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The video I was afraid to show you

I didn’t want to share this video with you, because every time I think about it, it’s too painful to relive. And quite honestly, I didn’t want to deal with the backlash that I knew I’d get… but now it’s time.

Credit: Armosa Studios

In this video below, I’m talking to over 3000 people at the World Domination Summit in Portland, Oregon. It is the first time that I publicly express my reaction to the industry onslaught against my character. After we successfully influenced several multi-billion dollar corporations to change for the better, I became a target – and it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced in my life. Although this was a very exciting time for us and I was overjoyed with the response to our campaigns rippling throughout the food industry – it came with a cost. The personal attacks became so vicious, that at one point I almost stopped what I was doing, but realized I NEED to continue.

Now three years later, I am feeling much stronger. I’ve worked through why and who was behind these attacks. I uncovered compelling evidence showing how certain critics were connected to and were taking money from the food and chemical industries. I also uncovered how the industry will stop at nothing to keep their unhealthy products on the market, even if it means lying repeatedly to the public. I couldn’t allow them to silence me. This is why I wrote my newest book, Feeding You Lies

I’m sharing the video of my talk now, because I’m starting a new chapter – and I’d love for you to see how far we have come. 

WATCH MY TALK HERE (Warning – graphic language):

Credit: Armosa Studios and Chris Guillebeau

Feeding You Lies is not like any other health or diet book. You can learn more about the book here. I’ll just say that certain individuals and companies do NOT want their lies to be published and that’s why I know this book is going to really open me up to attacks again. And, this will not be easy for me. That’s why I really need your support right now, and the best way is to order a copy here today


Feeding You Lies

Available in stores everywhere

If you’ve already read the book, THANK YOU.

Please share this post with your friends! The best way to make Big Food’s lies less effective is to show people the TRUTH – and that is what this book does. I’m counting on you to get this book into the hands of everyone you know.

Were you surprised by anything I said in this talk? How do you deal with “haters”? Tell me in the comments below! 



P.S. Remember – having haters is a sign of success… and here’s the infamous missing slide from my talk 😀 …

It doesn’t matter how many people don’t get it. It matters how many people do.

It’s the people who rejoice along with me when a processed food company removes a risky ingredient from their food…

It’s the parent who just wants to feed their kids better food…

It’s the adult who didn’t know anything about the food industry and blindly trusted it, who makes changes in response to what they’ve learned, and sees remarkable changes in their health…

It’s the people that you’re making healthier at the end of the day.

I have decided to focus on the willing. 

“No Mud, No Lotus” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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109 responses to “The video I was afraid to show you

    1. Keep up the great work. We are supporting you . Please do not give up. The big food Companies I feel are using us as Guinea pigs to help the big pharma Co. I Do believe they are working together. Doctors should be more aware about their patients eating habits. I am one of those patients like you at age 67 and off on most of my drugs, I feel better than I have in 20 years. Now to convince my own family. Thank you.

    2. All I know is what I see, hear & try to understand. You helped by revealing your beauty, kidding, by revealing the in-greed-ients from GREEDY BULLYS! We can now navigate to the third degree or slack off now & then to the (second) I seen your beauty, kidding again, 2nd degree & first. To totally disregard your food math would be foolish. It does prove why your words ring true such as HFCS, GMO’s, Carrageanan which is in most egg nogs, etc it gets frustrating on the 3rd degree level. Like the Fukushima disaster I relate our food supply possibly even worse! Corn & Soy have infiltrated our food supply along with many more damaging items as I’ve learned along the way. Derivitives from GMO CORN & SOY are all polluted on the grocery shelves (too, so luv you) Vani for bringing out what I consider food products in Vain not Vani Luv May your family enjoy your home cooking being together and last but not least it may not beTabla Rhythms but they sure are Table Rhythms. Yes instead of playing drums I design rhythms & patterns then try to memorize them by eating my music notes as food. Funny part is there’s so much commotion In a drum circle of eating I possess why don’t we work on getting it to the big movie screen!

  1. Fight the good fight, Vani. The world needs you and the wakeup call that you’re issuing.
    Totally support and agree with you. Thank you for all you’re doing.
    You’re lovely, gutsy and a Lady of integrity.

