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The Healthiest Snacks For Kids & Adults (Food Babe Family Bonus Video!)

Ever since I started a family I dreamed of creating a book to share how I’m raising my children to love real food and how we deal with all of the processed food in the world around us. I’ve learned so much since becoming a mom and have so many tricks up my sleeve that … Read More

My New Cookbook is Here! Food Babe Family – More Than 100 Recipes and Foolproof Strategies to Help Your Kids Fall In Love with Real Food

When I became a mom, I got flooded with questions. You asked me… What do you feed your kids? How do I get them to not only eat vegetables…but LOVE them? Which snacks are good for us…and also fun to eat? How do we navigate the processed food in restaurants?…or when traveling? What do I … Read More

Homemade Goldfish Crackers With Organic Ingredients

This recipe is a long time coming and something that countless parents have asked me for. Homemade Goldfish Crackers! Before I show you how to make these fun cheese crackers, let me tell you why I developed this recipe… 

How to avoid artificial dyes at birthday parties and celebrations (recipes, products, and tips I use!)

My daughter went to two different birthday parties on the same weekend, and while I love kids parties and my daughter being invited to celebrate with her friends, there was something that made me VERY SAD.  Both of the birthday cakes were covered in brightly colored icing that was dyed with artificial colors. Perhaps I … Read More

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