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Should I get the Flu Shot?

***Disclaimer – This post is strictly based upon my opinion and consultation of my own health provider, I recommend you make the best choice for you and your family based upon your own due diligence and research on this topic. ***

One of the goals I made in starting this blog back in April, was to uncover and unveil information that isn’t readily available for public consumption on true health, nutrition and wellbeing. I want this blog to help you break free from the “conventional” wisdom that the food industry, government agencies, pharmaceutical and medical community try to push because of greed or corruption that is ultimately harmful to you and your family. I want you to walk away questioning what you put in your body – food or medicine. I want you to learn from my mistakes and adopt the positive discoveries I’ve made. I want you to feel as good as I do. But most importantly I want to give you the information you need to make real informed decisions about your health.

This is why it is extremely important to understand the Flu Shot – I want you to think about what you are directly injecting into your bloodstream. Before you consider jumping off the ledge with other lemmings and taking this years Flu Shot – Here are the questions I think you should ask yourself…

What’s exactly in the Flu Shot? To sum it up – A bunch of toxic chemicals and additives that lead to several types of Cancers and Alzheimer disease over time.

Here’s a list of what could be lurking in that vial of vaccine:

  • Egg Products (including avian contaminant viruses)
  • Aluminum
  • Thimersol (Mercury)
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Chick Embryo Cells
  • Latex
  • Formaldehyde
  • Gelatin
  • Polysorbate 80
  • Triton X100 (strong detergent)
  • Sucrose (table sugar)
  • Resin
  • Gentamycin

I won’t eat any of these ingredients or even put them on my body – however, the mainstream medical community, government agencies and pharmaceutical companies suggest that I directly inject these ingredients into my bloodstream? And I need do it every year until I die?  Are you freaking kidding me? Long term effects of the combination of these toxic additives are very alarming – a very famous immunologist & geneticist has completed studies and research that shows in that every five flu shots a person receives over a ten year period they increase their risk of Alzheimer Disease by ten times! This is because of the ingredients above – Aluminum and Mercury – they slowly destroy your brain cells one by one.

Does the Flu Shot really protect me against the Flu? No, the CDC even admits it doesn’t protect you because the virus mutates every year and they can’t predict which strains will hit. Even when they do get the strain right, they can’t prove it actually works. Just do a google search for the effectiveness of the flu shot and just see how many studies prove it is ultimately unreliable and ineffective. In a couple of studies I read, The flu shot was compared to a placebo – The same number of people caught the flu regardless if they took the shot or not!

Why do I have to get a Flu Shot every year?  Aren’t vaccines suppose to immunize you for life? They have to continuously give you a flu shot, because it is not a real vaccine. Let’s say for instance, you get a vaccine for another virus like Hepatitis A or B – you are immunized for life. Why isn’t this the case with the flu vaccine? Because the scientists have not developed a real vaccine for the flu and are continuously guessing on how to come up with a new chemical formula that could be effective.

Research has shown that it takes close to a full year to develop an effective vaccine against a virus – however, in developing the flu shot – scientists spend less than 4 months producing it so they can get it out for production before flu season starts. They don’t have time to thoroughly test it or judge it’s reactions in the human body. They take a chance on the symptoms it causes and that it might work – are you willing to take this chance too?

What kind of strain are they going to use this year for the Flu Shot? It’s the same one as last year. Really? But then why do I need to get another shot if I got one last year? This is the way the pharmaceutical companies continue to make money off of you – The CDC says it “wears off.” And this brings me back to my previous point – if the flu vaccine were truly a vaccine – it wouldn’t wear off. Think about it – Once you get chicken pox as a child, your body develops antibodies to strengthen your immune system from ever getting chicken pox again. This is how vaccines are suppose to work. But the flu shot doesn’t work this way…There is something wrong with this picture…

Why is there so much pressure to get the Flu Shot year after year?  Why does every drug store have a sign up promoting the shot? Why are shots available at work? And at school? Why is their so much propaganda each year around this time? There is only one answer – Money. The making, distributing, and administering of the flu shot is a 7 Billion Dollar Industry. Each year the pharmaceutical industry eyes glow with $ signs when it’s time to make more as the American public become the guinea pigs again to try it out.

Why are Flu Shots recommended for children, women who are pregnant and the elderly?  Because that group of individuals typically have weaker immune systems and if they catch the flu and don’t treat it in time it can lead to other complications like pneumonia. However, why would you give a group with already weakened immune systems something that weakens their immune system systemically further?

The flu shot causes all sorts of side effects and symptoms like Muscle pain, respiratory tract infections, eye problems, abnormal blood pressure, asthma, hives, and gastrointestinal problems that could also lead to other complications.  This is why the vaccine isn’t effective in the first place, because administering a drug that weakens the immune systems makes people even more susceptible to the flu! This is another reason I believe why some studies I read proved that the flu shot was not effective in treating the elderly.

Why have some countries banned the Flu Shots in the past?  Because it caused all sorts of terrible and sometimes deadly reactions in their children and other citizens. Australia banned the flu shot for all children under 5 last year when 250 children were hospitalized and one died after receiving the vaccine. Finland and Sweden also banned the shots and opened up an investigation last year. Don’t you wonder why this didn’t make major news here in the United States?

Can I immunize myself naturally from the Flu?  Yes! You can build lifetime antibodies against the infection. Just Skip the vaccine, boost your vitamin D intake, and encounter the flu naturally. If you encounter the flu – rest, take care of yourself, understand that your body needs a break and focus on getting better – This type of immunizing yourself works amazingly better than relying on an artificial injection that has been proven ineffective. You’ll have these new antibodies for life that will ultimately protect you from similar strains of the virus better than any yearly shot could ever provide.

What ongoing things should I be doing and getting from my diet to keep my Immune System healthy and to prevent getting the Flu? Exercise daily, Take Probiotics, Get Vitamin A from beta carotene, Vitamin C, B6, B12, Garlic, Zinc and plenty of Vitamin D. Building up your immune system can help your body fight off the flu virus before you experience symptoms and lessen the time you take to recover from the flu.

Is Food Babe planning to take the Flu Shot? Given all the answers I have learned above – No, I’m not taking the Flu Shot. Ever.

Wishing you the best health life can offer and all the sunshine in my heart….


Food Babe

P.S.  If you know someone who would like to hear about this perspective, please share this post with them.

P.S.S. I am not “anti-vaccination”, I choose not to take the flu shot for the ingredients they contain as stated above.

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630 responses to “Should I get the Flu Shot?

  1. I am a registered nurse and worked at a nursing home part time a few years back. I volunteered to go around and give all of the residents their flu shot just to be helpful. I didn’t work there all the time but when I came back I noticed that more than several were hospitalized shortly after. I looked at their diagnoses and they all had one that I had never heard of which was Rhabdomylysis, which basically is destruction of skeletal muscle and release of enzymes. In all my years of nursing, I didn’t remember this so I looked it up and it was caused by a couple of things which were congenital muscle problem, crushing skeletal muscle injury as in auto accidents and the flu. I know that one of the symptoms was weakness so I pushed to establish a fall risk protocol to be followed at the very minimum after administration of the flu shot but I got the party line so I started calling every one I could including the CDC and Muscular Dystrophy Association…no one would talk on the record but basically in my experience there were enough people in the know who were skeptical and resistant to the flu shot for themselves. I do not take them.

