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What I Used To Look Like Before The Food Babe Way

A couple of months ago, My mom came by and dropped off a lot of stuff from my old room. She’s been waiting years for me to clean it out and finally she just did it herself (sorry and thank you Mom!). While I was putting up some of the boxes in my storage closet, … Read More

BREAKING NEWS: Major Beer Brand Removes Caramel Coloring!

I have some AH-MAZE-ING news to share with you all today! As you may already know, my book The Food Babe Way is coming out in only 2 weeks. As a pre-order bonus in December, I sent out an advance copy of the chapter that I wrote about alcohol and all of the sickening ingredients that are permitted in beer, … Read More

Set Down Your Jack & Coke Until You Read This! (Find Out What’s Really In Your Favorite Alcoholic Drinks)

I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. In January we are going to be offering some absolutely INCREDIBLE bonuses for everyone who pre-orders their copy of my new book THE FOOD BABE WAY. I can’t wait to share with you what we have in store… BUT I also couldn’t wait for you to read this one … Read More

Food Babe Healthy Holiday Gift Guide Specials!

Give the gift of health this holiday season! These are some of the products that make my life complete and my team has worked hard to develop discounts with these amazing companies so you can enjoy them too! I hope you like these healthy holiday gift ideas and it makes your shopping easier this season.

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