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Almond Chocolate Freezer Fudge

Fudge is something I haven’t indulged in quite sometime. It’s usually loaded with condensed milk, crisco (transfat), refined sugar and other ingredients I like to avoid. My hiatus from fudge ended last week when I made these melt in your mouth beauties inspired from a recipe I saw on Detoxinista. The best thing about this fudge (other than the fact that it tastes just heavenly!), is the nutritional profile that does not resemble dessert at all. Filled with whole organic ingredients, you just can’t get more simple and real. A one inch square of this fudge has just the right amount of sweetness, fat and protein to seriously satisfy your sweet tooth unlike a piece of traditional fudge, cake, or something overly refined that could cause you to overindulge in more than your share.

Food Babe's Almond Chocolate Freezer Fudge

Prep Time:
1 hr 15 mins
Cook Time:
0 mins
Total Time:
1 hr 15 mins

Serves:  20


  • 1 cup almond butter (nut allergy - use sunflower seed butter)
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 ½ tablespoons maple syrup - grade B
  • 4 ounces dark chocolate
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt


  1. Cream almond butter, coconut oil, maple syrup, and salt together in a bowl.
  2. Pour mixture into a parchment paper lined small baking dish (8×6).
  3. Top with chopped chocolate and freeze for at least 2 hours.
  4. Remove from freezer, carefully remove fudge by lifting ends of parchment paper.
  5. Cut into 1 inch squares and store in freezer separated by parchment paper.


  • ~ 138 calories each so don’t get crazy and eat 10 at one time!
  • Please buy all organic ingredients if possible

I just love the fact that it is stored and eaten right out the freezer, that cold melty feeling of the fudge is perfect for Summer.

Cheers to Healthy Desserts!

Food Babe

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122 responses to “Almond Chocolate Freezer Fudge

  1. I’m not the baker in the family but I’m going to try these right now. Pretty sure the prep time of 75 mins is a typo.

  2. I made this fudge last night ! Wonderful! I didn’t have any almond butter on hand so I combined almond meal and coconut oil in my blender until It turned to butter . Perfect ! Today I rolled the fudge into small balls and added into a batch of my homemade vanilla coconut milk ice cream while it was churning ! Tastes just like (actually way tastier ) “cookie dough” ice cream !!! Thanks for the awesome recipe food babe !

    1. What a great idea! I’ve got loads of Almond meal in the freezer & have wondered what to do with it all. I make nut milk as well so I’ll use up the ‘grounds’ from that as well. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  3. Thank you for this simple yet mind blowing recipe. I made a slight change..substituted chocolate with carob powder. Creamed the carob powder with the other ingredients and increased the quantity of maple syrup slightly…it came out really well. My kids loved it and that is what makes the effort worthwhile. Thanks again.

      1. I used about 4oz (the amount of chocolate suggested in the original recipe). the flavor came out nice and strong.

  4. Vani, these were so good and easy to make. My 4.5 year old loved mixing the ingredients and putting the chocolate on top:).
    I put the mix in silicone candy molds and she put 2 organic dark chocolate chips from earthfare in each one.
    We both loved them!

  5. Hi! What do you mean by “cream” them together? Do I need a special appliance? And is the almond butter creamy or crunchy?

    Thank you!!!! 🙂

  6. I keep asking the same information. You want companies to tell us what is in the food.

    So give me all of the ingredients and nutritional inflammation in your foods!

    1. Guy Cooper the ingredients are all listed in the recipe! The nutritional information will vary based upon which brands you choose to use. You can easily look at the nutritional info from each brand you use and put together the nutritional info/

  7. Question – Is the “Food Babe” shown in the photographs really the person
    who authors the receipes or an actress ?

  8. I bought almond butter but just didn’t really care for it, so I was looking for something to use it in and made your freezer fudge. I love them, thank you!