  2. If you’re going to use words like “studies show” and/or anything having to do with proof or proving, please show the citation so that it may face the scrutiny of the internet.
    I’m all for people having their opinion but I will not stand idly by if I think they’re spreading misinformation on weak (and uncited) evidence.

    1. Are you aware that there is absolutely no scientific proof that the Flu shot
      does anything to prevent the Flu? Never has been.
      There is however plenty of data of people getting the flu or other illnesses from it
      Its all about big pharmaceutical company’s making big money.
      Do your own research, it is right at your finger tips.

      1. Mike,

        I thought the point of this blog was to bring information about what we put in our bodies to the masses and then let us make decisions for ourselves. If Food Babe has uncovered studies or other documentation that would help us make an informed decision, why not share the sources? It would save many people some precious time!

      2. Few ask for statistics of effectiveness before going to get the shot and food babe is putting the idea out there that you need to be questioning what you get. Why in the world are you going to come down on her for the gift she is giving you? She is making you open your eyes and say, hey, I need to know more. It’s a blog, not a medical journal. I would hope that you would research these things on your own whether there were citations or not. You should always do your own research on important things. I am an advocate for not being lazy and passive, that’s what got us to the point where we are now, just lining up for shots because someone said it’s necessary.

    2. Hi Food Babe,

      I love your site, but I do have to say I agree with Adam. If you say “studies say” or a “a very famous immunologist & geneticist has completed studies and research that show . . .” you should have a citation. Regardless whether you are posting based on your opinion or not, if you are mentioning third party information, you should cite it. It’s just good research and it show transparency and builds trust among your readers.

      I am newish to “real food” and I find it interesting how many real food blogger think their audience should just believe them because they have a blog. Yes, it’s good not to out and out trust the government or medical establishment, but the by default does not mean readers should trust anyone with a blog. You often have great citations and resources. I just have noticed that the larger following a real food blog gets, the less they seem to cite sources and the more offended they seem to get when people ask for them.

      I hope you keep your transparency and trustworthiness as your site grows and continue to generally have well-researched and cited articles.

      1. I agree, you need to show where we can read these studies, it made an interesting article worthless by not showing links to these….

    3. I agree with Adam. I love your site and advice, but you MUST put a link to your source. Period..With that being said… I will get the flu shot and so will my children. After our family getting the flu a few times, (even after being vaccinated). The year my husband and daughter didn’t get the shot they were VERY sick with the flu for 4 weeks! The following year my daughter and I got a shot and still caught the flu, but were sick for 5 days….BIG difference. I’ll take my chances on the shot since we eat very healthy.

      1. Yes-if you are going to use studies and scientists in your article, they must be cited otherwise you come across sounding like a lot of unsupported propaganda, which I’m sure is not your intention. Also, I’d like to hear your perspective on other types of vaccination-do you support? Presumably they contain similar ingredients. And you didn’t mention that thimerosal free flu
        Shots exist as a choice-you just may need to ask specifically to receive it. Bottom line-people need to understand the risk of the flu shot compared to the risk of the flu to them in their particular situation. Take in all the advice and make your own decision. For example, my son’s pediatrician recommends he have the flu shot due to his asthma and proclivity of colds to settle in his chest-she felt like the risk of the flu causing him severe complications was high. So, for two years we tried that. Then when he was two, the shot itself caused an allergic reaction-it made his leg swell up to twice the size (shot was in his leg). He’s not allergic to eggs, and doctor could not explain the reaction. We decided to give it one more try the next year. The swelling in his leg was worse. We have now made the decision that the risk of the shot is higher than the flu itself and do not give him that. He’s now six and has never had the flu regardless of being vaccinated or not.

    4. So look it up. She gave you CDC reference and even gave you an internet search string. It is your health. Do a little homework for yourself. She even said at the beginning, that it was based on her opinion and it is up to individuals to make their own choices.

      First question one has to ask is who benefits the most from flu shots. The person SELLING them.

  3. Can you elaborate on other vaccines? I am always worried that my baby is required to get so many shots

    1. Yes, please research vaccines. Dtap, etc. All those shots our little babies have to have. Is it really necessary or just $$ for pharmaceutical companies, etc.

      1. Of course they’re necessary, if you don’t want your “little babies” to die of horrible, preventable diseases!!!

      1. You can opt out of any vaccination. Just ask for the opt out form. School secretaries never publicize the option.

    2. Vaccines are not required or necessary. You can decline vaccines at your well baby checks. If you are uncomfortable it is probably for a reason. I do not start vaccinations for my own children until they are 3 and it is one at a time not 4 at a time every 3-6 months!

      As far as the flue vaccine goes I dont get vaccinated with the shot because I pulled up at St. Vincents in LA where my father had his kidney transplant and all the parkng attendants and staff hta worked outsode and in the valet/parking garage had on masks. I asked why they were wearing the masks and they stated that they declined the flue vaccine so they had to wear them in flu season. I pried further talking with 2 of them and one said that thier family memebr has left side paralysis less than 24 hours after the vaccine and the other said that thier mother began having seizures 3 hours after administration.

      I am a Pediatiric Nurse and a Behavior Analyst working with autistic children and 90% of all my clients have major deterioration in all language and motor planning functions after their 18 month shots, which coincidentally is around the same time they are completly of breast milk and on “Real” food. I have seen video after video of children days before their vaccines and a week later they are non verbal, febrile, no appetite, have insomnia and lose social capabilites (tracking individuals with eyes and joint attention). Within a month their parents are scrambling trying to figure out what is wrong and years later they are finally diagnosed with autism.

      in 1983 we administered 10 vaccines to children gradually until school age.
      2007-it rose to 36
      2013-48 plus some optional ones that are for HPV that can be started for 12 yr. olds

      2001- 1 in 150
      2004- 1 in 125
      2006- 1 in 110
      2010 1 in 88 (or 1 in 48 for boys)

      Generalization or not! I see these situations go down every day! When I load up my computer to review client files I literally walk away and make coffe because there are so many kids in our intake that it is scary. If you think the Food Babe is giveing you misinforamtion and you trust the politicians, drug admin and the FDA then you seem to have a very selectictive and closed minded opinion. Vaccines can save live and do. THese vaccines began being used to control diseases and spread of diesease, but washing hands and sanitary sewage systems and indoor plumbing have too!
      Happy decision making!

      1. First of all: there have been no credible studies that have substantiated or confirmed an association between autism and vaccines. Secondly, “Food Babe” doesn’t have an iota of knowledge regarding chemistry or biological systems as evidenced by her misuse of the chemical compounds listed in this article. Anyone with access to the internet can access highly credible MSDS sheets (chemical information documents) that will list all known health hazards associated with a given compound. Seriously, the majority of the chemicals listed are benign or can be neutralized in biological systems. Third, groups such as the FDA employ individuals with degrees from the relevant sciences that can confirm the usefulness or safety of a vaccine. Some insignificant blogger with access to the internet has little credibility, but one that doesn’t corroborate their incredible claims with peer reviewed literature that has been published after some of the brightest scientific minds have scrutinized every detail of it, has 0 credibility.

