the health benefits of foods misleads your readers just like the FDA does. CLA may provide some health benefits, but the article you cite tested it in isolation (and only in animal models), which rarely extends to whole foods and their complex makeup.

      As a biochemist by training, I suggest reading meta studies on health effects on humans to gain an understanding of the true effects of foods, not individual chemicals.

  13. Vani, thanks for the info on butter. My hubby and I have been using coconut oil for a few months now. But his cardiologist told him yesterday that the unsaturated fat in coconut oil makes it one of the worst things he could consume, due to his family hx of arteriosclorosis (sp). I’ve done some research and found that many of the recent claims about coconut oil being great for the heart are based on a couple of studies that weren’t conducted in a rigorous scientific way.
    Coconut oil and coconut milk are extremely popular products now, but I am very concerned that the public is misinformed about them. We could be damaging our health, thinking that we’re doing just the opposite. This can happen in a very short period of time! Please look into this and post about it. Thank you!

    1. Jennifer, you have not done enough research and neither has your cardiologist. Doctors, in general, do not have time to do research on every latest “health” benefit, so how can you expect him to know everything. Medical doctors rarely study nutrition, except for a very little bit in their schooling. Please do more research. Start at

  14. Actually unpasteurized butter from grass and sun fed heritage cows (A2 caseine preferred) is the most ideal. It is a HEALTH product…medicine for all. I don’t have a source yet but will have soon. In the meantime I eat organic butter from Quebec and I have NO LIMIT on how much to consume. As much as will fit on my millet sourdough bread or purple potato! and then a little more! 🙂

  15. I have 4 children and we eat a lot of butter and organic is just out of our budget. Any info on Costco brand butter?

    1. She mentions smart balance as one to avoid, but doesn’t mention the organic version…

      I’d like to know about Organic EARTH Balance butter substitute – is it okay?

  16. No, butter is NOT ruining my health. MARGARINE, which is just 1 molecule away from being PLASTIC, was ruining my health. I happily consume butter daily and was just given a shiny clean bill of health by my cardiologist!

  17. Trader Joe’s sells their own brand of organic, grassfed butter! It’s delicious, and costs less than Kerrygold.

  18. I have a question for all you organic, non-GMO folks who will only eat butter from grass fed cows. Is it still organic, non-GMO if the grass the cow ate was fertilized with chicken manure from a chicken that ate GMO corn? It seems to me that you at least one more thing to fear.

    1. Know your farmer, know where your food comes from. Including what the animals eat.

      I’m fortunate to have access to all organic eggs and chickens, unpasteurized milk, and grassfed beef and pork. Also make my own butter.

  19. What about Kroger’s “Simple Truth Organic butter?” I’m always a bit skeptical of their claims about the whole “Simple Truth” thing. So, it’s “all natural,” but what does that mean exactly? How does “all natural” justify a higher price than their non-Simple Truth products, which I guess must be “non-natural?”

  20. Sorry guys, but this article contains multiple inaccuracies. First, LOL is not owned by Dean foods, it’s a cooperative with many farmer participants. Dean Foods shares a listening agreement with LOL. When it comes to dairy, the commodity can be exchanged at any merchant markets and bought and sold under various labels. So many of the brands you are eating come from the same cows or production plants, labeled organic or not. I know as a society we want to be aware of what we eat, but we also need to understand we can’t believe everything we read and need to check our facts before making assumptions.

    1. I think you are confusing Horizon (I don’t know how ‘LOL’ got in there, but I think you are referring to what she said about Horizon and Dean Foods) with Organic Valley. They are totally different. Organic Valley is the brand that uses a small cooperatives.

    2. Also, that’s why I use only European butter, like Kerrygold Irish butter which is from grass-fed cows. Or if you can find some local butter from grass-fed cows that is even better. Conventional butter I avoid. That is the point of this article.

    3. And more thing, Butter. Here is some info about Dean Foods and Horizon. Perhaps do some research, like Vani has. I don’t know why I’m doing it for you, but there is a link down below.

      … “but we also need to understand we can’t believe everything we read and need to check our facts before making assumptions.”


  21. I just wanted to let you know that the Organic Valley pasture butter is made during the spring time when the cows on all the farms are out to pasture.
    As organic farmers, we are required to have our cows out in pasture for the full length of the local grazing season. In our area, that is 180 days (if I remember right).
    So just because they have pasture butter does not mean that the rest of the butter they make is from cows not on pasture.
    Just wanted to make sure that was clear.
    An Organic Valley farmer’s daughter,

  22. Your little infographics are so helpful! I have been using Kerry Gold but didn’t realize it may contain GMO’s. I’m going to look for Organic Valley in the green wrapper and in the mean time stick to my ghee. Thank you!

  23. Food Babe is providing us with all her research, it is up to us to take it or leave it. I choose organic butter from grass fed cows because this what makes sense to me. While I do care somewhat about studies, critical thinking is what gets me by.

  24. What you are trying to tell the world is that you would rather see everyone starve. We are not able to feed everyone in the world with non GMO products. The demand is too high and the supply would be extremely low. Educate yourself on soil sciences and see what organic farming does to the land after time then maybe you will see things differently.