  2. Dear Vani,
    This was time VERY WELL SPENT watching “The Making of FOOD BABE / Vani Hari”. I got to know you and your mission better. There were times during your talk when you were saying what I wanted to say, or should be now saying. I have a 3-tiered project involving the game of Chess, and having problems finding an investor, and I find alot of your comments VERY INSPIRING for me. I’m forwarding this video to some friends of mine. Idea: You should have a “forwarding” tool so I and others can easily send things like this video to. Until you provide this, I’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way, but I’ll feel better. It was a PLEASURE to see you share yourself in this video. Thanks!

    P.S. Is this on YouTube?! It should be!!

    I have two music suggestions for you to check out, I think you will enjoy. # 1) Grace Vanderwaall “JUST THE BEGINNING(CD)”: (singer, songwriter, composer, model, and actress “STARGIRL” out in theaters 2019), and # 2) Jackie Evancho; singer, songwriter, composer, actress and model) “AWAKENING (CD)” Jackie sang at Pres. Trump’s inauguration.(this is on YouTube)


  3. After 57 years of nutrition research, I am down to raw fruit primarily and very little cooking. In the beginning there was no cooking…humans went to trees and bushes; and ate.. I am at that point, because of all the contamination… so I buy the best fruit available and make it a point to eat as simply as possible.
    Vani you are doing a great job…and it is a shame that the consciousness of some of the food manufacturers is so low that they would harass you, when you are simply pointing out the toxic ingredients they are using. Hard to believe they have so little feeling for people who are buying foods with toxic matter that could create illness.
    Blessings on you,
    Barbara Charis

    1. Hi Barbara,
      It’s funny I was just thinking along the lines of how your eating. Definitely much easier than trying to navigate today’s foods. Yet, there are too many nutritional deficiencies by just eating fruit.

      I’m a Foodie and love to cook, especially in my new Ninja Tendercrisp Foodi. Although I do keep things simple with organic and pasture raised grass fed and finished meats, dairy and tons of delicious home grown organic herbs and spices. No sugars, flours, pastas, breads or chemical sweeteners and only olive or avocado oils. Basically all one ingredient foods and only veggies I grow organically, plus pure distilled water with minerals added back in.
      So far I’m doing great, but if I ever tire of this lifestyle, I’d probably follow in your footsteps keeping it still more simple.
      I had to give up my first love, which was baking and after that anything that came out of lakes and oceans.
      Oh, how I long for the good old days when food was actually food and there was no second guessing on if it was real or not.
      The evil and sheer greed in this world simply astound me these days. The great news is you are not alone! And I stand behind everything Vani is doing and pray for her and her families constant protection in this wicked world.

  4. Vani, You must be brave in this world today! You certainly are, it takes strong women to be leaders, and you are one of them! I follow your food babe program, tried many of your recipes, very good! I too have many challenges, tonsil cancer, two years ago, no cancer! I cured it myself, holistic! Juicing, smoothies, eating mostly vegetarian! The doctors wanted me to do radiation,I said no! We as women, must think for ourselves and help others. That’s what you do for me. Thank You Vana!

  5. Dear Vani, (reprint)
    This was time VERY WELL SPENT watching “The Making of FOOD BABE / Vani Hari”. I got to know you and your mission better. There were times during your talk when you were saying what I wanted to say, or should be now saying. I have a 3-tiered project involving the game of Chess, and having problems finding an investor, and I find alot of your comments VERY INSPIRING for me. I’m forwarding this video to some friends of mine. Idea: You should have a “forwarding” tool so I and others can easily send things like this video to. Until you provide this, I’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way, but I’ll feel better. It was a PLEASURE to see you share yourself in this video. Thanks!

    P.S. Is this video on YouTube?! It should be!!

    I have two music suggestions for you to check out, I think you will enjoy. # 1) Grace Vanderwaall “JUST THE BEGINNING(CD)”: (singer, songwriter, composer, model, and actress “STARGIRL” out in theaters 2019), and # 2) Jackie Evancho; singer, songwriter, composer, actress and model) “AWAKENING (CD)” Jackie sang at Pres. Trump’s inauguration.(this is on YouTube)


    1. There is really no such profession as “nutritionalist”. Either “nutritionist” or “dietitian” would be correct, but both of these have formal professional qualifications and requirements which Food Babe would not meet.