      2. “If you think the Food Babe is giveing you misinforamtion and you trust the politicians, drug admin and the FDA then you seem to have a very selectictive and closed minded opinion”

        How is that comment helpful? It’s rude, don’t post on any more of my comments. Did you read that I simply asked for more information and to post her findings about different vaccines?

      3. My apologies for offending you! I honestly just wanted to give you my own personal and first hand experiences and advice. the closed minded snippet was more in regard to a previous post, so please don’t take offense.

    3. Look into The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears (jr). Just information about all vaccines. You do not have to follow the CDCs schedule-you can choose to spread them out or opt out of some completely. My sister has 13 month old twins and used this book a lot to aid in decision making.

    4. There is a group on Facebook with tons of info, questions/answers, you can ask your own…. its called The Vaccine Machine….look it up..I’m glad I did and no more vaccines for my kids!

  4. Sad to hear a lot of misinformation about flu vaccines from you Food Babe. Now I have to question everything you’ve said in the past about food.
    First; Not all flu vaccines are made the same way. Your generalizations about the ingredients are worrisome, at the very least. Second: The whole point of a vaccines is to prevent disease and its spread. Precisely because it mutates (and evolves) at such fast rate, you can not predict how virulent a given version of a flu virus will be. By the time you know, it is too late to manufacture and distribute an effective vaccine. So, you (we as a society) make an educated guess as to how it will look. We do this because a nasty version of the flu can travel around the world in a matter of days, and infect millions. And wide spread vaccination protect communities not just individuals.

    1. so glad for response! I am appalled that she would say such crap….injected directly into your blood stream???? PLEASE

  5. Disclaimer and all, I lost a LOT of respect for you after reading this.


    You’re entitled to your opinions and I to mine- this I understand. But advocating against something that SAVES the lives of infants is utterly beyond me.

  6. no flu shot here. thank you, Food Babe…

    the research is there…for those that want the truth,.

    the same issues we have with what they are doing with the food supply is identical to the issues with meds and drugs.

    thank you again!!!

    Relying on God and the food He created that is His medicine for us all

    1. You are an absolute fool for not realizing that countless foods you regularly ingest contain chemical compounds that are present in these vaccines. Additionally, many of the foods that exist today are not at all how God originally created them because we have cultivated them to be most appealing. I don’t refer to genetically modified organisms, I mean selective breeding which has been occurring for several millenniums. Take bananas for example: they are considered healthy and nutritious and few would argue against that. However, the bananas we regularly see in grocery stores have been bred over the last few thousand years to have their appealing appearance and taste. Go ahead and Google images of wild varieties of bananas and tell me the ones you eat are those that God created.

  7. This info is on the CDC’s website and on she is right, the vaccines are dangerous, they differ from manufacturer but they all have toxic ingredients. Do your own research and you will find, this country is putting big pharma companies on a pedestal and crushing anyone who speaks up and has an opinion that is different. These are the flu vaccines available, the manufacture is in parentheses. Wake up people, let your body fight these viruses, or you will later on in life.
    Influenza (Afluria)
    Beta-Propiolactone, Calcium Chloride, Neomycin, Ovalbumin, Polymyxin B, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Taurodeoxychoalate
    Influenza (Agriflu)
    Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB), Egg Protein, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Kanamycin, Neomycin Sulfate, Polysorbate 80
    Influenza (Fluarix)
    Egg Albumin (Ovalbumin), Egg Protein, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Gentamicin, Hydrocortisone, Octoxynol-10, α-Tocopheryl Hydrogen Succinate, Polysorbate 80, Sodium Deoxycholate, Sodium Phosphate, Thimerosal*
    Influenza (Flulaval)
    Egg Albumin (Ovalbumin), Egg Protein, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Sodium Deoxycholate, Phosphate Buffers, Thimerosal
    Influenza (Fluvirin)
    Beta-Propiolactone , Egg Protein, Neomycin, Polymyxin B, Polyoxyethylene 9-10 Nonyl Phenol (Triton N-101, Octoxynol 9), Thimerosal (multidose containers), Thimerosal* (single-dose syringes)
    Influenza (Fluzone)
    Egg Protein, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Gelatin, Octoxinol-9 (Triton X-100), Thimerosal (multidose containers)
    Influenza (FluMist)
    Chick Kidney Cells, Egg Protein, Gentamicin Sulfate, Monosodium Glutamate, Sucrose Phosphate Glutamate Buffer

    1. What about that website leads you to believe it’s from the CDC? The part where they ask for money?

      1. Maybe you should read more carefully lol. Obviously you need to reexamine her first sentence. She said in CDC website AND the other she listed. Duh.
        For the record, I have never had a flu shot and guess what?? I’ve only had the flu twice in my life and I haven’t had it for 15 years. If you take care of your body (or if you’re an infant hopefully your parent us smart enough to dose probiotics and vitamins and omega 3s to keep you healthy) there is no reason for the flu shot. All of you are sheeple if you trust ANY of our government organizations, especially the FDA and CDC!!! Do some critical thinking!!!

      2. You clearly didn’t read that correctly those are two different addresses “This info is on the CDC’s website and on” The CDC’s website does show that the flu vaccine is useless. Just look at the percentages of those “protected” I am actually amazed they falsify the data. But it’s clearly there.

    2. Interesting, and where is the GIVE US MONEY button on the CDC website? I must have missed it.

  8. I never had flu shot in my life as long as I remember. I used to be a weak boy and always got sick. And of course, I caught flu a few times, but I eventually survived.
    as Antonio mentioned above, some of the arguments are not valid. Flu shot is not a big money maker either. It only contributes 2% of pharmaceutical companies’ income. And doctors ans nurses agree that flu shot is more of cumbersome work than profit.

    but I don’t plan to get flu shot any time soon anyway.

  9. The Flu shot nearly killed me eleven years ago. I had just received a liver transplant the year before, and doctor encouraged me to get the shot to prevent any flu virus. One week later, I ended up in the hospital in severe rejection. After spending six weeks in the hospital, it took a year and a half to fully recover. Doctor decided the flu shot was the culprit, and I do not take the shots EVER!

  10. I’ve honestly never done the research to see what all is actually in the flu vaccine. However, I’ve noticed that when I have gotten the flu shot, I tend to get sick a LOT that year. I haven’t taken the flu shot for about 10 years now & I can honestly say that yes, I got hit with the “good, old fashion flu” (as my doctor called it) once. I asked her (the doctor) if the flu shot was actually worth getting for my kids because I was being pressured by a family member to get the kids done. As I was talking to her (mind you this was 3 years ago now), she informed me that there were (at that time) around 263 strains of the flu virus & the shot covered THREE. Did I give my kids the flu shot?? NO. Never have, and never will. I don’t believe that the government, FDA, etc are looking out for the best interest of the people.We are here to be used as test subjects & money makers for them…

  11. I am 100% in agreement with your post. I am in the military and hate the fact that I have no choice but to get this crap or lose my job. Civilians are no different in most cases. I am an elite marathoner and getting a flu shot is the last thing on my list of what I need for my system. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. I am a nurse and last year the hospital I was working at began requiring the flu vaccine. You could only refuse with an exemption from a Dr stating you had a reaction to the vaccine or a religious exemption. Taking a flu shot is not a “risk of the my job”. Getting the flu or a cold or some much worse disease is a risk of being a nurse. It is wrong for an employer to force an employee to put something in their body.
    The flu vaccine is political and a money maker. It has nothing to do with public health concern.