    1. While I would agree that if she had said to stop eating non-organic/GMO produce, meat or grains you would have a reason to be upset, this is BUTTER we are talking about. Food should only come with 1 or 2 ingredients. There is no reason to eat chemicals. Not eating chemicals does not equate to starving.

  25. do you have any info about where the smart balance organic line falls on this scale? thx. 🙂

  26. Canola also causes breathing issues. I know this first hand as I was using it in everything and I nearly died because I couldn’t get a breath and once I found out canola was the culprit I stopped using it and it took two years for my lungs to get well. Do some real research. I just wonder how many people have asthma they are treating but in truth it is the canola they are consuming.

  27. How does Costco butter rank? I didn’t read through all 200+ comments so someone may have already shared this info, or FoodBabe.

  28. Can you please correct your infographic to reflect the information that Kerrygold has no gmo’s? Or can you provide some sort of substantive proof that they are getting GMO’s.

    From the Kerrygold site:

    Supplementary Feed and GM on Irish Dairy Farms
    What is the Irish Dairy Board’s policy on GM?
    The Irish Dairy Board is proud of its reputation as the supplier of quality dairy products under the Kerrygold brand. Consumers have trusted and enjoyed the quality of Kerrygold products for over 50 years. We value that trust and work hard to ensure that we produce the best products from the freshest ingredients. We do not use GM ingredients in any of our products. Because Ireland values the reputation of our food, Irish farms and Irish food producers have to comply with strict legislative requirements. This commitment to the highest standards ensures that raw materials, manufacturing, storage and distribution for our dairy products and brands are of the highest quality.

    Do Kerrygold products contain GM ingredients?
    All Kerrygold butter, cheese and milk products are free of genetically modified ingredients.

  29. What is the butter brand pictured between the organic valley and stoneyfield? Sorry, difficult to see.

  30. All I keep seeing is what brands not to eat. It would be easier if someone would just post what is brand of butter is healthy to eat that is easily found in grocery stores.

    1. It is confusing. I think that all butters are safe to eat in moderation regardless of organic or non-organic, or those where the animal may have eaten GMO feeds. There is no real proof to the contrary.

      1. Thank you! I don’t eat at lot of butter anyway, so I agree with you. We also have to remember that our bodies are designed to help filter out the bad stuff, so if we put for a good effort to eat healthy food then there shouldn’t be an issue. Of course, I am trying to kick my splenda habit because I know that isn’t a good thing to be using either, but I am diabetic… and no, I am not overweight. I know when someone says they are diabetic most people picture a greatly overweight person. Misconceptions.

    2. You are right about misconceptions. Alot of that going on in the food industry these days. This thread about butter being great for you is one. It probably is okay if eaten in moderation. My doctor told me a month ago, after my LDL cholesteral was a few points over my ideal number, to cut back on butter if I ate much of it and drink a glass or two of red wine every night. I liked his prescription and have followed and enjoyed his instructions! My point is that there are polar opposite opinions on just about everything we eat and it is very confusing to consumers. The truth is almost always in the middle and that doesn’t really sell things. People should eat normal stuff from the basic food groups in moderation, stay away from processed foods as much as possible and avoid eating alot of sugar. That’s about it. The rest is just marketing noise trying to steer consumers in another direction.

  31. My son is allergic to all dairy and soy. He uses Earth Balance Soy Free….what are your thoughts on this?

    He also uses coconut oil as a spread, but loves his “butter”!

  32. I checked Kerrygold’s website. They offer less than 10% supplementary grains (only to cows who have recently given birth) and these are wheat and barley (which are not GMO). Their website states that they do not use any GMO products. Also, they follow organic standards even though they are not certified and don’t plan to be. I would place it in the ‘best’ category.

    See info here:

  33. I have written to WHOLE foods before on their liberal use of CANOLA in things like their deli mac n cheese! Gross! Pretty sure mac n cheese can be made with NO oil! Anywho…my understanding of the canola debacle is that Canada paid the FDA to say it was safe for human consumption when it was really a no matter of it’s organic origins, it is ALL hydrogenated thus making it garbage.
    I stopped shopping at WHOLE foods due to their rude reply to me about how THEY think canola is fine so up yours consumer! It gets heated to a very high heat to get rid of the stench coming from the Rapeseed plant which is the crop used to make canola. Also olive oil is great RAW! If you use it to cook, saute etc you are also hydrogenating it thus making it rancid and acidic for your system and losing any health benefits. Coconut oil is fine for high temp cooking.

  34. Just curious if you have ever looked into Brummel and Brown spread? A dietician recommended it to me nearly a decade ago, because it is lower fat and calories than regular butter and is made from a yogurt base and is gluten-free. I still use real butter for cooking/baking, but have relied on Brummel and Brown for toast and sometimes putting on hot vegetables. I’ve taken a closer look at the ingredients and see soybean oil, palm/palm kernel oil and canola oil, so I’m thinking this is not as good for me as I thought, even thought it is lower calorie and cuts fat in half. Can you tell me where this falls in the scale you provided from the Monsanto butters to those that are better for us to choose? Thank you!

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