  6. I liked this video, graphic language not included, but…doesn’t matter now. Like a previous post above, I agree that a path to better health is a series of steps. Mine especially started back in the early 90s when I went to a hospital emergency room due to the feeling of an elephant sitting on my chest all day. I was close to a heart attack, they said. Recovered from that trip & started looking into better things to do for myself. Discovered Hallelujah Acres in Shelby, NC. Listened to Rev Malkmus’s story of reversing & eliminating his cancerous baseball-size lump due to a change from SAD (standard american diet) to vegan eating. That was over approx 30 years ago & he’s still doing very well. Added daily long walks to my lifestyle. Read gobs of books on nutrition & health. Distiller for better/cleaner drinking water to be used in coffee, tea, juices at home & even ice cubes! Vitamix for kale & fruit smoothies w/o all the junk. Over the years, changed from sugar to saccharin to Splenda to now, stevia, as I learned how each of them were awful for health. Never even tried aspartame – read about that one early on. Less-to-very little processed & more whole foods for years now. Vitamins D3K2, magnesium, B12, probiotic, iodine, regular & extended release niacin daily. Great numbers at annual physicals. Essential oils. Low carb eating to take off 40# in 2018 w/ help of a local nutritionist; I still maintain that. Fitbit to track 5K to 10K steps daily. At the age of 75, I’m rarely sick. This rings most true: you are what you eat…or what you eat eats. Thank you, Vani. I read your 1st book & the 2nd one is ordered. Love you –

  7. All things in moderation. Nothing today is as it was “back in the day”, not the air we breath, the water we drink or the food we eat. Try your best to eat the simple foods like fruits, veges, feeds and nuts, free range properly fed animals, and whole grains. If you can afford it buy organic. Enjoy a treat now and then because even the healthiest eater can succumb to an accident or natural disaster. If we focus totally on food that in itself can be stressful, and stress is not good either. Now in my 60’s I take no meds and have darn good health. ((not perfect maybe, but pretty darn good). Remember that genetics plays a part too.

  8. so proud of your courage – keep it up Vani. Not only does the universe have your back but so do those who admire & love your work like me.

  9. About the time of this talk, I met the head of Campbell’s Soup social media department in a dive bar in NJ. Their V8 juice and it’s ‘natural’ ingredients were under your scrutiny. She laughed you off as ‘just a blogger,’ but very surprised that some old random punter was aware of the issue and a follower of yours. We debated some and when I was leaving she jokingly punched me on the shoulder and I said ‘beware the foodbabe!’ I bet she took that story back to her shop the next day!

  10. About the time of this talk, I met the head of Campbell’s Soup social media department in a dive bar in NJ. Their V8 juice and it’s ‘natural’ ingredients were under your scrutiny. She laughed you off as ‘just a blogger,’ but was very surprised that some old random punter was aware of the issue and a follower of yours. We debated some and when I was leaving she jokingly punched me on the shoulder and I said ‘beware the foodbabe!’ I bet she took that story back to her shop the next day!

  11. Vani, i had followed you like forever… when was it 2008? 2009? or 2010?!?!
    Well, 2007 was the year of “the coconut” for us over here in our family in canada… It was the year we began throwing out margarine, white breads & food dyes from our cupboards & fridges. We began to only buy & consume products that were not processed. And you helped my family & I so much along the way as we transitioned away from the bad fats etc!! You helped & inspired me when I first started reading your blog & continue to help & inspire me today w’ this video! THANK YOU! 2 words that seem mediocre to describe how much your work in the food industry has meant to me.
    Eternally thankful. Forever grateful.
    Love you Vani (sorry, not a hater ;))

  12. Vani, so sorry that you had to endure that degree of abuse! It’s sad that there are so many haters in our world. We all thank you for staying strong and furthering the cause that we all believe strongly in!
    Keep up the great work that you do!

  13. Vani,
    I don’t have to tell you that all you do is pull the BS out on the table. I love you for that!
    And I love that you don’t worry about being “politically correct”. That’s why this world is so messed up. People lie, cheat, steal, and will do just about anything to hide or deceive in order to win.
    I hope you read my book that’s coming out in summer “One Bite at a Time”. I too have been ridiculed, laughed at, called all kinds of names because I care about disclosing the truth about food and helping people.
    Keep doing what your doing girl – you are making a difference!