    1. The hospital push for flu employee vaccination is because of a section buried deep in Obamacare that ties hospital reported quality metrics to Medicare reimbursements.

      Beginning January 1, 2013 for the 2012-2013 influenza season, hospitals participating in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program will be required to submit summary data on influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel. However, use of this measure for payment determination will not begin until FY 2015. (4)

      In 2015, if a hospital does not meet the minimum amount defined by the government for % of employees vaccinated for influenza, the hospital’s Medicare reimbursement amount is reduced.

      This is why there is a push at hospitals to get everyone vaccinated for the flu under threat of being fired. The way it’s being sold to the employees that it is for patient safety, but in reality it is being done as a risk mitigation strategy to prevent loss of Medicare revenue.

      1. The flu vaccine was required in most hospitals years before Obamacare was ever even muttered. I was required for the last 4 years and my aunt whom is a microbiologist has been required for at least the last ten….get your facts straight. It is only in place to protect the patients from the spread of the flu because most have weakened immune systems and insurance doesn’t cover the cost of hospital acquired anything!

  13. You are wonderful in your knowledge of food and in your presentation of the dangers thereof to the public. However, I have heard about your politics, and in that, your sense is completely gone! If you really want to help the public, stop supporting this obamination in our WH. Talk to REAL Americans, and support them in getting back the country of our founding fathers!!! Help stop this progression of our country into the abyss. No amount of healthy food will help the public if we live in a socialist country lead by a tyrannical government. Those that want to change our country into a dictatorship, let them move to Iran or China. Let them get the H— out of America.

    1. Off subject. Please Don’t bring this crap to this site. This site has a purpose and that is not it.

  14. I am weary of vaccines for many reasons, but you failed to provide any credible support for your conclusions. This was a perfect opportunity to display many of the medical school/journal studies that take issue with the flu vaccine and you missed.

    In addition, some of your “science” in the article regarding “immunity for life,” the flu vaccine not being a “real” vaccine, etc, is flimsy at best.

    Please, delete this post, do your research and repost something much better substantiated. I know you can do it!

  15. I thing this article is dangerous, and could get people killed. I think you should have done more research and been a little less partial. Let me make a google search for you: “what medical breakthrough has saved more lives than any other”

  16. I got a flu shot ONCE several years ago because I was working in a pharmacy in a large chain store and wanted to protect myself from whatever went around that year. My arm swelled at the injection site, was warm /feverish and red approximately 3 inches around the injection sight and lasted for about 2 days. Within 3 weeks I had the stomach bug sooooo bad for 4 days it was all I could do to get out of bed to make it to the bathroom. It was very apparent my body did NOT like what was injected into it! I have not had a flu shot since (10+ years) and I worked that job for several years after thAt and in day cares, a nursing home, with an elderly couple and have NEVER been as sick as I was when I got the flu shot! If other people want the flu shot, great! But don’t push your beliefs onto me that I HAVE to have a flu shot every year , I won’t do it ! I have 3 kids who never had flu shots and they have managed to survive flu season without getting majorly sick! And my kids are grown! No flu shots in this family!

    1. That is so stupid. Don’t you know “stomach flu” has nothing to do with the flu vaccine? The “flu” in the flu vaccine is a completely different virus from “stomach flu”. Also, 3-4 weeks later? If you have a bad reaction to the shot it wouldn’t take that long to happen. I feel very sorry for all the innocent children and elderly you work with that you are going to hurt because you made a mistaken conjecture from a mere coincidence.

      1. Oh STOP “Lady”!! Like opting out of the flu shot makes you a liability?? I haven’t had it either – EVER. Taught preschool for 7 years-never infected anyone because I was never sick!! Stop your fear mongering you bully. People can make their own choices and they don’t deserve your judgment!! See ya melodrama!!!

    2. “Stomach flu” is NOT influenza and is NOT what the flu vaccine protects against! You people don’t even know what you’re “fighting” against! Pain and swelling at the injection site is a common reaction. And really, a MONTH later you got a stomach bug, so it MUST be the vaccine’s fault? And you anti-vaccine nuts wonder why no one takes you seriously.

  17. Do some real research and cite some sources. The flu vaccine for 2013 is quadrivalent, meaning that it covers both strains of Influenza A and B. Although no vaccine can be 100% effective, this should cut down on break-through cases. I understand expressing your opinion, but you are misleading people who do not recognize that your ‘opinion’ is not well-researched or from any source at all. And yes, I am a health professional, who is not ‘out to get you’ and wanting to make a buck off of you. Believe it or not, there are still good people in the world who actually have patients’ best interests in mind. Quit being paranoid.

    1. Most medical doctors don’t have much time to learn much about more natural non-drug remedies. The M in MD is for “medicine”. They do learn a lot from pharma reps teaching them all the benefits of various drugs And many hospital systems don’t allow natural products probably because of agreements with drug companies to only use their products.

      1. The M is for “medical”, but thanks for playing.

        Doctors research on their own because they want the best results for their patients. They don’t use “natural” products because they don’t work.

  18. I really want to agree with all if this but you don’t give any links to show the research that supports your claims nor do you cite any sources. If you want to change people’s minds you have to provide proof.

  19. I agree with everything you say except the use of Viramin D. I would do more research before pushing this vitamin on people. Excess vitamin D actually pulls calcium out of the tissues and into the bloodstream, where it is of no use. Vitamin D and it’s push of use is also a big pharm money-maker. Take a look into this…

  20. “Let’s say for instance, you get a vaccine for another virus like Hepatitis A or B – you are immunized for life.” … ONE vaccine does not make you immune to these diseases. Nearly all vaccines require a booster, and/or a series to be effective, but even then there is a fail rate. Take pertussis, which the CDC “just” discovered requires more frequent boosters, b/c vaccinated children were contracting the disease this last year. Furthermore, the flu shot IS a vaccine in the traditional sense, but it only immunizes the host against the prior years strain. Viruses are constantly mutating and science cannot predict how it will do so. Therefore, no vaccine can be developed until the mutated strain/s is discovered.

    My doctor scripts the best protocol for minimizing the flu, and any virus for that matter; a high dose Vitamin D3 regimen when you feel as though you might be getting ill (1,000 IU’s PER body pound of weight, once per day, for 3 days and then in the winter continue to take 50,000-100,000 IU’s PER week and summer 10,000-50,000 per week. Example: 150 pound person would take 150,000 IU’s daily for 3 days when sick.). You can buy 50,000 IU capsule online from several major suppliers. Obviously, you need to discuss this with your doctor if you have any medical conditions, especially kidney problems. No, it is NOT toxic. I get my blood levels tested yearly and I’ve not had any adverse reactions thus far. It only works with viruses though, NOT bacterial infections.

  21. For several years before I started getting flu shots I would come done with the flu and be extremely ill each year. Once I started getting flu shots I haven’t had a case of the flu. I know that they just put a few possible strains in a shot but the difference between being so sick that I wouldn’t know if I was going to survive it to not getting ill at all has convinced me that flu vaccines are right for me.