    1. Try Justin’s Classic Almond Butter. I don’t like most almond butters because they separate easily and they’re really stiff if they’ve been in the fridge, which you pretty much have to do or the oils will go rancid. Justin’s is made with palm oil (sustainably sourced, they claim) and spreads fairly easily, even refrigerated, without any separation.

      I also know of a brand local to me where they prepare the almonds Weston Price style, by soaking them in salted water overnight and then drying them at the lowest heat possible (generally under 200) in an oven or dehydrator (if your dehydrator has a temp setting). The resulting almond butter “behaves” and is spreadable without anything extra added but the almonds and the salt. If you are ever inclined to experiment with “sprouted” nuts, this is something you could possibly try.

  9. This was yummy, but it melted as soon as it came to room temp on our “dessert bar” at Thanksgiving.

    1. guess that is why it has to be a freezer fudge. the coconut oil relies on the cold to remain solid. 🙂

      1. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature – unless it’s been processed.

  10. help! Can you cream the ingredients too much? All of a sudden mine got stiff and all the oils from almond butter and the coconut oil separated. Not sure what I did but bummed. I bought freshly ground almond butter.
    Still finished the recipe, but had to pour off the oils as it was a bit much floating to the top. In freezer now hoping for the best but don’t think it will be the same.

    1. What was the temperature in your home? Coconut oil needs to be above 76 degrees to melt. With it being winter now, most people let their homes reside around 70~ degrees, so the chllier home environment could have made it more difficult for you. A great excuse to punch up the heat on a cold winter day 😉

      1. my home was 70 degrees, but not sure why that would have anything to do with the oils separating from the almonds and the coconut oil not staying integrated in the mix.
        The recipe came out just OK. I am sure had the oils not separated this would be a fantastic dessert!
        Thanks for trying to answer the question anyway. I thought maybe I creamed the mix too much.

  11. Maybe you should fix the pan size?? Not a 6×8. Clearly 8×8. Measurements are a good thing to get right in the kitchen:). God bless

  12. What is wrong with using butter?
    1) No decent fudge recipe I have ever seen uses shortening, only butter, so get good quality organic butter. Problem solved.
    2) I have seen many fudge recipes use cream instead of evaporated milk, so get some good organic cream. Or, get organic whole milk and reduce it by heating it gently. Problem solved.
    Go ahead and call it vegan fudge if that is what you are wanting to make, but I was very disappointed when I saw this fudge recipe with no dairy in it.

  13. Thank you for your recipe. It looks very yummy.
    we do not have almond butter or almond meal – what can i use for a substitute?
    any ideas?

    1. You can substitute any nut or seed butter in this recipe, same goes for sweetener (agave, maple syrup, honey etc)

  14. WOW! Made these today and they are so rich and delicious! I didn’t have any dark chocolate bars/pieces, so I added about 1/4 cup dagoba organic cacao powder and then I put chopped almonds on the top. They came out wonderful! Next time I will try putting some shredded coconut on top like someone here mentioned… sounds like a great addition. Thanks Food Babe… YOU ROCK!!!

    1. Jodie, Thank you so much for specifying the amount of cacao powder…I have braces and can’t bite or chew effectively, so using that will erase my dismay at seeing the lovely chocolate chunks on the top. You rock, too!

  15. I’d like to know if you can substitute the almond butter with anything? I’m
    allergic to almonds.

  16. My almond butter is pretty stiff and the coconut oil is a solid. How do you cream this? I am not going to turn my furnace up to 76 long enough to make them soft. Any help would be appreciated! I really want to try making this.

      1. You can gently heat all the items on the stove top as well, makes it very easy to mix. Just pour and freeze

  17. Just made these, my family loved them. Soooooo easy. I Topped with crushed hazelnuts. (Had to do something to make up for the wrong kind of chocolate I bought)

  18. I have a coconut allergy. Has anyone ever tried anything else in place of the coconut oil? I’m not vegan, so I could use animal products.

  19. Is it true that cocoa powder which is main ingredient for chocolate have cockroach remains and is FDA approved.
    Can you please clear this doubt?

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