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Thank You Bonuses for Pre-Ordering Feeding You Lies!

It’s getting so real now. My latest book hits shelves in a few short weeks. And, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous but it’s too late to turn back now… and my gut tells me that you’ve got my back, which makes me so grateful. Your support for my new book has been … Read More

Emails Reveal: Coca-Cola’s Shocking Plot To Take Us Down

While working on my new book last year, I received a STARTLING email from U.S. Right To Know. They had obtained an internal email from Coca-Cola… and when I read it, I was shocked. Right there in black in white, I read how Coca-Cola tried to lobby the FDA against us, the Food Babe Army. … Read More

Take A Peek Inside My New Book Feeding You Lies (plus a special announcement)

The book jacket for the hardcover version of Feeding You Lies was just finalized and I am so happy about getting this book out into the world. And I want you to be the first to see it! Here’s what what the front cover and binding look like: Inside the front flap: The back cover: And, inside … Read More

How The Food Industry Tries to Silence Us (My Appearance on CNN…)

I got a request to be on CNN last Sunday night asking me to discuss the romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak. But here’s the crazy thing… My appearance on national TV really pissed off some people. And no – not because it was on CNN. (My stance on national media has always been to take … Read More

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