  22. Food Babe, I have exhausted myself trying to locate this “very famous immunologist & geneticist” or the study you reference in your blog and I cannot find it. Please share a link for your readers to this study.

  23. I have been saying the same thing for years. I go a flu shot about 25 years ago and got the flu so bad that winter I swore I’d never get another. I haven’t gotten another shot and I haven’t had the flu since. You said the magic word.
    MONEY! They make their money off the fear of people.

  24. Is this the part where you offer a coupon code to a sponsor who can organically prevent the flu?

  25. No! The flu shot didn’t exist when I was a kid. Stop buying into pharmaceutical propaganda.

    1. I’m guessing that blogs filled with junk science based on nothing more than opinion and fear of medical providers didn’t exist when you were a kid either.

  26. I have had flu shots and they always work for me. I haven’t had the flu in years. Here is a site that tells the public more about what is and is not in today’s flu shots:
    Everyone is allowed their own opinion, but I must say that Chicken Pox have made a return this fall in BC Canada. Why? Because parents are not allowing their kids the vaccine against such ‘old’ problems… goes to show that these health issues don’t go away, they linger waiting to catch you off guard. I’m glad I was vaccinated years ago. It is too bad that the flu shot can’t be a lifetime vaccine, but the flu keeps changing. If it one specific issue, like Chicken Pox, it could be controlled, but the flu has so many variations, it isn’t possible for a lifetime of protection.

    1. Nope, even the CDC admits that these cases are not caused by the un-vaccinated. In fact, in all the clusters of so called vaccine preventable diseases, the afflicted were vaccinated and many having received secondary boosters. There is plenty of reason to avoid all vaccines but here is some info on Chickenpox including “Between March 1995 and July 1998, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) received 6, 574 reports of health problems after chickenpox vaccination. That translates into 67.5 adverse events per 100,000 doses of vaccine or one in 1,481 vaccinations. About four percent of cases (about 1 in 33,000 doses) were serious including shock, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia (blood disorder) and 14 deaths. The VAERS data has led to the addition of 17 adverse events to the manufacturer’s product label since the vaccine was licensed in 1995, including secondary bacterial infections (cellulitis), secondary transmission of vaccine virus infection to close contacts, transverse myelitis and Guillain Barre syndrome (brain disorders) and herpes zoster (shingles). There have been documented cases of transmission of vaccine virus from a vaccinated child to household contacts, including a pregnant woman. A study in 2002 confirmed that adults exposed to natural chickenpox disease were protected from developing shingles and that there is concern that mass vaccination against chickenpox may cause a future epidemic of shingles, affecting more than 50 percent of Americans aged 10 to 44 years.

      1. VAERS is an EARLY reporting system. And anyone can report anything to it. Someone reported “hulkism” to it to prove the point. It’s simply a starting point to help signal if there may be something that needs further investigation, it is NOT empirical evidence of anything.

      2. Further investigation? If that were true all vaccines would qualify. SomeONE entering “hulkism” proves nothing other than a shill wanted to make ALL reporting persons look bad or bogus. It only works if bought by majority.

      3. I will agree that VAERS is an awful substitute for the hand washed immunity granted the pharmaceutical companies which essentially has now given them ZERO incentive to care about reciprocity and/or vaccine safety.

  27. My hubby was on dialysis for years and they made him get a flu shot and every time he got it he was sick. I never got the flu shot and I never got sick. I stay away from sick people, I wash my hands a lot, and when it is flu season I try to avoid crowded areas such as grocery stores or malls.

  28. And what can we do about FEVER? I always give my children Tylenol or Motrin, even that I don’t feel comfortable doing it, but I don’t know what else to do. With my kids, flu always comes with fever.

    Thank you

    1. Juany, be careful not to overdose your children on tylenol. See my reply to nellynoos, below. It was meant for you.

  29. You could not pay me a million $ to get a flu shot…
    Eat correctly, treat everything naturally, drink clean water. Take note to this website & all the info she gives on healthy eating.
    Vaccination are poison~ do your research! If you give them to your babies, inquire to have spread out (not all in one). Take at least 3-4 visits to give what is required for schools. Although you can get them waved, check it out.

    1. Nice I agree Suzan. Protect yourself and your family. Stay away from all this poison….it will harm you.

  30. “What’s exactly in the Flu Shot? To sum it up – A bunch of toxic chemicals and additives that lead to several types of Cancers and Alzheimer disease over time.”

    idiocy. really, as someone who has readers, you should do something to understand what you are talking about before you spread nonsense.

    1. I just listened to an informative podcast from This American Life (Ira Glass) talking about the dangers of liver failure, i.e. death, from taking more than the recommended dosage of tylenol (acetominophen). Children’s dosing, especially, needs to be considered carefully. Acetominophen is found in various mixtures such as nyquil and there are different concentrations for infant and children’s tylenol. They stress that tylenol is very safe when used as directed, but that even taking a little bit more, can be devastating. Best of luck to you.

  31. I feel awful. I am required to take the yearly flu shot at work. Besides changing religion to one that does not allow that or just quitting outright I am forced in taking it. I need that job for the income and feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  32. During the serious flu epidemic that killed thousands, toward the last, the symptoms changed a few if any died. Scientists over the years discovered as they tried to piece together what had happened that in that short period the virus mutated a couple of times. Some one here stated that the virus has 236 versions. I would go further, and say that is probably a conservative number, but the up side is there are only 3 or 4 categories. A couple of which have seldom been seen in this country for some time. So much for a vaccine lasting a lifetime. Someone has said that trying to design a vaccine for the next outbreak is like trying to shoot at a moving target in the dark.. What is in it? If you are going to post that kind of list, try referencing a legitimate source. Should people take the vaccine? I suspect that is an individual decision, but my concern is the next killer strain. In any case, thanks for tackling the whole subject. Even if they don’t agree with you, it got people thinking about it.

  33. I did immediately see Foodbabe’s disclaimer and recommendation to do our own research, I clearly understand that this article is her opinion only. The content coincides with my own personal research, so I popped over to Mercola as that is usually a starting point for me when needing to research a health topic. He cites sources for all his research and he has years of studies available on the topic of flu and other vaccines. Just enter flu vaccine in the search box. Here is just one (from 2011) Whether you want to believe Mercola’s “opinions” based on HIS research that’s up to you, but he does make all the sources/studies available through cite links – probably enough studies available on the topic to keep you busy for a days, and I’m pretty certain you will eventually find all sources for which Foodbabe based her “opinion”.

  34. Unfortunately, articles like this one fail to be compelling because they capitalize on scare tactics by listing names of chemical compounds that are incomprehensible to the general public. Take the compound thimerosal (which happens to be misspelled and has mercury next to it) for example. While mercury is a known toxin, mercury can exist in several different compounds that render its harmful biochemical effects null. In the case of the organomercury compound thimerosal it remains true that it would be fatal if inhaled or ingested. However, receiving this compound intravenously, accompanied by stabilizing or binding agents, the mercury toxicity can be eliminated and controlled. Other unreasonable chemicals listed above: glucose (that is a simple sugar that can easily be metabolized without causing harm), aluminum (which exists in our body in natural averages of about 8.4 x10^-4 % by mass and is the 21st most abundant element in the human body), gentamicin (which is another misspelled compound is a known antibiotic used to treat eye infections and urinary tract infections), monosodium glutatmate (again listed with MSG next to it for fear contribution when really MSG is not detrimental, it is merely a NON-ESSENTIAL amino-acid). While other points were made in this article, and I recognize their existence, my main complaint arises from people’s general misuse of chemical information to mislead the public into believing in misconceptions.

