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8/18 Thursday ~ 1400 calories

Today went by faster than the speed of light…and it’s still not over for me. I am off to acupuncture to get tuned up before my journey….

Hope you enjoy my eats for the day…not much change from yesterday.

However wait till next week, my routine is going to be busted up big time! I’ll be traveling like a mad woman – going through airports, climbing mountains, touring foreign cities, living on a boat, and being on the absolute go!


I always start with hot lemon water and a pinch of cayenne – My liver is wide awake after a big glass!

Before I hit the gym I have a small cup of coffee sprinkled with cinnamon.  Caffeine is a fat burning aid you can use to burn more calories.  Wear a heart rate monitor to just see the difference in calories you burn…. I only drink organic coffee, this is more of my favorite Larry’s Beans Fair Trade Organic Coffee, Frenchy French Roast
At work, I had my usual Hari Shake and Jay Robb -Whey Vanilla Protein
Mid Morning Snack:

The usual too – raw veggies + 10 almondsLunch:

Then something unexpected happened!  I met up with with Rachel (co-worker and friend!) last minute to eat our homemade lunches outside.  I needed to see her so I could give her a bridal shower gift. Unfortunately I was unable to make her shower last weekend…so it was great to catch up, even if it was only for 39 mins. LOL.

Rachel is a Food Babe too and of course follows this blog here!  She asked a really good question about my calorie counting – “how in the world do you figure out how many calories are you eating?”  I quickly responded – My Net Diary.  It’s a mobile app! It’s amazing, you can create custom foods with weights and everything.  I am so good at it now, it’s completely brainless. I love using a calorie counting app like this on my phone.  It keeps me accountable!

Lunch was my usual collard wraps, however, I was out of sprouts, but found an avocado in the fridge! Wow… I was really excited to find it.  I used half of it and my beet sweetened hummus to make 4 quick wraps in the morning.  Tip – Collard wraps travel sooooo well!  Even through the airport 🙂

Also – I had Perrier, some kale crackers and some freeze dried cherries.
This was Rachel’s lunch – A whole wheat wrap, basil, tomato, monterrey jack cheese and nutritional yeast… Looked yummy. I should have stolen a bite.  Hind sight is so 20/20!Afternoon:

Back at my desk, I had some tea and snacked on some sunflower seed trail mix

Then later in the afternoon, I had three different kinds of vegan chocolate in a row…. Ha!Then I finished up the rest of my Parfait Porridge from yesterday, since I only hate half… It’s so much better then second day… can’t wait to share what is in it!

Juiced up some juice.  I only had a few kale leaves left today, so I used all the stems from my broccoli and of course a huge organic cucumber.  I always leave the skin on in my cucumber juice, this silica in it is AMAZING for your beauty, skin and hair.Notice the lighter color of my juice today – mainly due to the broccoli stalks… Repeat from last night – reheated turkey burger in the oven (NOT MICROWAVE – I NEVER use that radiation machine) and fresh steamed broccoli crowns.Dessert:

Tonight I skipped the chocolate and coconut with my gojis…. I had enough earlier in the afternoon and didn’t have a craving for chocolate or coconut at all!

What healthy choices did you make today? I’d love it hear it here in the comments section or on my Facebook Fan Page

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3 responses to “8/18 Thursday ~ 1400 calories

  1. Hi Food Babe, Thank you for sharing your food diary! I took your advice and added cayenne to my hot lemon water and it was nice. Better than my shocking ice coffee first thing in the morning and in winter! Also love your snacks. I am making sure that I am prepped up for next week’s snacks. I had a shocking day, the other day. I had ham and pea soup for lunch and was proud that I was still full and have not snacked. 4.30pm came and I went mental. I ended up with a bag of cheese twisties from the vending machine and when that was not enough, I ran to Macas and got a cheeseburger! I felt so guilty afterwards. 2 things I rarely eat! Normally I would be on my way home from work but I had rock climbing session that evening! It must have been that spreadsheet that drove me over the edge! Have a great holiday! If you haven’t flown with Singapore Airlines before, you would love their service! I hope you get the A380! 🙂 Happy & Safe Travels

  2. Thanks for sharing Sally! I know I have days like those – the key is to have something chemical free and less toxic but still yummy to satisfy those cravings. Sounds like you are a “salty” rather than “sweet” craver… I am definitely on the sweet side… Next time try air popped organic popcorn to munch on while you are working on those spreadsheets! You can munch your way through a whole bag without much damage 🙂 Also the sprouted pretzels work great too – I break mine up into bite size pieces. I wish you the best health life has to offer!

  3. Wanted to know about the perrier sodas. Is it ok to consume? I replaced the sodas (coke/sugary stuff) with this. What do you think? healthy?

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