  14. “With great power comes great responsibility!” Personally I can see
    that the book and all the work you have done has culminated in success. Accept all the accolades and use your voice to speak up for other worldly concerns. For instance, read the book,”Kiss the Ground” and join the movement in California with the same name.
    This organization is attempting to convince farmers to drop chemical farming methods and adopt regenerative farming using
    compost!! The exciting part of their work is that as farms convert to
    ORGANIC FARMING METHODS the soil naturally absorbs and locks away much more CO2 from the air! Kiss the Ground is hoping
    to change AGRICULTURE for the better all around the world and as a result, CLIMATE CHANGE CAN ALSO BE RESOLVED.
    I can think of no one better than you to help this effort get some MOMENTUM because you are positive and uplifting! Thanks for all you do. Is this something you could consider?

  15. So inspiring Vani! And I LOVE the rapper references at the end! I love that Big Sean song too! Thank you for sharing with us! Much love!!!!

  16. Hi Food Babe thanks so much for fighting for all us. I knew the food industry was killing me slowly but I didn’t know how to change my eating habits. I’m 57 on fixed income so I have a hard time buying healthy food. I know if I do not change I will not live much longer. So I’m asking you if you have a book that has healthy food listed in book I can follow and get from stores in cerritos, cal. That are with out chemicals, antibiotic or dyes. I am willing to buy that book so I my start eating better. I have no way to download so I would need hard copy to buy. Thank you for looking out for all of us . YOU ROCK FOOD BABE!!!

  17. Varni (Food Babe), I love you!
    Keep up the fight! Our children’s children and their children depend on your bravery.
    You have done the world a favor.
    Keep on keeping on. F**k the haters. You’re changing the world.
    Thank God for you!

  18. Food BABE!!!
    I want to share with you how this video makes me feel.
    I have a know in my throat because of anger, sadness and happiness.
    Anger and Sadness because of how evil adults can be, this is why our children are bullies, this is why are our children are killing each other and them selves, this is why the world is sooo cruel and we careless about our animals, our fauna, our WORLD.
    Happy because you bring a smile to my face.
    I am 42 years old and i started following you for about two years now and it is not until now that I pay attention.
    I’ve watch forks over knives, juicing, all almost all the documentaries on Netflix about food and health.
    I started going back to school for becoming a Health Coach (but i had to stop i loss my income ugh)
    I am working now as a Medical Assistant and my initial thought was to become a Health Coach to help families specially the ones that have children ( I have 5) and going to the local schools and provide information and presentations.
    I am not a self motivated person or perhaps I am afraid of change and failure.
    I am totally depending on my income to pay my rent etc etc so that makes it harder for me.
    I need your guidance, perhaps a job with you working from Seattle. (wishful thinking)
    but please how can I help?
    how may I be of service?
    how may I help ME? lol
    Thank you (im sorry for all those mean comments and thank you for not stopping)
    p.s I just signed up and going crazy printing everything lol.

  19. Vani, I’ve followed your work for years. Keep it up and don’t let anyone stop you now! I’ve pre-ordered your book and will support you all the way! I’m so inspired and am studying to be a health coach course this year, to educate others about this.

  20. Appreciate your sincerity & commitment even more. Mahalo for sharing Vani Hari. The chemical food industry is ‘on notice’ as more people become enlightened.

  21. Thanks for sharing, for caring, for asking the right questions and for inspiring change. You are right! When we DO something, swim upstream and help others improve, there are naysayers. Eartha Kitt mentioned that her grandmother said (approximate quote that I heard her share from years back) “Life honey’s like crabs in a bucket. The minute you start to climb to the top all those other crabs start hangin’ on, tryin’ to pull you back down. Just keep on climbing.” Now that I’ve retired and have time to volunteer, I help primary youngsters with conversational English (as a second language). Today, as a couple of people walked by my casita, one told the other that I teach English and finished by saying, “Es tanta.” (She’s crazy.) lol

    Your organic food program helped me drop 50 pounds. In a small way, I share what you have explained about organic foods—here. THANKS A BUNCH.

  22. Found your Food Babe blog in 2013. The knowledge you shared and that of Robyn O’Brien changed my life. Thank you so much for your courage and your efforts to change our food systems for the better. Many, many thanks for a life back.

  23. WOW you are AMAZING and so inspirational. You should be so proud of yourself. I truly hope many ppl watch this and learn from what you have to say. Love your advice on haters so glad you followed your passion. Love what you had to say and for speaking the truth

  24. Wow my minds blown, truly inspiring speech and back story of what led to you to becoming the food babe.That was so beautiful I was about to cry, because I too felt like I was deceived when I was growing up on what living and eating healthy meant. I just want to say Thank You for your commitment and passion to change the food industry. I appreciate your courage to stand up for what you believe in and the crucial pointers how to deal with your detractors. Keep up it much love and respect.