  35. I keep this answer short and simple…Hell no. No Flu shot. Not now or Ever. The government said if my children did not receive the flu shot it would be considered an act of terrorism. (about 8 years ago) Really?? No scare tactic worked for us .

  36. Hi Food Babe,
    Thank you so much for that post, I never knew the flu shot was banned in some countries! I have 3 kids, my oldest never got the flu shot and then not long after my second child was born, she was diagnosed with asthma and her Doctor insisted when she was old enough she must have the flu shot because she was considered a “high risk”, so we then started giving both our girls the flu shot. Not long after my third child was born, he was also diagnosed with asthma, we started giving him the flu shot too. Basically, I’ve always felt pressured by the Doctors to give my kids the flu shot, they would tell me because two of my kids have asthma, they could possibly die if they don’t get the flu shot, I always used to go along with what the Doctors told me, believing they were looking out for my children. Now I’m starting to dig a little deeper…however as I’m sitting typing this to you, I’m thinking to myself…do I let my kids have the flu shot? And if I don’t let them have the flu shot, what happens if they do get flu and something drastic happens to them, I’ll never forgive myself.

  37. i have appreciated your information on nutrtion in the past. sadly this rehashing of a bunch of myths on vaccines has really dampened my enthusiasm for your blog. stick to what you know & leave the sciene to those who are qualified. fyi: in my province & most canadian provinces flu vaccines are FREE. pharm companies only produce alimited amount of vaccine each season & frequently they cannot meet the demand. yet this continues to happen year after year. if this is such a moneymaker why wouldn’t they increase their production? the point is they make so little on these vaccines it is barely worth their while.
    really a shame that you have jumped on this conspiracy bandwagon.

  38. Great blog, first visit. Lots of good discussion.

    I have Multiple Sclerosis and take some pretty serious (dangerous) drugs so it might seem hypocritical that I refuse the Flu Shot but not so. Not so long ago they said MS patients shouldn’t get the shot then switched and said it was fine. My intuitive self said “nope.”

    Personally, being from the medical community I think it’s important to remember it’s referred to as “Practicing Medicine” for a reason. There’s a lot known but more unknown. Personal responsibility and choice has to be your guide.

    Again, great blog/topic.

  39. Haven’t you said before you try not to get into the science stuff?
    You didn’t provide any sources for any of the things you have claimed.
    You don’t even seem to understand the basics of this stuff, thimerosal has been removed from almost every vaccine because of the unnecessary scare, and people like yourself don’t seem to understand the difference between ethylmercury and methylmercury.
    Also studies have not confirmed any of such things you’ve said , if there were any scientific peer-reviewed studies confirming half the things you’ve said, you would have put them in here.
    I could go on, but I think you’re already getting what you wanted, a lot of blog hits.

  40. I agree there are some issues with all of her statements and you can tell she isn’t a healthcare professional, however, I do for the most part agree with her. I am an MD who has been trained to say that people do not get sick from the flu shot or if they do it is coincidence or they would have gotten sicker without the flu shot. As a person who never got sick until I started getting the flu shots, I started doing some research. It wasn’t just me either. Although I would get months of a serum sickness in the form of almost a constant cold for 3-4 months, my mom, sister, and brother got a week long febrile “flu-like” illness within 1-2 days of receiving the vaccine because I made them. There are SNP’s-single nucleotide polymorphisms that can genetically predispose you to having certain reactions. My husband, never has issues with the flu vaccine for instance. So on to the research. Both the Cochrance database and the Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy have done meta-analyses. The Cochrane Database confirmed that with over 40 years of data, there is no decreased transmission rates, hospitalization, or complication rates with flu vaccine. The the Centers for Infectious Disease …. concluded that in a perfectly matched year (which is rare), it is only up to 59% effective. Barely more than half benefit in the 18-64 year group, no one benefits from the injectable under 18, neither from the intranasal under 2. Only the live attenuated virus (intranasal) has been found more effective in the 2-18 range. We push it among seniors the most and they have the least benefit. So yes, people can die from complications of having the flu but there is no research to suggest that getting the vaccine will make a difference. Even I tracked this down to a senior CDC official who agreed and said there will never be good studies because the flu vaccine and strains change annually and this is just the best they have. They do not recommend a mandate anywhere for all these reasons. The fact that so many organizations are mandating the vaccine means that it is due to pressure by pharmaceutical companies and not due to science. In fact, one large local organization close to me ( and I shall not say due to obvious reasons) did not even know the science AT ALL! When I wrote to the person who created the mandate and asked about the science, his response was ” I don’t know but all the major organizations recommend it”. So I wrote to all the major organizations and I received no responses from many but from a few, they just said they didn’t have the information. From the AAP -academy of pediatrics, they actually said ” We don’t have anything on our site. Have you checkout the NIH?”. The AHA-American Hospitalist Association quoted an article studying vaccinating HCW-health care workers where they found a decreased mortality in residents in those homes with vaccinated HCW but it wasn’t due to the flu strangely enough. So if a HCW doesn’t get vaccinated, they have to wear a face mask which also has no studies. It is one thing in an ICU to wear a face mask where they go into a room for a few minutes but take the mask off to work on the computer outside, but for a therapist or a family doctor, etc to have to wear a face mask all day with low risk patients, sitting across the room, amounts to harassment and bullying. I believe in vaccines whole heartedly. MMR, polio, etc are shining examples of the benefits of vaccines. The flu vaccine is a farce and fear mongering is creating an unfortunate situation where someone like me has to be vaccinated and stay sick for 3-4 months every year, where normally I am completely healthy, or suffer 8 hours a day talking through a face mask which is cumbersome, inhibits good communication, and is just terribly unjust with no science behind that either. Shame on big pharma and the medical groups blindly following recommendations without thoroughly investigating the science. Of course it wouldn’t be the first time. (read Anatomy of an Epidemic by Whittaker regarding the education of doctors by pharmaceutical companies with psychiatric meds)

  41. You don’t seem to have listed any of the sources of the studies you have obtained your research from. This a really well written article and I would have liked to repost it or forward for others to read but I can’t if studies are not cited. If you can update it to include that information, I would gladly share it.

    1. I agree there are some issues with all of her statements and you can tell she isn’t a healthcare professional, however, I do for the most part agree with her. I am an MD who has been trained to say that people do not get sick from the flu shot or if they do it is coincidence or they would have gotten sicker without the flu shot. As a person who never got sick until I started getting the flu shots, I started doing some research. It wasn’t just me either. Although I would get months of a serum sickness in the form of almost a constant cold for 3-4 months, my mom, sister, and brother got a week long febrile “flu-like” illness within 1-2 days of receiving the vaccine because I made them. There are SNP’s-single nucleotide polymorphisms that can genetically predispose you to having certain reactions. My husband, never has issues with the flu vaccine for instance. So on to the research. Both the Cochrance database and the Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy have done meta-analyses. The Cochrane Database confirmed that with over 40 years of data, there is no decreased transmission rates, hospitalization, or complication rates with flu vaccine. The the Centers for Infectious Disease …. concluded that in a perfectly matched year (which is rare), it is only up to 59% effective. Barely more than half benefit in the 18-64 year group, no one benefits from the injectable under 18, neither from the intranasal under 2. Only the live attenuated virus (intranasal) has been found more effective in the 2-18 range. We push it among seniors the most and they have the least benefit. So yes, people can die from complications of having the flu but there is no research to suggest that getting the vaccine will make a difference. Even I tracked this down to a senior CDC official who agreed and said there will never be good studies because the flu vaccine and strains change annually and this is just the best they have. They do not recommend a mandate anywhere for all these reasons. The fact that so many organizations are mandating the vaccine means that it is due to pressure by pharmaceutical companies and not due to science. In fact, one large local organization close to me ( and I shall not say due to obvious reasons) did not even know the science AT ALL! When I wrote to the person who created the mandate and asked about the science, his response was ” I don’t know but all the major organizations recommend it”. So I wrote to all the major organizations and I received no responses from many but from a few, they just said they didn’t have the information. From the AAP -academy of pediatrics, they actually said ” We don’t have anything on our site. Have you checkout the NIH?”. The AHA-American Hospitalist Association quoted an article studying vaccinating HCW-health care workers where they found a decreased mortality in residents in those homes with vaccinated HCW but it wasn’t due to the flu strangely enough. So if a HCW doesn’t get vaccinated, they have to wear a face mask which also has no studies. It is one thing in an ICU to wear a face mask where they go into a room for a few minutes but take the mask off to work on the computer outside, but for a therapist or a family doctor, etc to have to wear a face mask all day with low risk patients, sitting across the room, amounts to harassment and bullying. I believe in vaccines whole heartedly. MMR, polio, etc are shining examples of the benefits of vaccines. The flu vaccine is a farce and fear mongering is creating an unfortunate situation where someone like me has to be vaccinated and stay sick for 3-4 months every year, where normally I am completely healthy, or suffer 8 hours a day talking through a face mask which is cumbersome, inhibits good communication, and is just terribly unjust with no science behind that either. Shame on big pharma and the medical groups blindly following recommendations without thoroughly investigating the science. Of course it wouldn’t be the first time. (read Anatomy of an Epidemic by Whittaker regarding the education of doctors by pharmaceutical companies with psychiatric meds)
      1) Kelley NS, Manske JM, Ballering KS, Leighton TR, Moore KA. The Compelling
      Need for Game-Changing Influenza Vaccines, An analysis of the influenza vaccine
      enterprise and recommendations for the future. Center for Infectious Disease
      Research & Policy, October 2012.
      2) Carman WF, Elder AG, Wallace LA, McAulay K, Walker A, Murray GD, Stott DJ.
      Effects of influenza vaccination of health-care workers on mortality of elderly people
      in long-term care: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2000 Jan 8;355(9198):93-7.

    2. I agree there are some issues with all of her statements and you can tell she isn’t a healthcare professional, however, I do for the most part agree with her. I am an MD who has been trained to say that people do not get sick from the flu shot or if they do it is coincidence or they would have gotten sicker without the flu shot. As a person who never got sick until I started getting the flu shots, I started doing some research. It wasn’t just me either. Although I would get months of a serum sickness in the form of almost a constant cold for 3-4 months, my mom, sister, and brother got a week long febrile “flu-like” illness within 1-2 days of receiving the vaccine because I made them. There are SNP’s-single nucleotide polymorphisms that can genetically predispose you to having certain reactions. My husband, never has issues with the flu vaccine for instance. So on to the research. Both the Cochrance database and the Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy have done meta-analyses. The Cochrane Database confirmed that with over 40 years of data, there is no decreased transmission rates, hospitalization, or complication rates with flu vaccine. The the Centers for Infectious Disease …. concluded that in a perfectly matched year (which is rare), it is only up to 59% effective. Barely more than half benefit in the 18-64 year group, no one benefits from the injectable under 18, neither from the intranasal under 2. Only the live attenuated virus (intranasal) has been found more effective in the 2-18 range. We push it among seniors the most and they have the least benefit. So yes, people can die from complications of having the flu but there is no research to suggest that getting the vaccine will make a difference. Even I tracked this down to a senior CDC official who agreed and said there will never be good studies because the flu vaccine and strains change annually and this is just the best they have. They do not recommend a mandate anywhere for all these reasons. The fact that so many organizations are mandating the vaccine means that it is due to pressure by pharmaceutical companies and not due to science. In fact, one large local organization close to me ( and I shall not say due to obvious reasons) did not even know the science AT ALL! When I wrote to the person who created the mandate and asked about the science, his response was ” I don’t know but all the major organizations recommend it”. So I wrote to all the major organizations and I received no responses from many but from a few, they just said they didn’t have the information. From the AAP -academy of pediatrics, they actually said ” We don’t have anything on our site. Have you checkout the NIH?”. The AHA-American Hospitalist Association quoted an article studying vaccinating HCW-health care workers where they found a decreased mortality in residents in those homes with vaccinated HCW but it wasn’t due to the flu strangely enough. So if a HCW doesn’t get vaccinated, they have to wear a face mask which also has no studies. It is one thing in an ICU to wear a face mask where they go into a room for a few minutes but take the mask off to work on the computer outside, but for a therapist or a family doctor, etc to have to wear a face mask all day with low risk patients, sitting across the room, amounts to harassment and bullying. I believe in vaccines whole heartedly. MMR, polio, etc are shining examples of the benefits of vaccines. The flu vaccine is a farce and fear mongering is creating an unfortunate situation where someone like me has to be vaccinated and stay sick for 3-4 months every year, where normally I am completely healthy, or suffer 8 hours a day talking through a face mask which is cumbersome, inhibits good communication, and is just terribly unjust with no science behind that either. Shame on big pharma and the medical groups blindly following recommendations without thoroughly investigating the science. Of course it wouldn’t be the first time. (read Anatomy of an Epidemic by Whittaker regarding the education of doctors by pharmaceutical companies with psychiatric meds)
      1) Kelley NS, Manske JM, Ballering KS, Leighton TR, Moore KA. The Compelling
      Need for Game-Changing Influenza Vaccines, An analysis of the influenza vaccine
      enterprise and recommendations for the future. Center for Infectious Disease
      Research & Policy, October 2012.
      2) Carman WF, Elder AG, Wallace LA, McAulay K, Walker A, Murray GD, Stott DJ.
      Effects of influenza vaccination of health-care workers on mortality of elderly people
      in long-term care: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2000 Jan 8;355(9198):93-

      3)Jefferson T, Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, Bawazeer GA, Al-Ansary LA, Ferroni E. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD001269. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001269.pub4