  25. Hey Vani,

    Loved your video. I haven’t read your book yet but will do – would love to support you and what you do!

    Your video was inspiring. I’m personally taking it to heart and wish it to inspire me in my areas of interest outside of food (where I think I can contribute – thank you to pointing out inspiration for us to pursue our dreams and passions). I consider though the food study area so very important. I think what’s happening and the treatment that you’ve received goes well beyond just food/nutrition. You hinted at it including medical care, etc. I can’t believe years ago I was prescribed pain medication by a doctor for a neck injury I experienced for a week or two that could have so easily been cured by stretches with a foam roller! Could have been completely cured naturally without any drugs. Much health care is actually likely more detrimental than anything else. I have a friend who’s wife started down the path of natural medicine who was convinced the body can heal itself if you pay attention to what you feed it. They have said what you said – if you feed the body good natural ingredients the body will heal itself (not sure if that’s exactly what you said).

    Centralized/controlled information on health, food, information (media), technology is counter to our existence, liberty, freedom, “pursuit of happiness” which the US constitution states. Even the US constitution itself is being undermined by corporate media/corporate interests in everything we do in our lives!


  26. Happy to hear you kept on going with all those hate messages coming in. Unbelievable the things people wrote. I have heard of some weird stuff going on but never experienced it. I shared your video so others will be inspired to follow their dreams. We need more people doing what you are doing to change the food industry. I email and call companies about their ingredients and testing fairly regularly. Not sure how much impact it has. I vote with my dollar. Best way to go and easiest for me. I think the health food industry needs to be targeted as well because “they” are getting pretty scary with their standards as well. Keep up the great work.

  27. A thousand thank-you’s for the really important and amazingly courageous work that you are doing! I’ve been reading your emails for as long as you’ve been sending them and I’ve read and followed your first book then given copies as gifts and now I’ve pre-ordered your new book. You had sent out a little bit of what you have gone through with the haters but seeing more and hearing you talk about this in the video and how you have courageously risen above the hate…I just have so much respect and admiration for you and your work and I’m with you all the way!

  28. A (lot) dissapointed that you would allow yourself to behave in the same way as the “haters”, your language is atrocious!!!

  29. Thank you Vani for your tireless research, efforts and communication to the greater population – so grateful for all that you do! Keep up the great work!!!

  30. Just watched your video Vani and ….Thank You. What you say about the universe “having your back” …these words touched me very deeply. In my spiritual search I have found and am seeing that love gives back ten-fold, no matter who you give it to.

  31. Thank you for your message. I have been following for several years and have your first book. Eye opening. I love your quote ” it doesn’t matter how many people don’t get it…it matters how many people do”.
    Its very hard to take rejection, even just having a FB account if people don’t agree with you it can be difficult. I think of Jesus and how many haters he has, if that’s the standard then people should look at what he said again with equal investigation.
    Much love

  32. Great video! It takes a lot of guts to do what you do and I thank you for that. It just blows me away how people can bully, insult and threaten another human just because they don’t agree or most likely are afraid of the truth. I am so sorry you had to endure those comments. I’d love to see those people come out from behind the social media curtain and have an intelligent exchange, nah that’s way too hard! I love the quote about haters actually being fans!! Seriously, if I hated someone that much I wouldn’t give them the time of day let alone leave a comment after watching their video or reading their articles! Keep doing what you are doing, we love you!!

  33. This was great and good for you for getting it off your chest! Yikes on the hate mail, so sorry that that has / is happening. I asked for your book for Christmas, obviously i have to wait. I asked for it the day it came out. I throughly enjoyed your first book. I bought extra copies so i could rip pages out and give them to members of the family that need to make changes, but wouldn’t read the whole book! Baby steps or Baby pages, either way, they were read! Keep on trucking on! You are our savior!❤️

  34. Oh my goodness, I loved your talk. You know you’re doing something right when you get backlash – and I’m so thankful that you’re standing up to the shady practices of the food industry in the best way possible – through education.

  35. Awesome work Vani! Thank you for your commitment and courage. You are an amazing soul.

    Education is key. I love how the organic segment is growing!! Whoot

  36. Thank you for sharing!! I support you 100% and I love EVERYTHING you do to help us in this food industry crisis


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