  42. I agree there are some issues with all of her statements and you can tell she isn’t a healthcare professional, however, I do for the most part agree with her. I am an MD who has been trained to say that people do not get sick from the flu shot or if they do it is coincidence or they would have gotten sicker without the flu shot. As a person who never got sick until I started getting the flu shots, I started doing some research. It wasn’t just me either. Although I would get months of a serum sickness in the form of almost a constant cold for 3-4 months, my mom, sister, and brother got a week long febrile “flu-like” illness within 1-2 days of receiving the vaccine because I made them. There are SNP’s-single nucleotide polymorphisms that can genetically predispose you to having certain reactions. My husband, never has issues with the flu vaccine for instance. So on to the research. Both the Cochrance database and the Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy have done meta-analyses. The Cochrane Database confirmed that with over 40 years of data, there is no decreased transmission rates, hospitalization, or complication rates with flu vaccine. The the Centers for Infectious Disease …. concluded that in a perfectly matched year (which is rare), it is only up to 59% effective. Barely more than half benefit in the 18-64 year group, no one benefits from the injectable under 18, neither from the intranasal under 2. Only the live attenuated virus (intranasal) has been found more effective in the 2-18 range. We push it among seniors the most and they have the least benefit. So yes, people can die from complications of having the flu but there is no research to suggest that getting the vaccine will make a difference. Even I tracked this down to a senior CDC official who agreed and said there will never be good studies because the flu vaccine and strains change annually and this is just the best they have. They do not recommend a mandate anywhere for all these reasons. The fact that so many organizations are mandating the vaccine means that it is due to pressure by pharmaceutical companies and not due to science. In fact, one large local organization close to me ( and I shall not say due to obvious reasons) did not even know the science AT ALL! When I wrote to the person who created the mandate and asked about the science, his response was ” I don’t know but all the major organizations recommend it”. So I wrote to all the major organizations and I received no responses from many but from a few, they just said they didn’t have the information. From the AAP -academy of pediatrics, they actually said ” We don’t have anything on our site. Have you checkout the NIH?”. The AHA-American Hospitalist Association quoted an article studying vaccinating HCW-health care workers where they found a decreased mortality in residents in those homes with vaccinated HCW but it wasn’t due to the flu strangely enough. So if a HCW doesn’t get vaccinated, they have to wear a face mask which also has no studies. It is one thing in an ICU to wear a face mask where they go into a room for a few minutes but take the mask off to work on the computer outside, but for a therapist or a family doctor, etc to have to wear a face mask all day with low risk patients, sitting across the room, amounts to harassment and bullying. I believe in vaccines whole heartedly. MMR, polio, etc are shining examples of the benefits of vaccines. The flu vaccine is a farce and fear mongering is creating an unfortunate situation where someone like me has to be vaccinated and stay sick for 3-4 months every year, where normally I am completely healthy, or suffer 8 hours a day talking through a face mask which is cumbersome, inhibits good communication, and is just terribly unjust with no science behind that either. Shame on big pharma and the medical groups blindly following recommendations without thoroughly investigating the science. Of course it wouldn’t be the first time. (read Anatomy of an Epidemic by Whittaker regarding the education of doctors by pharmaceutical companies with psychiatric meds)1) Kelley NS, Manske JM, Ballering KS, Leighton TR, Moore KA. The Compelling
    Need for Game-Changing Influenza Vaccines, An analysis of the influenza vaccine
    enterprise and recommendations for the future. Center for Infectious Disease
    Research & Policy, October 2012.
    2) Carman WF, Elder AG, Wallace LA, McAulay K, Walker A, Murray GD, Stott DJ.
    Effects of influenza vaccination of health-care workers on mortality of elderly people
    in long-term care: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2000 Jan 8;355(9198):93-7.
    3)Jefferson T, Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, Bawazeer GA, Al-Ansary LA, Ferroni E. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD001269. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001269.pub4

  43. didn’t mean to post so many times, it wasn’t showing up on my computer. sorry!

  44. nice article…food babe is not a medical professional but has obviously made a point. Think for yourselves, do the research and make your own choice for your health. Dont be so critical people opening a discussion

  45. Thank you. Through years (more than 10, since I became a parent 13 years ago)of following everything I could about vaccines, especially personal testimonies of adverse reactions–contrast to what is put out there in the media and from the medical profession— it has become sadly clear that vaccinations are an assault to the immune system. Period. I “get” that the general public still believes what they are told. Until you have a reason to do the research, or you just happen to, then, of course, we want to trust the federal agencies who are instructing us. You have to actually go beyond that to get to the trugh. So, I appreciate the blog. Thanks, again.

  46. I’m in agreement with others who have posted that we need to see credible citations and sources in order for this “opinion” piece to be credible. I, for one, do not appreciate being called a lemming. I fully supported everything the food babe has done for food, but I do not support this offending piece. The argument is clear for both sides and everyone has the choice to do what is best for their own family. I agree that vaccines should be made to be safer, but I believe that having a safe guard in place in case there were to ever be an epidemic, the better. I haven’t been a big fan of big pharm and always choose a natural route for healing if there is one available. In the case of vaccines, I don’t believe they are making tons of money and are producing them for the safety of their fellow citizens, should the people choose to receive them. I love how the food babe puts it how, yes, you can have immunity from these diseases too, you just have to get sick first. Isn’t the purpose of vaccines to prevent getting sick? Whatever the case, this article is irrelevant to me because there is nothing credible about it. I for one will remain a “lemming,” along with choosing to do so for my family, and fall off the “cliff” into the darkest abyss the food babe thinks exists. Thank you for thinking about saving us all from the travesties of big pharm, but it think your time could be spent better elsewhere.

  47. Several years ago, I received the regular and bird flu vaccines since I was undergoing chemo. Guess what — i didn’t get sick. You know what that means scientifically? Nothing! Anecdotal stories like people are posting here are absolutely meaningless.

    Food Babe, I join with others in saying that this posting is misinformative, poorly researched, and dangerous. The flu vaccine is quite safe. And if you’re not vaccinating your kids against the multitude of childhood diseases, you’re a fool.

    The only point that most people seem to miss is that she opens with the appropriate disclaimer.

    1. Joe, please see the section on SNP’s. Like I said, my husband can take it without any difficulty. I am just against a mandate because there are people like me that DO become ill from the vaccine. I don’t personally care if someone gets it or not. I just don’t want to be coerced into it. I do believe in vaccines like polio and measles, etc that have clear benefit. I am glad you are recovered (ing) from cancer.

  48. I never got the flu shot before last year. I was getting married during flu season and didn’t want to risk being very sick on a foreign island. Now, I’m pregnant and very concerned about what can happen to me if I get the flu. Because of extreme morning sickness, I’ve been unable to keep up a healthy diet, so I could be more susceptible. I’ve scheduled an appointment, but not sure what I should do.

    1. HI Mandi! I say pray about it and if you didn’t have a problem with it last year, just get the preservative free vaccine and you should be fine. However, in the insert (you can find this online), it does warn there is no safety data in pregnant women and they ask us to register pregnant patients who are given the vaccine so we can follow them, I guess to acquire safety data. Many would argue the risk of getting the flu is worse since any febrile illness can increase risk of autism or other effects on the baby. Just for me, it makes me sick. Most important is to do vitamin D 2000 IU daily (I like Rx vitamin because it comes in concentrated drops so if you are vomiting, you will still get it. ) and probiotics and rest. good luck with your pregnancy. I used Homeopathy for my morning sickness and it worked like a charm!

    2. talk to YOUR Dr. not somone on a blog who puts md beside their name. good luck! 🙂

      1. Yes, Jackie, you are right. she should talk to her own doctor. for the record, though, I am double board certified but she doesn’t know that. 😎

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